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Latest by Luke Dormehl

Orca sub

U.S. Navy’s robot submarines could carry out autonomous attacks

New reports show the U.S. Navy is in the process of developing armed robot submarines, which could theoretically be used to kill without direct human oversight.
Smartphone toilet screen 1

New antibacterial coating kills germs with the help of regular indoor lights

We’re receiving a wake-up call about just how germ-covered the surfaces that we touch on a regular basis can be. This antibacterial coating may be able to help.
Swarm robot northwestern

Algorithm lets swarms of robots work together to create shapes without colliding

Researchers have developed an an algorithm that lets robot swarms reliably converge to form a predetermined shape in under a minute. With no collisions!
Einride Self-Driving Transport Vehicle

Drivers needed (sort of): Einride wants remote pilots for its driverless pods

Drivers wanted for driverless pods? It sounds crazy, but autonomous freight company Einride says it's the future of truck driving. Here's what you need to know.
most advanced hand prosthetic

Prosthetics that don’t require practice: Inside the latest breakthrough in bionics

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a technique for creating the most advanced nerve-controlled prosthetic hands yet. Here's how it's done.
swinburne university bendable concrete

Environmentally friendly bendable concrete doesn’t shatter under pressure

Australian researchers' new concrete formulation is 400 times more bendable than the old-fashioned stuff. It's a whole lot more environmentally friendly, too.
german nuclear power plant virus french station

Someone just uploaded open-source nuclear power plant blueprints to the web

It sounds like the diabolical scheme of a James Bond villain. In fact, it could be a game-changer for sustainable clean energy in the future. Here's why.
Google Robot

This Google robot taught itself to walk, with no help whatsoever, in two hours

Remember that scene in Walt Disney’s Bambi where the titular fawn learns to stand up and walk under its own power? Like that, basically, but with a robot.
mayflower ship seat tests ibm

Mayflower Autonomous Ship is headed to sea to test its self-driving boat tech

This trial, which will take place off the coast of Plymouth in the U.K., will test out the onboard A.I. and edge computing system to see how well it navigates.
Anthony Atala Printing a Human Kidney on Stage

Researchers build the world’s most sophisticated lab model of the human body

No, they're not building Frankenstein's monster. Instead, this miniature model of the human body could be used for researchers for testing future drugs.

Scientists want to grow new human skin using freeze-dried jellyfish from Mexico

Scientists have discovered a type of jellyfish boasting a structure that’s similar to human skin, which they believe could be used to create skin scaffolds.
Orbbec coronavirus robot

In China’s hospitals, robots are helping to halt the spread of coronavirus

As the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic continues to spread, hospitals in China have turned to a trio of robots to help fight the spread of the flu-type virus.
Cellular Seafood BlueNalu

Could cellular seafood take pressure off Earth’s overfished oceans?

These biotech companies want to produce seafood without the sea. Here's how they're doing it -- and why they believe that it's going to be a game-changer.
Air Protein tacos on a plate

Making meat out of thin air? Impossible. But this startup does it anyway

A steak takes a long time to land on your plate. Could science originally proposed by NASA in the 1960s help create meat out of thin air? A new startup thinks so.
airline laptop ban extension smartphone plane

Airplane Wi-Fi could get a massive upgrade in the near future

If planes were as reliable as inflight Wi-Fi, we’d never get on a flight again. Thanks to industry group Seamless Air Alliance, it could be about to get better.
massive galaxy cosmic yeti 05 1

Astronomers discover the biggest explosion in space since the Big Bang

It was powerful enough to punch a cavity in the super-hot gas surrounding the black hole large enough to fit 15 Milky Way galaxies lined up next to each other.
Flippy flipping a burger

Flippy the burger-flipping robot is changing the face of fast food as we know it

A robot that flips burgers is coming to a fast food joint near you. And it can do a lot more than that, too. Meet Flippy, the robot superstar of Miso Robotics.
Cognitive Dissonance

