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Latest by Gabe Carey

dobox could inexpensively replace most your apple peripherals if it works as advertised presskit all 1

DoBox could inexpensively replace most of your Apple peripherals, if it works as advertised

From English startup This is DoBox, DoBox is a small, inexpensive device that's proposing an onslaught on a number of different Apple devices.
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Opera wants you to ditch Chrome for its free, built-in VPN

Opera may be one of the most overlooked web browsers available today, but that could change now that it's the first to implement a VPN for free.

GameStop partners with big-name devs to publish mid-size games

GameStop has signed on a number of well-known game developers, including Insomniac Games and Ready At Dawn, for its new publishing division, GameTrust.
ninja theory hellblade reinvents double a teaser screenshot 01

Ninja Theory is bringing back double-A games with Hellblade

The developer behind the 2013 reboot DmC: Devil May Cry is back with a new original IP, but this time it's using a different model to cut costs.

Quantum Break issues persist on PC, and some of them are here to stay

With talk of myriad technical issues plaguing the PC port, Quantum Break on Windows 10 appears to have been a little rushed.
researchers use ambient light sensor data to steal browser exhausted man computer problems desk hacking hackers malware frust

2015 saw more zero-day exploits but it took less time to fix them

Although 2015 saw an increase in pesky zero-day exploits from hackers, thanks in part to Adobe, the average time it took to issue a patch went down.
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For $250, you can start building robots and drones using Intel's RealSense Robotic dev kit

If you've ever had the urge to build a robot on a relatively low budget, Intel's latest hardware kit might be for you.
usb if specifications screen shot 2015 11 04 at 5 53 52 pm copy

USB Type-C will feel a little safer with new authentication certification

The USB-IF has been hard at work this past year to make sure developers meet its certification standards. A new spec takes this one step further.
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Patent suggests we might see lower-power Wi-Fi tethering on Windows 10

If your phone's battery life takes a massive hit when used as a Wi-Fi hotspot, Microsoft's latest patent for Windows 10 Mobile could be of assistance.
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Louis C.K. lost ‘millions of dollars’ on Horance and Pete webisodes

Louis C.K.'s self-funded dark comedy, Horace and Pete, was exclusive to his website, but was combating DRM worth the missed opportunity in earning a profit?
Oculus Rift

The storm of Oculus Rift pre-order controversy continues with further delays

If you wanted to get your Oculus Rift pre-order by April, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise, as the company has just issued a further delay.
apple launches replacement program for usb type c cable tim cook new macbook 2015

Apple’s 2015 Retina MacBooks see their first compatibility update for Multiport Adapters

If you opted for the $80 Multiport Adapter from Apple when you bought your 2015 Retina MacBook, this firmware update may restore some lost confidence.
Wordpress 2015 Security Flaw Vulnerability

WordPress brings encryption to 25 percent of the web

Accounting for 25 percent of the web, WordPress is undoubtedly a heavy influencer in online traffic, and now it's making it more secure.

Signal, the open-source encrypted messaging app, is now available for desktop

Designed by a non-profit group of dedicated Internet privacy activists, Signal is an open-source encrypted messenger app that wants to rival Whatsapp.
gameboy plus raspberry pi equals arcade machine 9jl9dcr

Someone turned a Game Boy into the ultimate arcade machine using Raspberry Pi

Warner Skoch might be a regular mobile app developer by day, but by night, he's making history by transforming a classic handheld
vivaldi web browser launch

Vivaldi web browser hits version 1.0, beats Chrome, Firefox in RAM usages

Jon von Tetzchner has been working with a "team of browser building pioneers" to launch Vivaldi, a web browser that challenges even Chrome.
pyramid flipper 2 in 1 design complete eve tech t1 tablet

The Windows 10-powered Pyramid Flipper 2-in-1 is ready to enter production

Eve Technology's Pyramid Flipper took crowdsourcing to new heights last month when it developed a convertible notebook based on community polling.
xotic vr ready laptops 92a6917b 209d 4be7 90ef c5e81bbdd3fb

