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The best armor in Cyberpunk 2077, and where to find it

Even though you play the game from a first-person perspective, there are tons of different armors to find and equip in Cyberpunk 2077. Because you won’t get to really appreciate the fashion of these armor pieces all that much, the pieces of armor you will want all come down to the stats they carry with them. Just like the weapons you find, armor, or clothing, comes in different rarities, plus a set of unique Iconic clothing that can only be obtained in specific places or circumstances. These are the best armor pieces you’ll want to wear on your next mission and where you can find them in Night City.

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How to get the best armor

As mentioned, the different clothing options you can get in Cyberpunk 2077 fall into one of five tiers: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Legendary clothing is by far the best rating. This type, aside from having generally high armor values, also have more mod slots for you to further beef them up. Unlike the other rarities, though, you will never just randomly find a piece of Legendary clothing drop off a normal enemy no matter how high of a level they are. Instead, you have five primary ways of collecting any awesome armor.

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Complete quests

This is pretty self-explanatory. Some quests will automatically reward you with some Legendary clothing; however, these are very few and mainly occur late in the game. If you want a full set of top-tier gear, you’ll have to go out of your way to find it.

Loot them

Yes, it’s true we said that you can’t get any Legendary armor from any normal drop, but there are some special corpses around Night City you can discover that are just waiting for you to find them and relieve them of their high-quality gear.

Craft them yourself

After reaching level 18 in the Technical Ability attribute, you will get access to the Edgerunner Artisan Perk. With this perk, you will be able to use any Legendary Crafting Specs to craft the associated armor for yourself. Of course, this requires a bit of investment in terms of where you allocate your points, plus finding the Legendary Specs and materials you actually need to craft the armor, but is the only reliable way to get the exact armor you want.

Earn them from Gigs

Gigs offer all kinds of rewards for your time, but the quality of what you can get actually scales to your level. Once you get above level 30 or so, Gigs start having the potential to pay out with some fresh Legendary clothing. It’s just a chance, but the higher level you get, the better the odds get that your prize will be some high-tier armor. You can’t pick what you’ll get or when, but Gigs typically don’t take very long to complete anyway.

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Buy Specs from shops

The least reliable way to find Legendary clothing is to go shopping and hope they’re carrying some Legendary Specs. They won’t sell the gear itself outright, so you’ll still need to have the Edgerunner Artisan Perk so you can actually use the specs. But if you get lucky, it could be an easy way to grab some new digs. Just make sure you have high enough street cred to have full access to every vendor’s full stock so you have the option to buy one if they show up. You can also cheese out the system a little bit by refreshing a store’s stock to try and fish for Legendary Specs. Vendors will cycle what they are selling every two days in-game, or if you get far enough away. Just open up your menu and use your Skip Time option to wait until they have something you want.

Best clothing

Thankfully, one of the best outer torso armors in the game is a guaranteed reward for completing a quest. The Aldecaldos Rally Bolero jacket is light, resilient, and great for any playstyle. It has a weight of just 3 with armor ratings that, while they will vary, have been seen upward of 120. If that wasn’t enough to pique your interest, it also has four mod slots for you to customize however you like. If you want to grab this stylish jacket, all you need to do is complete the We Gotta Live Together quest. The downside? This quest doesn’t show up until the third act, so you’ll have to get through a good chunk of the game before you can get your hands on it.

For your inner torso armor, slip on the Polycarbonate Nomad Shirt with Reinforced Seams. It’s light, only rated at 1.7, giving you around 100 extra armor. This shirt is always found in the same place in the open world. You can find it on a dead body in a blue van to the southeast of where you appear using the Regional Airport fast travel point.

If you want some fresh kicks that you can pick up basically whenever you want, look no further than the Elastiweave Fixer Shoes with Reinforced Seams. It will probably take you longer to say the name of these shoes than it will to actually get them. They have just a .5 weight and armor rating in the high 30s with two mod slots, and are just waiting to be picked up in the open world. Very similar to the Nomad Shirt, fast travel to the Crescent and Broad fast travel point in Japantown and head south with your eyes peeled for a blue van. Once you spot it, look inside for a corpse who no longer has much use for shoes.

Next, you’ll need some pants to match your shoes. The Protective-Layer Fixer Pants are on another body, this time on the roof of a building on Jig-Jig Street. You can find a way to reach the rooftops via an alley beside the Joytoy on the southeast side of Japantown. These pants weigh .7 and have armor in the high 30s and two mod slots.

