The best Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II console settings

While pure skill is king in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, having the right settings can certainly improve your performance. Tinkering with the settings is part of the Modern Warfare II experience, but as with most things in the series, there are an overwhelming number of options to choose from.

We’ve spent a considerable time with the multiplayer mode, and have fine-tuned our settings to maximize performance. In this guide, we’ll show you the best in-game settings for multiplayer, but keep in mind, many of these options come down to personal preference. Still, there are some that are objectively better than others. In addition, Infinity Ward will likely add new settings, or alter the way some current settings work.

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Flip L1, L2 and R1, R2 Off
Stick layout preset Default
Controller vibration Off
Trigger Effect Off


Horizontal stick sensitivity  High 7 (personal preference)
Vertical stick sensitivity  High 7 (personal preference)
Sensitivity multiplier All default (personal preference)
Vertical aim axis All standard (personal preference)


Aim down sights behavior Hold
Automatic sprint Automatic tactical sprint
Equipment behavior Hold
Weapon mount activation ADS + melee
Interact, reload behavior Tap to reload
Armor plate behavior Apply all

Advanced controller

Aim Assist

Target aim assist On
Aim assist type Default (personal preference)


Aim response curve Standard
ADS sens. multiplier [Focus] 1.00
ADS sensitivity transition timing Instant
Custom sensitivity per zoom On
ADS sens. multiplier  [Low zoom] 1.00 (personal preference)
ADS sens. multiplier [2x to 3x zoom] 1.00 (personal preference)
ADS sens. multiplier [4x to 5x zoom] 0.75 (personal preference)
ADS sens. multiplier [6x to 7x zoom] 0.75 (personal preference)
ADS sens. multiplier [8x to 9x zoom] 0.75 (personal preference)
ADS sens. multiplier [High zoom] 0.75 (personal preference)

Movement behaviors

Sprint, tactical sprint behavior N/A
Auto move forward Off
Tactical sprint behavior Double tap
Grounded mantle On
Automatic airborne mantle Partial
Automatic ground mantle Off
Invert slide and dive behavior Standard
Plunging underwater Plunge freely
Parachute auto-deploy Off
Sprinting door bash On

Combat behaviors

ADS stick swap Off
Backpack alternate control Off
ADS interruption behavior N/A
Weapon mount exit delay Short
Depleted ammo weapon switch On
Quick C4 detonation On

Vehicle behaviors

Vehicle camera recenter Default
Camera initial position Free look

Overlays behaviors

Ping wheel delay Moderate
Double tap danger ping delay Moderate


Digital Trends

Details & textures

On-demand texture streaming On (dependant on your internet)
Allocated texture cache size Auto
Enable download limits Off (dependent on your internet)Allocated texture cache size
Daily download limit 1.0 (dependent on your internet)Allocated texture cache size

Post processing effects

World motion blur Off
Weapon motion blur Off
Film grain 0.00
Depth of field Off
Fidelity CAS On
Fidelity CAS strength 50


120 HZ refresh rate On
Field of view (FOV) 100 (personal preference)
ADS field of view Affected
Weapon field of view Default
3rd person field of view 80
Vehicle field of view Default
1st person camera movement Default [100%]
3rd person camera movement Default [100%]
3rd person ADS transition 3rd person ADS
Default spectator camera Game perspective


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Audio mix Headphone bass boost
Master volume 100
Music volume 0
Dialogue volume 0
Effects volume 100
Hit marker volume 100
Mono audio Off
Mono amount N/A


Subtitles Personal preference
Subtitles size Default
Subtitles background opacity 0

Voice chat

Voice chat On
Game voice channel Party only (personal preference)
Voice chat device Headset
Open mic recording threshold 70 (personal preference)
Voice chat volume 100
Microphone test Off
Microphone volume 100 (personal preference)


Mute yourself when connecting Off

Audio advanced settings

Juggernaut music Off
Hit marker sound effects MW (Personal preference)
Reduce tinnitus sound Off


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Menu text size Default (Personal preference)
Text chat text size Default (Personal preference)
Text chat background opacity 20 (Personal preference)
Text chat message duration Short (Personal preference)
Language selection English (Personal preference)
Color customization Personal preference


Subtitles All off (Personal preference)
Subtitles size Default (Personal preference)
Subtitles background opacity 0 (Personal preference)


Mini map shape Square
Mini map rotation On
Crosshairs On
Hit markers visuals On
Damage-based hit markers On
Player names Abbreviated
Vehicle HUD prompts Fade after 5 seconds


Telemetry  Custom
Server latency On
Packet loss On
Clock Off
Connection meter On

Advanced interface settings

Tooltips On
Parallax effects On
Center dot Off
Center dot scale Default

Account & Network


Crossplay On (Personal preference)
Crossplay communication On

Content filters

Text chat On (Personal preference)
Profanity filter On (Personal preference)
Dismemberment & gore effects On (Personal preference)

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Joseph Yaden is a freelance journalist who covers Nintendo, shooters, and horror games. He mostly covers game guides for…
The best field upgrades for Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Zombies mode puts a slight twist on the mechanics you are already familiar with. It now plays much more like a souped-up DMZ mode rather than its old round-based format. And Field Upgrades have been modified in terms of both their effects and how you get them just for this game type. There are six different Field Upgrades you can bring into the map and use on a cooldown timer to help improve your chances of survival, but you can only pick one at a time. You will begin the game with only one option, but steadily unlock the rest as you level up. Once you have them all, the question then becomes which is the best Field Upgrade? We've managed to exfiltrate with the answer.