Xotic PC just dropped a metric ton of VR Ready desktops and laptops

We spoke with Xotic PC CEO Justin Nolte about what Xotic PC is doing to bring high-end Virtual Reality headsets to the masses.
Nvidia GTX 950 jacks

EVGA's new GTX 950 catalog ditches the 6-pin PCI power connection

EVGA's new low-power GTX 950 graphics cards focus on budget and variety in favor of performance.
apple magic mouse force touch 0001

A touch of magic: Apple patent shows Magic Mouse with Force Touch

Although the Magic Mouse 2 has only been available since October after the six-year lifespan of its predecessor, a redesign appears imminent.
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Windows 10 update will make nighttime PC use easier on the eyes

For Windows 10 users growing tired of the white coating splashed across their computer screens, an upcoming Redstone feature should take care of that.
g skill announces a new ddr4 ram series as an answer to question nobody was asking 2791 56fde4f194ddf

G.Skill announces a new DDR4 RAM series as an answer to a question nobody was asking

If you want some new old-school DDR4 RAM for your laptop or compact desktop, oh boy, does G.Skill have just the thing for you.
hp refreshed z workstation lineup z24s with z840 desktop copy

HP’s ‘Z’ workstations updated with improved specs, but cling to old tech

HP's refreshed 'Z' workstation lineup may be powerful and better than before, but it's still clinging to some increasingly out-of-date technology standards.
amd firepro s9300 x2 gpu

AMD’s FirePro S9300 x2 is comparatively affordable at $6,000

AMD's FirePro S9300 x2 GPU may not be the most capable hardware on the market, but its single-precision performance will leave you breathless.
microsoft now offering 400 worth services 199 office 365

Send a Starbucks gift card in Outlook with add-ins on Office 2016 for Mac

Microsoft has done a lot for itself these past couple of days, but now it's finally devoting some of its time to Office 365 for Mac with add-ins.
intel reveals enterprise ssd update dc p3320 right angled png rendition web 480 270

Intel’s updated solid state drives are its fastest yet

Intel drops some comprehensive new information on its upcoming business-centric SSD lineup, but it falls short in one crucial area: storage space.
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Mods for Xbox One will most likely require developer endorsement

Speaking at Build 2016, Xbox head Phil Spencer finally spoke up about the limitations of mod support on Xbox One when compared to PC.
asus zenbook flip ux360ca specs screen shot 2016 03 30 at 10 25 05 pm

Asus's upcoming ZenBook Flip UX360CA is a tablet in disguise

Asus' next convertible notebook offers reasonable specs in a slim-fit form factor, but will it be worth the price of admission?
apples new safari technology preview gives you a glimpse of the browsers future img 3724

Apple’s new Safari Technology Preview gives you a glimpse of the browser’s future

If you're a web developer, or if you just like your browsers in purple, Safari Technology Preview offers a considerable glimpse into the future.
google engineer finds that some usb c cables could fry your device screen shot 2015 11 04 at 5 54 38 pm

Amazon tightens up rules on USB Type-C cables after Google engineer’s criticisms

As a senior software engineer at Google has discovered, many aftermarket USB Type-C devices could be causing harm to your computer.
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With VR View and a Cardboard SDK for iOS, Google wants to streamline virtual reality

If you're a VR developer interested in tinkering with Cardboard, you'll be pleased to know that Google has streamlined embedding as well as iOS support.
evga laptop sc17 available for preorder screen shot 2016 03 29 at 5 48 09 pm 1 copy

Want a gaming laptop with the features of a desktop? EVGA's SC17 may be for you

If you're in the market for an expensive and powerful new laptop, EVGA's SC17 should do the trick.
that dragon cancer and lets play dispute thatdragoncancer

Why pay to play when you can watch for free? How YouTube burns indie developers

Late last week, a developer on That Dragon, Cancer spoke up about his concerns with Let's Play videos and their impact on game creators. But is he right?
microsoft maintains right protect overseas data law enforcement lawsuit judge copyright patent infringement

Patent owned by bloatware company and used to make millions invalidated

Since 2002, many companies have tried and failed to invalidate a patent that has been exploited relentlessly by Uniloc USA. Now (we hope) it's finally over.