It remains to be seen how well the film does but if the warm welcome the movie is receiving from critics and audiences is matched at the box office, the studio already appears to have plans in mind for the follow-up film. Not only will there be a familiar face in front of the camera, but there is likely to be one behind the camera, too — all with a fresh new setting for the character’s adventures.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins confirmed that both she and star Gal Gadot are contractually obligated to return for the film’s sequel, which will have a more contemporary setting than the first film’s World War I backdrop. Jenkins said she is more than happy to take the character on a new journey, as long as the story lives up to the high standard the first film appears to be setting.
However, Jenkins indicated that she probably will not jump right into the sequel if it gets the green light in the near future, as she has a few other projects she is hoping to work on next that do not involve superheroes. One of those projects is a limited TV series based on something penned by her husband, which might involve Wonder Woman and Star Trek actor Chris Pine in a lead role.
“What I never want to do is start phoning it in and making things just to show that I can keep my foot in the door and do big movies,” Jenkins said. “I don’t care about that at all. I just want to make great movies. And that could come from any direction. It might be a $10 million movie or it might be a $200 million movie.”