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Loot boxes in different games like Fortnite, Rocket League, PUBG, Dota 2

ESRB to introduce new ratings label for games with loot boxes

Loot boxes and other types of microtransactions with random elements will now be marked on physical copies of games per a new decision by the ESA and the ESRB.
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Impaling demon tentacles helped earn ‘Devil May Cry 5’ a ‘Mature’ rating


ESRB to place new label on all titles with in-game purchases

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A Rhode Island state representative wants to tax violent video games


United States Senator pens letter to ESRB calling for loot box regulations

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ESRB says video game loot boxes aren't gambling, compares to trading cards

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Booze and boobs net ‘Breath of the Wild’ series-first ratings from ESRB

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'Resident Evil 7' Details Leaked Through ESRB Listing

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The Witness is not coming to Xbox One, despite ESRB rating

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Halo 5: Guardians rated T for Teen while previous titles were all rated M for Mature

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Google’s making the Play Store safer with new app review process and age-based ratings

FTC finds that the video game industry is adept at keeping Mature games out of kids’ hands

The ESRB ratings work: 85% of parents understand the system

It may be impossible to make ESRB ratings more effective according to the board, as 85 percent of parents with game-playing kids are the system familiar with.

Pres. Obama, Republican and Democrat senators back new study into the effects of violent video games on children

West Virginia Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller introduced the Violent Content Research Act of 2013 on Thursday as part of President Barack Obama's legislative push to combat gun violence. Will the NAS study find something previous studies into the link between games and aggression did not?

Defending violent video games: The ‘NRA is not your friend’ edition

ESRB ratings logos

Rated P for Politics: Proposed bill would make ESRB ratings legally binding

Representative Jim Matheson has proposed a new bill to Congress that would make the current video games ratings system administered by the ESRB a legally binding set of guidelines that could land you in jail.

Missouri proposes tax on violent video games like Dance Central 3

Missouri Rep. Diane Franklin proposes that the best way to curb the sale of violent video games is through sales tax. What is a violent video game you ask? Anything rated T for Teen and up by the ESRB, including games like You Don't Know Jack.

Microsoft will allow mature games in the Windows 8 Store afterall

The Windows 8 Store's guidelines prevent UK video game publishers from selling many of their most popular games through Microsoft's new service. On the new operating system's launch day, Microsoft said it would ease ratings restrictions, but it may be some time before changes take effect.
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Digital Blend: DLC for all! Halo 4, XCOM, Dishonored! Borderlands Legends revealed!

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ESRB launching new PSA; possible global game rating system coming soon


Apple and Google plan to ignore ESRB rating system for mobile games

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ESRB is planning to release a rating system for mobile games

ESRB switches to computer automated process for online game ratings

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ESRB Flub Spills Private Details of Privacy Advocates

Manhunt 2 to Keep Mature Rating