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Latest by Francis Bea

linkedin endorsement

LinkedIn rolls out skill endorsements, and it’s as easy as one-click

skitch 2

Evernote introduces Skitch 2.0 for iOS with auto syncing, new tools, and search

Evernote debuted Skitch 2.0 a revamped version of the photo app that now sports syncing, new editing tools, a search engine for iOS devices.
sky and warner bros deal

Sky granted exclusive Warner Brothers movie streaming rights in U.K., Ireland

Sky has secured the first video-on-demand deal with Warner Bros. in the UK and Ireland, which is a deal that Netflix will be envious about.
ios netflix app

Netflix updates its iPhone app – a smaller, identical version of the iPad app

Netflix's update to its iPhone and iPod Touch app is clean, focuses on video recommendations, and is identical to Netflix's iPad app.

Box Accelerator speeds up data uploads by 1000 percent

Uploading data to Box is faster with its new Box Accelerator tech and infrastructure. Upload speeds have improved by a factor of 10.
ping is dead

No surprise here, Ping is shutting down on September 30

Tim Cook hinted at Ping's death. Apple is following through and shutting down Ping on September 30.
Tovbot Shimi

Shimi, the intelligent musical companion you’ll want as your personal DJ

Shimi is a sophisticated robotic smartphone and MP3 player dock that will play your songs and enjoy it without judging your taste in music.

Feedly relaunches redesigned RSS, social news reader hybrid app

Feedly stepped outside of its RSS reader comfort zone and debuted a redesigned mobile app that combines a social magazine with RSS feeds.
Emma Watson most dangerous celebrity search

Emma Watson: The Web’s most dangerous celebrity search

amazon kindle fire hd 8 9 review 1376347975  alternate

[Update] Opting out of ads not an option with new Amazon tablets

The new Amazon Kindle Fire tablets supports ads but will not offer its buyers an option to opt out of "Special Offers."
brace yourself hbo

HBO to offer standalone streaming service…. to Nordic countries

HBO breaks with tradition to offer standalone streaming service, HBO Nordic AB to the countries of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
neil armstrong

Neil Armstrong, space pioneer, dead at 82

king of the web

King of the Web, where new YouTube celebrities are crowned

Meet King of the Web, which lets the audience decide the next Web celebrity.
zaarly entering larger waters

Zaarly Storefront: Power ‘taskers’ invited to join secret, new Zaarly feature

nasa funds 30 new space research projects future

Beyond science fiction: A look at the future of NASA technology

cheating lovers

Cheating 2.0: A look at social media’s influence on infidelity [Infographic]

mars rover landing

7 minutes of terror: Here’s how the Mars rover’s landing will play out

the unintended upside of watching way too much netflix

Netflix, Amazon Instant Video top ‘must-have’ apps for Internet-connected TV owners

hulu update

Hulu update streamlines navigation, adds 10-second rewind

Facebook Groups reveal who sees posts

Facebook update reveals who has seen Facebook group posts

halo 4 web series

4 action-packed Web shows that you should keep on your radar

Wikileaks Syria Files

Wikileaks begins releasing ’embarrassing’ emails by Syrian political officials and Western companies

Mac OS X Snow Leopard w/MacBook

Apple faces another trademark lawsuit in China over ‘Snow Leopard’

CBS could spin ‘Draw Something’ app into a TV game show

jake oceanskys

Reddit readers donate $30,000 to cancer-stricken Redditor

far east movement chatting

First impressions of Shaker, a reinvented chatroom for the Facebook age

CNN acquisition of Mashable is ’80 percent likely to close’ and in late stages

twitter code

Twitter makes more money from app than Web version, pumps out 400 million tweets per day

evernote food

Evernote releases beloved foodie app for Android

YouNow pushes live social broadcasting into the limelight

darth vader volkswagen

Star Wars Day theme ad extravaganza: Unruly’s Viral Video Chart has you covered

groundlink executive transport

A ride worthy of 007? GroundLink car-calling app targets young professionals with secret agent commercials

everybody look surprised diablo iii has been delayed again 3

One weekend only, Blizzard opens Diablo III to public for open beta stress test

seth meyers

Hulu signs Seth Meyers, Adrian Grenier, and more to produce four new original shows