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How to make a smoker in Minecraft

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Progress in Minecraft is all about improving and crafting new and better weapons, equipment, and tools. The actual process of crafting, which is how you will be getting nearly all of your tools in the game, starts out simple, but grows and compounds on itself to quite deep levels. You start out with a simple two-by-two grid to put in raw materials, then expand to a three-by-three grid with a crafting table. From there, things only get more complex as the number of possible ingredients and combinations skyrocket.




30 minutes

What You Need

  • Eight cobblestones

  • A crafting table

Smokers are not the most advanced or difficult item to make in Minecraft, but it does take quite a few steps and some preparation. Once you have one, it can be a major help in keeping your character alive and makes preparing for dangerous excursions much easier. While it is possible to find a smoker randomly in the world, it is much easier and faster if you know how to make one yourself. Here are all the steps required for how to craft a smoker in Minecraft.

Further reading

The smoker recipe.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

How to craft a smoker

The Minecraft smoker recipe isn't all that complex, but it can't be made immediately upon starting up a new game. There are a few things you will need to gather first. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Start or resume a game of Minecraft in survival mode.

Step 2: Collect eight cobblestones either with your hands or, more ideally, with a pickax of any quality.

Step 3: Make a Crafting Table using four wooden planks.

Step 4: Place the Crafting Table down and interact with it.

Step 5: Place all eight cobblestones along the outside squares, leaving the middle square empty. This will create a furnace.

Step 6: Take the furnace and use the Crafting Table again.

Step 7: Place the furnace in the center square and place with one wood log directly above, below, and on either side of it.

Step 8: Pull out your brand new smoker and place it wherever you like!

Cooking meat in a smoker.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What does a smoker do?

Smokers serve a very similar function to furnaces, only they can cook all food items you put in them twice as fast as a furnace. However, it also burns your fuel source twice as fast, so it will take the same amount of fuel to cook in the smoker as a regular furnace, only you will wait for half as long.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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