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Fallout 4 is packed with new features, and brings mods to XBox One

Update 6/15/2015: During Microsoft’s Xbox press conference, they announced a feature that’s basically never been seen on consoles before – mods. While the PC community has long supported the modding community with sharing tools, open platforms, and Steam Workshop, consoles have always been left out of the fun. With Fallout 4, players on the Xbox One will be able to download and install their choice of user-created mods from the PC version of the game.

Games like Call of Duty and the Batman: Arkham series have prepared us for updates and sequels that are built off the same mechanics as their predecessor, but Fallout 4 is something else altogether. This is no minor story update or large DLC, but rather Fallout 4 is a huge upgrade with dozens of new and revolutionary features.

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It all starts with the beginning. While previous Fallout installments have started either in the vault, or after leaving it, the newest game in the series picks up in Boston just before the bombs start to drop. Whatever happens in the vault is a mystery, but 200 years later you’ll leave it alone, venturing out into the wastelands to find your fortune, or your demise. If the initial figures are right, that puts the protagonist of Fallout 4 leaving the vault at almost the exact same time as the protagonist in Fallout 3. 

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Just because it takes place in the same chronological timeline doesn’t mean the world looks the same. The scenery in Fallout 4 is distinctly more colorful, and it appears that in addition to the blue sky, the survivors in Boston have been hard at work rebuilding their city. While we don’t know anything about it, the vendors and buildings in main city in Fallout 4 makes Megaton look like Underworld.

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Deep character customization doesn’t even come close to what Bethesda showed off at the E3 showcase. Picking a character will allow you to mold parts of the face, adjust hair and skin tone to a high level of detail, and of course choose either male or female for your protagonist. They don’t just look nice either, the entire conversation system has been redone so now it’s completely dynamic. Feel free to interrupt an NPC in the middle of their sentence by shouting, walking away, or shooting them. Beyond that, Bethesda has taken the time to record over one thousand common names so that NPCs will be able to converse with you naturally, without using silly nicknames.

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If aimlessly wandering the nuclear wasteland isn’t your cup of tea, there’s now a complete settlement building system within Fallout 4. You can hook up power, build structures, and program electronics – and you’ll have to, since raiders will regularly attack your settlements – all using parts gained by scrapping common materials found around the world. That’s not the only use those random junk items have either: they’ll also let you customize your equipment.

That’s right, if you pull enough nails off of boards you find on houses, you can drive them through your baseball bat for extra damage, or even upgrade to spinning blades. Items in the game that you might’ve just sold for bottlecaps before are now valuable for what’s on the inside, whether that’s electric filaments or bits of rubber. You can also upgrade your power armor, if you decide your head could look a bit angrier, or your torso could provide more protection from radiation.

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If you loved Dogmeat, you’ll love your new animal companion even more. The dog in Fallout 4 is much more friendly to you than 3’s junkyard dog, and can actually take commands. They’re all context-based too, so if you point at a tool, the dog will grab it for you, and if you point at an enemy, the dog will rip it to shreds.

Finally, the Pip Boy wrist computer is real, at least if you buy the Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4. The special edition comes with a full-sized Pip-Boy computer that syncs to your game over Wi-Fi. Now you don’t have to pause and use your controller to change your armor or the radio station, you can just reach down and do it from your wrist. If you decide not to spring for the version with the included Pip-Boy, you can still use the app on your mobile phone or tablet as a second screen.

That’s a lot of information about Fallout 4 already, but the last tidbit was that Bethesda plans to release the game, presumably for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, on November 10th of this year.

Brad Bourque
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Brad Bourque is a native Portlander, devout nerd, and craft beer enthusiast. He studied creative writing at Willamette…
3 things I want in Fallout 5 after watching Amazon’s Fallout series
Lucy enters a house in Fallout.

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Set it somewhere new

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All console commands and cheats for Fallout: New Vegas
The courier holding a gun with a welcome sign in the background in Fallout: New Vegas key art.

From the moment you begin your adventure in Fallout: New Vegas, you've already cheated death. Your first playthrough of the game should be done as the developers intended, though maybe with a couple of mods to make the experience a little smoother, but nothing that breaks the game. That said, it's been over a decade since the game came out, so odds are you've already played through the intended way at least once. This is when you can have some fun tinkering with the game and play using console commands and cheats if you're on the PC version of the game. There are a ton of commands you can input to manipulate your character, the world, objects, and more. Here's a full rundown of all the cheats there are and how to activate them.
How to enter console commands
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the ~ key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats.
All Fallout: New Vegas console commands and cheats

Because there are so many console commands, we're going to break them down into general categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for based on what you want to do.
Faction and reputation cheats
addreputation <form id> <variable> <amount> -- Increases your reputation with a faction.

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The best Power Armor in Fallout 4 and where to find each set
Fallout 4 key art featuring the power armor suit hung up in an armory.

From the very first Fallout game, the Power Armor has been every wastelander's dream to pilot. This hulking suit of armor can make your normally squishy Vault Dweller nigh unkillable in Fallout 4. But there's more than just one type of Power Armor, and each one has different stats and requirements to wear. Not only that, but some you might find one piece at a time and need to build yourself, while others can be found as a complete set. If you want to make even a Deathclaw think twice about attacking you, only the best Power Armor will do. Here are the best suits in Fallout 4 and where to find them.
Raider Power Armor

This is the only Power Armor in Fallout 4 that even a base-level player can wear right off the bat. While that's great, it does mean it's the weakest option out there. The best stats you can get with it are 500 damage resistance, 250 energy resistance, and 1,050 radiation resistance for a total rating of 1,800. It's great for the early game if you can snag one, but is quickly outclassed by everything else on this list. A guaranteed spawn for this armor is in the cave right beside Skylanes Flight 1665 on your map.
T-45 Power Armor

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