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Streaming video

DirectTV Android App

DirecTV rolls out streaming movies, television shows on Android‎ devices


D-Link releases streaming-only MovieNite media player

Tivo Elite

Microsoft and TiVo walk away from their patent fight

netflix envelopes

Rivalry grows as HBO cuts off Netflix from DVD and Blu-ray discounts


Time Warner Cable customers are getting HBO Go soon


Study: Xbox 360, PS3 owners are turning to video streaming over physical discs


Netflix updates Xbox 360 app with Kinect control, still lacks 1080p streaming


Verizon planning a Netflix competitor for non-FiOS markets


Cable companies mulling a ‘Netflix tax’ for high data usage

Netflix for Android tablets - Tablet and phone versions compared

Netflix overhauls Android tablet UI: hands-on video and impressions


HBO GO released for Roku, limited to specific providers

Coax TV Cable

Cable companies doomed by digital? Not so fast

netflix divorces discs now what wii

Netflix divorces discs, now what?


Netflix launches in Brazil, 43 more countries to follow

Hulu Japan

Hulu launches subscription service in Japan


Single Touch goes after Hulu on patents

Hulu A Day in the LIfe Morgan Spurlock

Hulu teams with Spurlock for first original programming

Zediva (Black Swan)

Zediva DVD streaming service ordered to shut down

Walmart Vudu streaming

Walmart offers Vudu streaming video via the Web

hulu tempt

Reports: Hulu acquisition talks hanging up on exclusivity

hulu considering multiple takeover offers

Hulu Plus adoption spikes, on track for 1 million subscribers by summer’s end?

Hulu (homepage, Glee)

Hulu considering multiple takeover offers?

White Apple iPad 2 Navigation

Comscore: iPads are 97 pct of U.S. tablet Web traffic

Philips Wireless HD Net Connect snips HDMI cables for $299.99

Vudu logo

Vudu getting its own button on Vizio remotes

Hulu Company Logo (thumb)

Hulu expects to hit 1 million subscribers in 2011

Roku XD with remote

Roku XD launches at Best Buy

five reasons netflix may end up as a bargain bin streaming service thumb

Netflix lowers video quality in Canada

new youtube tools make anyone an animator animation

New YouTube tools make anyone an animator


NPD: Netflix handles 61 percent of streamed movies

blockbuster preparing for bankruptcy 665

Blockbuster putting itself up for auction

Boxee delays Netflix app again

Clearwire Logo

Clearwire puts a wireless spin on Netflix performance rankings

Netflix lists the best and worst ISPs for streaming movies