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Latest by David Nield

Facebook ‘dead and buried’ for Europe’s teenagers, says new report

Spotify releases Spotiamp tribute to Winamp

Gresso’s solid titanium Android phone on sale for $1,800

Obama to make a “definitive statement” on NSA future in January

A real-life ‘GTA V’ rampage would cost $8m an hour plans to accept Bitcoin in 2014

Snapchat gets replay feature and filters

Microsoft gifts Windows Phone “enthusiasts” another 20GB of SkyDrive space

Oculus VR turns publisher to encourage game development

BlackBerry announces $4.4bn third-quarter loss and a new Foxconn deal

Google considering designing its own ARM-based chips, says report

Marissa Mayer very sorry about your Yahoo Mail woes

Windows Phone 8.1 adds software navigation buttons

App permissions manager disappears in Android 4.4.2

Engineer gets his 27-year-old Macintosh Plus online

The R9 290X.

Is a Litecoin mining boom leading to a graphics card shortage?

We’re all binge watchers now, says Netflix

SteamOS is now available to download

Google acquires robotic experts Boston Dynamics

NASA’s Nexus S satellite phones home from space

Bloc Party singer releasing 3D printed record using latest tech

Spam (Money Meds Girls) (Shutterstock Oliveras)

We’re winning the fight against spam, say Gmail researchers

UPDATED: Game of Thrones video game series arriving in 2014

The FBI can secretly turn on your laptop’s camera, says ex-employee

Motorola’s prototype modular phone is almost ready

UK gamers offered Christmas dinner in a tin

microsoft warns xbox one users backward compatibility hoax

Microsoft warns Xbox One users over backward-compatibility hoax

Quechua handset is the rugged Android smartphone you can take anywhere

PayPal won't let you buy Bitcoins

Apps are mining Bitcoins without your knowledge, says Malwarebytes

thanksgiving pictures break instagram records

Thanksgiving pictures break Instagram records, again

400 fixes later heathcare gov now work 80 percent users obamacare application

400 fixes later, should now work for 80 percent of users

Green Monday Deals

KlearGear fines couple $3,500 for negative review

nasa developing traffic management system drones 101 guide

Drones now being used to smuggle contraband into prisons

New tongue piercing gadget can drive a wheelchair