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Latest by Maria Mora

brita amazon smart water pitcher infinity

The Infinity Pitcher will order a new filter for you online, just before the old one goes bad

Amazon and Brita reveal its new, smart water pitcher that automatically orders new filters using Wi-Fi and Amazon's Dash Replenishment service.
designer babies dad with baby by  jozef polc

Track your newborn’s growth milestones and health with Glow Baby app

Personal health startup Glow's fourth app, Glow Baby, is designed to keep track of newborn's first key milestones and general well being.
bbc music app streaming media building manchester england

BBC brings music and exclusive content from all its properties to new Music app

BBC Playlister has evolved into BBC Music, a new app that pulls music-related content from across its properties.
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SoundCloud Pulse arrives for iOS users, puts stat tracking in the palms of their hands

SoundCloud releases the iOS version of their stat-tracking app, SoundCloud Pulse.
nespresso bluetooth coffee machine prodigio

Make your own espresso via Bluetooth on Nespresso’s Prodigio machine

Nespresso unveiled a new espresso machine called the "Prodigio," that allows users to brew coffee right away, and more through their smartphone or tablet.
snapchat website update oscars custom geo filters

You can make your own custom Snapchat filter, starting at $5

Snapchat is enabling users to create their own customized geofilters for their special events or businesses, starting at $5.
peacocks die selfie china zoo peacock death

Peacocks die from shock after being picked up for photos, feathers plucked

Two peacocks in a Chinese zoo die due to visitors roughly grabbing them to take pictures with them.
facebook artificial intelligence maps internet entry sign

Here’s a unique new way Facebook is tracking you down

Facebook and Columbia University are working together to help make internet accessible worldwide through artificial intelligence.
world press photo 2017 warren richardson 2015

Plight of refugees traveling across Europe wins 2015 World Press Photo of the Year

Australian photographer Warren Richardson wins the 2015 World Press Photo of The Year.
instagram photo cropping aspect ratio sizes

This new, cool Instagram tip could help you get more likes

Professional photographers are claiming that Instagram's landscape/portrait feature helps improve engagement in the posts they've shared.
instagram animal selfies warning endangered baby dolphin dies 003

Endangered baby dolphin dies after beachgoers pass it around for selfies

An endangered dolphin dies due to overheating after beachgoers pulled the animal out of the water to take selfies with it.
kanye west pablo lawsuit v2

Zuckerberg snubs Kanye's Twitter begging, fans toss coins in his can on Gofundme

A loyal fan created a GoFundMe page to help Kanye West with his debt after tweeting that he's $53 million in personal debt.
virtual reality depression treatment vr

New study suggests that therapy via virtual reality can help patients with depression

Research shows that virtual reality can help treat people with depression.
monopoly ultimate banking board game

No more embezzling bankers: new Monopoly edition goes paperless

Hasbro is introducing an updated version of its iconic game Monopoly that replaces its fake currency with swipable ATM cards, used to make purchases.
xiaomi launches online store in u s and europe

Hum a song to your Xiaomi phone, and it’ll find the title in seconds

Chinese company Xiaomi is testing out a new feature for its phone that can help recognize songs based off the users' melodic humming.
actev motors go kart kids actev2

With auto-braking and location tracking, the Arrow is the safest go-kart for kids

sports illustrated swimsuit edition virtual reality si 2016 vr nina agdal

Sports Illustrated jumps on VR bandwagon, releases 2016 Swimsuit Issue in virtual reality

barbie flying hover board star light adventure rc hoverboard

Move over, pink convertible; Barbie has a hoverboard now

flipagram messaging feature stories app

Flipagram allowing its users to share private photo stories

Flipagram is the latest app to add a new feature that allows its users to share private stories (Flips) with one another or to a select group of friends.
tribeca film festival virtual reality

2016's Tribeca Film Festival includes VR experiences in gaming and fictional storytelling

ads coming to facebook messenger holiday update 2

Facebook moves to silence pesky video ads by adding captions

Neit Luggage

Neit debuts world’s first collapsible, hard case suitcase

apple watch tommy hilfiger fashion show appledls hermeswatch

Tommy Hilfiger is letting Apple Watch wearers cut in line at Fashion Week
