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The Treepod Lounger is part hammock, part treehouse

treepod lounger and cabana treepod1
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Hammocks are growing in popularity and have even replaced traditional tents by offering campers above-ground sleeping habitats. The Treepod Lounger and Cabana is a product that ushers in the next generation of hammocks, offering a more spacious relaxation area and requiring one less tree when users are setting it up.

Whether you’re planning a weekend camping trip or you just want somewhere to hang out in your backyard, the newest Treepod products provide a semi-enclosed habitat along with the rocking sensation of a hammock. The Treepod Lounger and the Treepod Cabana each feature diameters of 5 or 6 feet and the dual frame construction gives them more space than similar products on the market.

The only difference between the Lounger and the Cabana is the fabric. The Cabana is made entirely of mesh, which allows for spacious panoramic views and a gentle breeze while still providing shade from the sun, ideal for warmer climates. The Lounger features canvas walls that offer added privacy and protection from the elements. Both products are designed with a steel frame rated to hold 500 pounds.

Your Treepod comes with a fabric pod, rope, hand strap, frame, bag, and quick link. Set up is easy — simply select a location to hang your Treepod and insert the frame into the fabric sheaths, similar to how you would set up a tent. Once the frame is assembled, take the rope and secure it to the top of the Treepod, then toss it over the desired hanging space. Lift to a designated height and simply fasten the hanging rope to a solid anchor spot, such as around the base of a tree. Now it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy. 

The Treepod Lounger and Cabana are ideal for use at the beach, in your backyard, on your back porch, or out in nature. They can even be used indoors as personal workspaces or living room hangout areas. One benefit of the Treepod over a traditional hammock is its capacity to be used anyplace. And the Treepod stand accessory allows you to hang your Lounger or Cabana on the back porch, indoors, or in a yard without trees.

The best part? You can take your Treepod with you anywhere — it is extremely portable, packing down to the size of an average tent and weighing between 13 and 16 pounds, depending on the selected diameter. 

A pledge of $160 on the company’s Kickstarter campaign page guarantees you one 5-foot Treepod Lounger or Cabana.

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Amanda Ellis
Amanda is an outdoor junkie and digital nomad with an insatiable hunger for gear. Based out of Raleigh, NC she travels to…
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