Healing Aura
Regardless of whether or not you're playing with a team or running solo, Healing Aura is no doubt the best Field Upgrade to bring on any Zombie run. When activated, you and any teammates in the area will not only gain immediate healing, but it will also instantly revive any downed teammates. The downside to all this power is that this upgrade has the slowest recharge time and is unlocked at level 19.
Aether Shroud
This is another upgrade that you will be glad to have. Aether Shroud makes you you temporary invisibile to all Zombies. This won't make you invincible, mind you, and PMCs can still take shots, but if you're getting swarmed and have no way to escape, becoming instantly invisible to a bloodthirsty pack of zombies can save your skin more often than you think. This upgrade has a medium recharge rate and is unlocked when you hit level 39.
Frenzied Guard
Just past the halfway mark, Frenzied Guard has a massive upside, but not without some risk. When you pop this Field Upgrade, you instantly repair all your armor, but also draw all the aggression of any enemy nearby for 10 seconds. However, another perk is that anything you kill during this time also repairs your armor, so situationally, it can be great or detrimental. This one recharges slowly, unlocking at level 9.
Frost Blast
Frost Blast does exactly what you expect: it fires a freezing blast that will slow down any enemy you hit with it and deal a bit of damage. It's decent in a pinch, but not a game-changer. You can get it when you hit level 29.
Tesla Storm
An odd ability on paper, Tesla Storm is only good if you have a team working together. Activating it will create a lightning chain between you and your team that will damage and stun enemies that get close to any one of you. It lasts for 10 seconds and can be great in the final moments while holding out for an extraction, but not in other situations. It recharges slowly and is the last upgrade you unlock at level 50.
Energy Mine
This is your default Field Upgrade, so it makes sense that it's the "worst" on the list. Energy Mine isn't exactly bad; you simply lay down a mine that does what a mine does -- explodes. It's just that setting up traps like this in Zombies isn't all that applicable except when kiting a boss around or waiting for the helicopter. It has a medium recharge speed.

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How to fix packet burst in Modern Warfare 3

The last thing anyone wants to see when booting up a game like Modern Warfare 3 to head online with your friends is to be stopped by an error. Online games are susceptible to all types of problems beyond the player's control, leading to plenty of frustration and disappointment in a possibly ruined experience. While there are more substantial issues that can completely prevent you from playing, seeing the packet burst issue is almost worse because, while it does let you play, you will experience a ton of lag that makes the game essentially unplayable. If you've been struck by a packet burst error in Modern Warfare 3, here are some possible solutions so you can get back to fragging.
How to fix packet burst errors

If you spot a symbol of three squares on the left of your screen while playing Modern Warfare 3, it means you're suffering from a packet burst. This is essentially an error where something is messed up in the communication between your system and the game's servers, resulting in terrible performance. While it could be simply an issue on the server side and not related to you at all, which you can check by looking at the Modern Warfare 3 server status here, there are a few things you can do to potentially fix the issue on your end.

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Modern Warfare 3 Zombies: Mercenary Convoy guide

The old format of Zombies has been left behind in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in favor of a more open-world, objective-based take on the undead survival game type. This time, you will squad up and drop into a map with specific objectives you can choose to complete to earn tons of XP, while also pushing the narrative forward and unlocking new, more difficult tasks to take on. The early-tier missions are generally very simple, but in Act 1, you will be given the objective to find and destroy a Mercenary Convoy somewhere on the map. This sounds easy enough on paper until you realize you have no idea where this convey is or how to find it. Every run in Zombies risks losing all your hard-earned progress, so we'll lead you to the Mercenary Convoy to take it out before the zombies even know you were there.
How to find the Mercenary Convoy

Your first challenge will be to find this Mercenary Convoy. The problem here is twofold: first is that it isn't marked on your map in any way, and second is that, being a convoy, it is mobile. Once you land, you and your team should find the nearest vehicle and head toward the center of the map. Depending on how the threat levels are on your particular map, you are looking for roads and highways that are around the medium-threat level zone. You will have to patrol these roads until you come across the convoy, which only consists of three vehicles. Once you are in range, it does appear on your map to let you know you've found it.

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