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How to get XCoins in XDefiant

An xcoin in XDefiant's battle pass.

Every game with an in-game shop like XDefiant also needs its own form of currency. Typically, there’s more than one to make things even more complicated. XCoins are the name for Ubisoft’s premium currency needed to buy most of the cosmetics, such as skins and animations. Some games allow you to earn small amounts of the premium currency for free, while others only sell it to you in exchange for real cash. You don’t have to pay to start playing, but will you need to start spending money once you do? Let’s dig in and find the answer.

How to get XCoins

XCoins can only be earned in two ways in XDefiant. The first is to simply purchase them with real money. You can buy bundles of the premium currency in the Store tab of the menu by selecting Get More XCoins. These are the bundles currently available:

  • 500 XCoins: $5
  • 1,000 XCoins: $10
  • 2,100 XCoins: $20
  • 5,750 XCoins: $50
  • 12,000 XCoins: $100

As you can see, you don’t start getting a better rate on real dollars to XCoins unless you purchase $20 worth or more.

The only other way you can earn XCoins currently is through the battle pass, although you will need to buy the battle pass for 700 XCoins to begin with. If you manage to get all the XCoin rewards in the battle pass, you will get a total of 700 XCoins, which means it will essentially pay for itself.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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