An Amazon listing for Dark Horse’s The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda book lists its own launch date as March 21, 2017. Normally, we wouldn’t be able to assume that this would also be true of the game, but the description mentions it in no uncertain terms.
“Dark Horse will release The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda simultaneously with the game!” reads the Amazon listing. That seems pretty clear and unambiguous.
Given that the art book promises “never before seen concept art” and a look at many of the game’s locations and characters, it would seem unlikely that Dark Horse would release it before Mass Effect: Andromeda becomes available to the general public. The listing also describes the book as “the comprehensive companion” to the video game, suggesting that you’re supposed to be reading through it as you play.
Dark Horse is also working on a comic series, Mass Effect: Discovery, which is due to launch next spring, as well as a comic based on developer BioWare’s other action-RPG series, Dragon Age. The comics will be accompanied by publisher Titan Books’ longer novels, the first of which is expected to arrive this year. A pair of adult coloring books are also planned, though little is known about their contents aside from the front covers; the Mass Effect books feature an Asari character.
Mass Effect: Andromeda will release in early 2017 — quite possibly March 21 — for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. The PlayStation 4 version will feature enhancements when running on the upcoming PlayStation 4 Pro console, including high-dynamic range and 4K resolution.