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Latest by Andrew Couts

generational divide iphone 4s vs 4

Generational divide: iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4

The iPhone 4S looks nearly identical to its older brother, the iPhone 4. But on the inside, they're widely different. Here, a quick spec breakdown to see where the iPhone 4S leaves the iPhone 4 in the dust.
apple iphone 4s vs samsung galaxy s ii spec showdown

Apple iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S II: Spec showdown

Apple's new iPhone 4S is here. But how does it stand up to Samsung's Android powerhouse, the Galaxy S II. Find out here.
apple iphone 4s everything you need to know

iPhone 4S: Everything you need to know

The wait is finally over: Apple's new iPhone is the 4S. It looks identical to the iPhone 4 -- but it's what's changed on the inside that makes all the difference. Check out all the key details here.

iPhone 4S appears early on Apple’s Japan website, no iPhone 5

Apple appears to have accidentally published details of the iPhone 4S on the Japanese version of its website, with a release date set for October 14. The rumored iPhone 5 is nowhere to be seen.

Texts From Last Night blog set to become terrible TV show

Fox aims to turn funny blog Texts From Last Night into an unfunny TV comedy series.

Tesla officially unveils electric Model S sedan, announces sport edition

Customers who pre-ordered the 2012 Tesla Motors all-electric Model S sedan got a chance to check out their new ride this weekend at the company's California factory.

Case-maker Hard Candy bets big on iPhone 5 with 4.44-inch screen

While some say a completely redesigned iPhone 5 release is unlikely, case-maker Hard Candy has put its money on the new Apple handset having a massive 4.44-inch screen, which would make it one of the largest smartphones on the market.
Sprint iPhone4

Sprint reportedly bet $20 billion to score iPhone deal, may carry iPhone 5 exclusively

Sprint reportedly agreed to pay Apple $20 billion, over the next four years, for 30.5 million iPhones, a risky deal for Sprint. But some speculate that the alleged deal got Sprint something more -- exclusive rights to the iPhone 5.

Apple iPhone 5 expected to ‘shatter’ sales records

After an extra-long wait for the next iPhone, market analyst Brian White tells investors to expect record-breaking iPhone 5 sales due to unprecedented pre-release demand.

BlackBerry more popular than iPhone in India

Despite its plummeting prominence elsewhere in the world, BlackBerry remains a highly popular smartphone brand in India, where wireless technology lags a generation behind the US.

HTC phones: giant security hole discovered

Android Police has discovered a giant security hole in a number of HTC phones that exposes a wide range of personal data to any app that accesses the Internet.

Satisfy your inner steampunk with the Big Daddy Nerf gun

Stylize your Nerf gun collection with this custom-made Nerf mod from professional model maker Neil Taylor.

Catch your pup in the act with the iPad-controlled Rover spy tank

Bring out your inner James Bond with the iOS app-controlled Rover spy tank from Brookstone.

The world according to Flickr

Researchers from Oxford University's Internet Institute have compiled a map that shows where every geotagged photo uploaded to Flickr was taken.

IBM overtakes Microsoft to become second-most valuable tech company

After seeing its per-share prices rise for 30 straight quarters, IBM has topped Microsoft to become the second most-valuable technology company in the world.

Apple iPhone 5 cases appear in AT&T’s inventory system [update]

Cases for Apple's upcoming iPhone 5 appear to have landed in AT&T system.

Amazon wants to buy Palm: report

Amazon is reportedly in negotiations with HP to purchase Palm.

Apple’s October 4 iPhone 5 event: What to expect [update]

After 16 months, the wait for Apple's next generation is nearly over. But what Apple plans to announce remains unknown. Fortunately, we have some pretty good guesses. Here are our six predictions for what to expect on Tuesday, October 4.

Watch two floppy drives play Star Wars’ Imperial March [video]

Floppy drives have made a musical return from the pages of history with the help of a Polish hobbyist and some open-source gadgetry in this super-dork rendition of Darth Vader's Imperial March.
Leonidas and his army in "300."

Facebook’s ‘Project Spartan’ leaked (again), next week release expected

Facebook's clandestine HTML 5-based web app portal, so-called "Project Spartan," has made another early appearance just days before its expected official release next week.
spotify wall

Spotify linked to major decline in music piracy

With the help of Spotify, illegal music downloads in Sweden have dropped by 25 percent since the service launched there in 2009.

Amazon Kindle Fire vs Barnes & Noble Nook Color: Spec showdown

Amazon upended the high-end e-reader market today with the release of the Kindle Fire, a 7-inch Android-based tablet. So, how does the new device compare to Barnes & Noble's Nook Color? Let's take a look.

Amazon speeds up the web with its new Silk browser for tablets [video]

Divide and conquer: Amazon's newly unveiled Silk browser splits up computing tasks between the tablet and its EC2 servers to deliver web pages faster.

Amazon unveils $199 Kindle Fire tablet, Kindle Touch for $99

Amazon's newly announced Kindle Fire tablet measures 7-inches, runs a modified version of Android and will cost $199 – less than half the price of an iPad 2. Unfortunately, 3G connectivity and a camera are not included.
New iPod Shuffle

Apple may kill iPod shuffle, iPod classic

Rumor has it that Apple may discontinue production of the iPod shuffle and the iPod classic.

Cable providers aim to offer channels ‘a la carte’

Finally: Cable providers have reversed their position on 'a la carte' channel offerings, and hope to eventually allow customers to pick and choose which channels they want to pay for, and which ones they don't.

Microsoft begins its slow, confusing roll-out of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango

Microsoft has begun its slow-release of its Windows Phone 7.5 (a.k.a. "Mango") update for existing customers. When can you download the new OS? Good question.

Toshiba unveils DX735 all-in-one PC

Loaded with high-definition video support, a TV tuner, high-end audio capabilities and USB 3.0, Toshiba's new DX735 all-in-one PC is the entertainment center of the future.
iPhone 4 with Sprint Logo

Sprint to keep unlimited data plans, launch 4G LTE network early 2012

Sprint has confirmed that it will keep its unlimited data plans in tact, giving it a possible competitive edge over AT&T and Verizon.
apple confirms october 4 event iphone 5 expected

Apple confirms October 4 event, iPhone 5 expected

It's official: Apple has confirmed that it will hold an event on October 4, at 10am PST. Launch of the iPhone 5, and possibly the iPhone 4S, are expected.

Surprise, surprise: Android beats iPhone 2-to-1, says Nielsen

Android continues its smartphone market dominance in the US, according to a new survey by Nielsen.

Facebook expected to launch iPad app at Apple’s iPhone 5 event

Following months of delay, Facebook will finally release its iPad app at the iPhone 5 event, which is expected to take place on October 4 at Apple's Cupertino, CA, campus.

T-Mobile unveils HTC Amaze 4G, boasts faster HSPA+ connectivity

T-Mobile is getting the HTC Amaze 4G, which sports a high-end 8-megapixel camera and the ability to connect to T-Mobile's upgraded 42Mbps HSPA+ network.

Social network commenter beheaded by Mexican drug cartel

A comment left on a small social network in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, has resulted in the hideous death of its author at the hands of a merciless drug cartel.