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hurricane sandy

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Ideo partners with NYC to help flooding victims bounce back from storms

Ideo is a design firm that usually focuses on consumer experiences. Now the company is using design thinking to help flood victims.
state of the web how hurricane sandy made me a believer fl

#Sandy: Twitter activity could be more accurate than government data for mapping hurricane damage

Researchers from Melbourne, Australia used data of Twitter activity during Hurricane Sandy to map its damage. The results were surprisingly accurate.
kid scientist invents sandbags sandless floods water hurricane sandy peyton robertson

A 5th-grader invented a sandless sandbag to fight floods more effectively

11-year-old Peyton Robertson has developed a new kind of sandbag system that's lighter, easier to transport, and more effective than regular sandbags.

World of Warcraft players prove they have flaming hearts by raising $2.3 million for Sandy relief effort

Blizzard has a history of using World of Warcraft as a fundraiser for disaster relief, and it broke its own recent records by raising $2.3 million for the American Red Cross to help victimes of Hurricane Sandy.

New web service handles the guesswork of donating

A new web service called YouGiveGoods allows users to donate products to charity organizations without worrying about where and when to drop it off.

Weekly mobile wrap: Hurricane and Halloween edition

hurricane relief hitman usc bashing staff picks 11 2

Hurricane relief, Hitman, and some good old-fashioned USC-bashing in this week’s Staff Picks

after sandy community minded 11 year old helps local residents with pop up internet cafe lucy dad

After Sandy: Community-minded 11-year-old helps local residents with pop-up Internet cafe

state of the web hurricane sandy

State of the Web: How Hurricane Sandy made me a believer

hurrican sandy google launches crisis response maps as storm heads for east coast hurricane map

Hurricane Sandy: Google adds power outage info to crisis response map

Hurricane Sandy got you working from home? Here are 7 videos of weather reporters getting owned

Got extra time off from work due to inclement weather? Thank the heavens you're warm, dry, and not like these reporters getting blown away by the storm.