Johnny’s outfit

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The only iconic set of clothing, at least discovered so far, is the outfit of none other than Johnny Silverhand. These aren’t guaranteed to come as Legendary but can be upgraded to that level in time. Either way, who doesn’t want to dress up like Johnny? You’ll get his tank top during the main campaign after the quest Tapeworm, but the rest you’ll need to hunt down. His sunglasses and jacket, for instance, can be earned right after you complete Tapeworm by doing the side mission Chippin’ In. His pants and shoes each need to be collected while on specific gigs. While doing the Psychofan gig, make sure to loot a pink suitcase in the bedroom you are sent to. The shoes are in a locker where you go to get a certain bootleg in the Family Heirloom gig.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
What is dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and how is it cured?
A dragon roars in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 likes to keep many of its mechanics and systems a secret until you discover them. You will learn quickly that you can't fast travel around the map freely, but there's one mechanic that is far more detrimental to your game. This is called dragonsplague and it is a disease that can't be cured with a simple tonic. In fact, you may not even realize if you have it in your game because it isn't something that affects your character at all; instead, it affects your Pawns. Failing to recognize you have dragonsplague and deal with it in a timely manner can ruin your entire playthrough if you're not careful. To avoid such a catastrophe, here are all the details about this cruel disease.
What is dragonsplague?

Dragonsplague is a special kind of disease that Pawns can contract seemingly by interacting with either Drakes or Dragons. That part isn't fully clear yet, however, we do know that Pawns with dragonsplague can spread the disease to other Pawns. Since Pawns are able to pass between worlds to join other players, you are never fully safe from being infected if you're playing online. Unlike a real sickness, though, dragonsplague actually transfers between Pawns rather than spreads, meaning it won't fully run rampant through the game.

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The best skills for each Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2
An archer fires an arrow at an enemy in Dragon's Dogma 2.

As you level up your Vocations and character in Dragon's Dogma 2, you will earn XP and Dcp. The former will contribute to you leveling up and passively getting stronger, while the latter needs to be spent on unlocking new skills for your current Vocation. There are 10 total Vocations you can eventually unlock and use, and each one has a dozen or more skills to unlock and test out, and yet you can only use four at any given time. That's a lot of possible skills to try out and potentially waste your DCP on. Instead, we'll help you min-max your build right from the start by recommending the best skills you should get for each and every Vocation in the game.
Best skills

The best skill will vary for each Vocation based on what role they are most suited to in combat. Some skills can be upgraded to better versions as you level up your Vocation, so check back in the skills menu every so often to make sure you're using the best version available.
Airward Slash -- Fighters are limited in range, but Airward Slash gives you an option to at least attempt to attack flying enemies with this leaping strike.

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The best vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2 key art featuring a knight with a fiery hole in their chest.

Your Vocation defines your role in combat in Dragon's Dogma 2. Everything from your skills to what weapons and armor you can use is tied to this class. You will pick from just a handful at the beginning of the game, but can easily change Vocations later on, as well as unlock more than twice as many new options than what you start with. It can take a while to really get a feel for a Vocation and how it performs in combat, as well as to look through all of its skills and augments, before knowing if it's worth sticking with to level up. Personal preference will play a part to some degree, but these Vocations have the most potential to make you the strongest Arisen in history.
The best vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2

You can pick from 4 Vocations at the start of Dragon's Dogma 2, but will end up with a total of 10 by the end of the game if you unlock them all. New Vocations are unlocked by completing quests, but they are almost unmissable. Four Vocations -- the Magick Archer, Mystic Spearhand, Trickster, and Warfarer -- can only be used by your character and not any Pawns.
There's very little downside to being a jack-of-all-trades in Dragon's Dogma 2, which is exactly what the Warfarer is. This is the only Vocation that can use any weapon in the game AND learn any skill from other Vocations. This is the only Vocation that really lets you build whatever class you want and gives you the ability to adapt to any situation you find yourself in. The main downside to this class is it has the lowest base stats, but that is a small price to pay for how versatile you can be.
Mystic Spearhand
Hybrid Vocations are all quite powerful, but we put the Mystic Spearhand at the top of the heap. This class turns you into a fighter that can take advantage of magic to output crazy damage. The two almost overpowered abilities you get here are the ability to slow enemies for a short time and to create a magical mimic that doubles all your actions. It is great for both crowd control and large single targets, but takes a while to unlock and lacks some range.
If you're going to be a straight-up melee fighter, you might as well hit with the biggest weapon you can, right? The Warrior swings swords large enough to make Guts blush and is a full-on tank. You won't be doing anything fancy with this vocation beyond charging up and swinging as hard as possible. The obvious drawback is any flying or ranged enemy will counter you, so bring some Pawns in those classes to cover your bases.
For those who fancy themselves a pure mage, stick to the Sorcerer over the actual Mage vocation. While the Mage is more focused on healing, it is the Sorcerer who gets the best offensive spells you will want to be casting. If you have a second Sorcerer with you, you can even sync up and decrease your casting time. If not, you will need some tanks to take aggro while you deal with some slightly long casting times and low total health.
As far as the starting Vocations go, the Thief is the one we find the most fun and viable for the entire game. This is a light and speedy build focused on critical hits and being able to climb and hang on to large beasts. Once on, you have a number of great skills to stagger and knock down an enemy so the rest of your squad to gang up on it. Just don't get hit because you're one of the squishier Vocations.

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