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NASA is asking for your help to study exoplanets

With new tools like the James Webb Space Telescope, we’re discovering more exoplanets than ever and even peering into their atmospheres. Now, NASA is asking for the public’s help in learning more about some of the exoplanets that have already been detected in a citizen science program called Exoplanet Watch.

“With Exoplanet Watch you can learn how to observe exoplanets and do data analysis using software that actual NASA scientists use,” said Rob Zellem, the creator of Exoplanet Watch and an astrophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a statement. “We’re excited to show more people how exoplanet science is really done.”

Members of the public can help astronomers observe and study the night sky through NASA’s Universe of Learning Exoplanet Watch program.
Members of the public can help astronomers observe and study the night sky through NASA’s Universe of Learning Exoplanet Watch program. NASA/Bill Dunford

The Exoplanet Watch project has two parts, one involving observing for those who have access to a telescope, and one involving identifying exoplanets in existing data. Even if you don’t have access to equipment other than a computer or smartphone, you can still help in learning about exoplanets by requesting access to data collected by robotic telescopes and assisting with data analysis. That’s needed because observing exoplanets passing in front of their host stars — in events called transits — is only half of the challenge of finding a new planet. These transits result in dips in the star’s brightness, but these dips are very small at typically less than 1% of the star’s brightness.

These transits need to be observed multiple times to work out a planet’s orbit, so that is the primary task of the project — getting members of the public to help refine data on already known exoplanets. By having humans do tasks that computers are still quite poor at, like recognizing patterns, more data can be analyzed and the pace of exoplanet discovery and characterization can be improved.

You can follow the instructions on the Exoplanet Watch website for how to perform the data analysis, which walks you through the steps researchers would use to do this work. It’s a little more involved than other citizen science projects like Galaxy Zoo, but that makes it a great introduction to this type of research if you fancy going deep.

The Exoplanet Watch program has been running since 2018 but was only available to a limited number of people. Recently, it has been opened up to be completely accessible to the public, aiming to engage new people in astronomy as well as to collect more data. “I hope this program lowers barriers to science for a lot of people and inspires the next generation of astronomers to join our field,” said Zellem.

Georgina Torbet
Georgina is the Digital Trends space writer, covering human space exploration, planetary science, and cosmology. She…
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James Webb photographs two potential exoplanets orbiting white dwarfs
Illustration of a cloudy exoplanet and a disk of debris orbiting a white dwarf star.

Even though scientists have now discovered more than 5,000 exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, it's a rare thing that any telescope can take an image of one of these planets. That's because they are so small and dim compared to the stars that they orbit around that it's easier to detect their presence based on their effects on the star rather than them being detected directly.

However, thanks to its exceptional sensitivity, the James Webb Space Telescope was recently able to image two potential exoplanets orbiting around small, cold cores of dead stars called white dwarfs directly.

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Small exoplanet could be hot and steamy according to Hubble
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One of the big topics in exoplanet research right now is not just finding exoplanets but also looking at their atmospheres. Tools like the James Webb Space Telescope are designed to allow researchers to look at the light coming from distant stars and see how it is filtered as it passes by exoplanets, allowing them to learn about the composition of their atmospheres. But scientists are also using older telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope for similar research -- and Hubble recently identified water vapor in an exoplanet atmosphere.

“This would be the first time that we can directly show through an atmospheric detection that these planets with water-rich atmospheres can actually exist around other stars,” said researcher Björn Benneke of the Université de Montréal in a statement. “This is an important step toward determining the prevalence and diversity of atmospheres on rocky planets."

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