Scientists make artificial and biological neurons communicate over the internet

Rat neurons and artificial neurons just talked to each online. That might sound crazy, but it could one day help to change lives. Here's what you need to know.
friction stir welding robotic crawler pipe

Repair robot swims through oil pipelines and welds cracks — without exploding

This repair robot will weld oil pipeline defects from the inside while it's submerged in continuously flowing oil. Coming soon to an oil field near you.
how starship robots navigate world 02 campus feat

Inside the mind of an autonomous delivery robot

Starship Technologies' autonomous delivery robots have driven thousands of miles. Here's how its bots experience the world -- and why it matters for our future.
soft robot grips jellyfish he3c6398 jellystick photo anand varma

This robot grabber is gentle enough to hold a jellyfish without damaging it

Soft robots are designed to interact with the living world without causing damage. Judging by this new jellyfish-gripping robot hand, mission accomplished!
Qwake C-Thru AR HUD on a firefighter's helmet

Innovative edge-finding AR eyepiece lets firefighters see through smoke

Firefighters put their lives on the line every day. Could a new augmented reality head-up display called C-Thru save lives? Here's how it works.
robotire robot changes tires

This robot will change your tires in a fraction of the time a mechanic can

RoboTire is building robots which can change the tires on a car in a fraction of the time it takes a mechanic to do it. Here's what the company has planned.
urine test bladder cancer 10 years sample

Urine test could detect bladder cancer traces 10 years before other signs appear

More research is needed, but this urine test could be a breakthrough for non-invasively spotting signs of bladder cancer a decade before other signs appear.
virtual reality applications young people use the vr glasses

Humanity’s media habits shifted radically in the 2010s. What do the 2020s hold?

Alexis Kirke is something of a visionary when it comes to the future of TV. The maker of interactive movies before Bandersnatch and an interactivity advisor to Hollywood studios, Kirke talked with Digital Trends about what the next decade holds for screen entertainment.
drone flies above masked man

Using drones to detect coronavirus? It’s not as crazy as it sounds

Could drones be used to monitor the spread of coronavirus? Absolutely, says the CEO of a top drone company. And it's already been approached about doing it.
iceland geothermal energy 11317982  active fumarole in summer time

New drilling tech could tap Earth’s geothermal energy by melting through rocks

An abundant source of geothermal energy exists far beneath our feet, but accessing it isn’t exactly easy. A a new type of enhanced drilling system may help.
Playing card gun 1

Terrifying handheld blaster can fire playing cards at 120 miles per hour

Intrepid engineer Emiel Noorlander has built a gun that's able to fire playing cards at 120 miles per hour. Awesome? Definitely. Totally safe? Probably not.
ai sheds light on mouse communication

A.I. translation tool sheds light on the secret language of mice

Ever wanted to know what mice are actually saying? Neuroscientists at the University of Delaware do too. And they've got some cutting-edge A.I. to help out.
Alzheimers research glasses

The latest weapon in the fight against Alzheimer’s? Flickering lights

Alzheimer's is an incurable disease that affects an estimated 5.5 million people in the United States alone. Could pulsed light be the answer for treating it?
lovley_air_gen_device 1

New green device generates electricity by capturing moisture from the air

A device invented by scientists at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst could generate electricity from moisture in the air, aided by a natural protein.
collage of facial recognition faces

U.S. military facial recognition could identify people from 1 km away

The Advanced Tactical Facial Recognition at a Distance Technology project started back in 2016. A working prototype of the tech was shown off late last year.
Locust cyborg 1

Neural implant turns regular grasshoppers into cyborg bomb-sniffers

Everyone knows sniffer dogs, but how about bomb-sniffing grasshoppers? Here's why they're a promising idea.
3d printed ghost robotics origin

This 3D-printed four-legged robot is ready to take on Spot — at a lower price

There are plenty of four-legged, dog-inspired robots about. Could 3D printing make them more ubiquitous? Ghost Robotics and 3D printing company Origin think so.