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The White House is giving a face lift – and it all looks awfully familiar beta
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Despite the media outcry in the wake of the recent NSA revelations, negative publicity hasn’t phased the government’s effort to improve the transparency and technological uses of its public data sets. As promised by President Obama, the White House unveiled a sneak peek of’s overhaul. Compare the new site, temporarily found on, with the former and you can’t help by notice a few things is borrowing from social sites. 

Before we start comparisons, let’s take a look at what’s happening under the hood. The new site is something of a search engine for public data sets, but with a few extra bells and whistles (which we’ll get to later). Agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services, explains Nick Sinai and Ryan Panchadsaram of The White House, are among the first under the President’s Open Data Executive Order to publish its publicly available data in a machine-readable format.

What this means for users is that while the data itself might not live on, every agency participating in the revamp of will eventually be required to allow the site to index these agency’s reports. It’s why you can browse for public data – like the Census Bureau or the U.S. Energy Information Administration – but if you want to dig into the data, you’ll be directed to the relevant agency’s website. cdc wonder
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Admittedly it would be far more convenient to be able to view all the data from these government agencies within the site, with visualizations of the data generated by algorithm. So this is where third-party developers come in at the behest of Obama’s Executive Order, which notes “Entrepreneurs and innovators have continued to develop a vast range of useful new products and businesses using these public information resources, creating good jobs in the process.” With this in mind, the new introduces easy-to-access tools and data sets that developers can use to hack together meaningful apps. In other words, is developer-friendly with multiple file types and one-click downloads. search recommendations
Image used with permission by copyright holder’s search engine is powered by the open-source tech, Solr, and its search engine suggests auto-completed recommended queries. Notice its trend-hugging characteristics? Open-source is a hot topic, and the suggested search term functionality is something we’ve seen and come to use plenty of times before. The feature is mainstay in, and also a core feature within Facebook, Twitter, Quora, and the other social platforms.

But what about the front end? Well it would appear that is doing a little social media copycatting. 

The Pinterest-ification of the Web has been much-discussed, and the White House isn’t missing out. The pin board style and infinite scroll has been adopted. 

data gov pinterest
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And the search bar in the upper left-hand corner, in addition to the pin board scheme, is a nice page taken out of Google+’s book. 

google + search
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Naturally, is also pulling in relevant tweets.

data gov twitter
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Really, this is all what we’d expect from an administrative that has been tearing up Tumblr. What do you think of the new design: Is it a cheap pull for attention, all social and no substance – or a revolutionary design that will engage more users than the old version?

Francis Bea
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Francis got his first taste of the tech industry in a failed attempt at a startup during his time as a student at the…
How to make a GIF from a YouTube video
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Sometimes, whether you're chatting with friends or posting on social media, words just aren't enough -- you need a GIF to fully convey your feelings. If there's a moment from a YouTube video that you want to snip into a GIF, the good news is that you don't need complex software to so it. There are now a bunch of ways to make a GIF from a YouTube video right in your browser.

If you want to use desktop software like Photoshop to make a GIF, then you'll need to download the YouTube video first before you can start making a GIF. However, if you don't want to go through that bother then there are several ways you can make a GIF right in your browser, without the need to download anything. That's ideal if you're working with a low-specced laptop or on a phone, as all the processing to make the GIF is done in the cloud rather than on your machine. With these options you can make quick and fun GIFs from YouTube videos in just a few minutes.
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Step 1: Find the YouTube video that you want to turn into a GIF (perhaps a NASA archive?) and copy its URL.

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In the fall of 2023 I decided to do a little experiment in the height of the “blue check” hysteria. Twitter had shifted from verifying accounts based (more or less) on merit or importance and instead would let users pay for a blue checkmark. That obviously went (and still goes) badly. Meanwhile, Meta opened its own verification service earlier in the year, called Meta Verified.

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Note that the following steps will delete your YouTube channel, not your associated Google account.

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