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YouTube with a blank home screen is a beautiful place

The YouTube app on an iPhone.
Phil Nickinson / Digital Trends

I knew it was coming, but it still came as a little bit of a surprise. I opened the YouTube app on my phone and was greeted by … nothing. No Mr. Beast, a video creator whose videos I have never watched — and never will. No tech tips from an overcaffeinated Peanuts character. (I think. Given my advanced age and inability to find entertainment value in someone trying to sell me something, I may not have that quite right.) No random recipes from someone who somehow managed to hide a full kitchen just off camera in the middle of the woods and preps ingredients using only a hand-carved stone hatchet.

This is YouTube without recommendations. And it is wonderful.

I recognize that I probably don’t have the most typical YouTube experience. I’ve worked in journalism and publishing longer than YouTube has been in existence, and since the mid-aughts (Google purchased YouTube in 2006), nary a day goes by in which I have to watch some sort of YouTube video for my job. Maybe it’s sports. Maybe it’s straight news. Maybe it’s politics or tech or whatever else. I’ve watched — and linked to and embedded — more videos than I could ever remember.

And, yes, I’ve also watched all kinds of videos for myself, on my own time, both for entertainment and as education. I grew up sailing and in recent years have managed to add a few drops back to my seagoing soul with some sailing-related channels. I’ve taken up photography in recent years and subscribe to a handful of channels that teach in a way that makes it fun.

But a long time ago — I have no idea when, though I do remember it being a very conscious decision — I turned off my YouTube watch history. That decision was made, in part, due to the aforementioned randomness of what I have to watch in a professional sense, and what I watch for myself. But it also was done out of some small (and certainly more than somewhat misguided) belief that maybe I just don’t want to have a readily accessible list of everything I’ve watched. Go check yours out and see just how cringey your viewing habits may be.

YouTube as seen in a web browser.
YouTube in a web browser is blissfully blank, too. Phil Nickinson / Digital Trends

And so I have no watch history. Don’t mistake that with Google having no record of what you watch. Those are separate things. But it made me feel just a tiny bit better on some small level.

Meanwhile, YouTube recently announced that those who don’t have watch history enabled would stop seeing a screen full of recommended videos. In its own words, “features that require watch history to provide video recommendations will be disabled — like your YouTube home feed.” And it’s not exactly clear that YouTube sees turning off your watch history as a bad thing: “With no feed of recommended videos, thus allowing you to more easily search, browse subscribed channels, and explore Topic tabs instead.”

I’m inclined to agree. I’d rather search or drill down through categories than to be bludgeoned by recommendations that, as often as not, aren’t anywhere close to being something I want to watch. I also still use RSS feeds (the death of Google Reader, by the way, really just separated those who were serious about the format from those who weren’t) and email lists, and I don’t rely on social networking services to maybe give me what’s important.

And now? I see a blank screen when I fire up YouTube anywhere. No more being blasted with recs for vids I will never, ever watch.

And it’s not like YouTube doesn’t recommend any video to me anymore. They’re still visible alongside and below and after videos. They’re just not front and center. They’re not longer the first thing I see when I open the YouTube app or go to the URL in a browser.

For me, it’s a much better, more deliberate, experience. And that’s not a bad thing.

Phil Nickinson
Phil spent the 2000s making newspapers with the Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal, the 2010s with Android Central and then the…
This long-awaited YouTube TV feature is a channel-flipper’s dream
The previous channel feature on YouTube TV on a TV.

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YouTube TV — the most popular streaming service in the U.S. with more than 8 million subscribers — has addressed the latter. After having been teased in some A/B testing for a while now (that is, some folks saw it, and most didn't), it looks like the ability to hop back and forth between two channels is now rolling out more broadly.

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Super Bowl in 4K on CBS on YouTube TV.

A quick heads up if you have the 4K add-on for YouTube TV but aren't seeing the option to watch Super Bowl 2024 in 4K on CBS: It's likely because you're using a custom sort on your live channel listings. (Which is something you might have done if you want to hide YouTube TV channels that you never watch.) That'a bad enough for the game itself, and it also means you won't be able to enjoy the Super Bowl Halftime Show in 4K.

This is a known problem — and has been for years — anytime YouTube TV adds a new channel to the listing. If you're not using the default sort on the live channel listings, a new channel will appear at the bottom of the listings, which is bad enough. But worse is that it's hidden by default until you actively go in and unhide it.

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YouTube TV on Apple TV.

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By comparison, Hulu With Live TV — the second-biggest service — reported 4.6 million subscribers as of September 30, 2023, which marked the end of parent company Disney's fiscal year. YouTube's parent company, Google/Alphabet, doesn't report subscription numbers with any real sort of fidelity. "More than 8 million" is all we're going to get. The new numbers also mean that YouTube TV has about four times as many subscribers as the third-highest service, which is Sling TV, at just over 2 million.

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