One of the drawbacks of living in the Information Age, especially if you’re a content creator of almost any kind, are leaks of said content prior to their release. From Napster, to Limewire, to torrent sites like Pirate Bay, early leaks occur often and can almost be described as inevitable.
One doesn’t expect the source of the leak to be the content developer, however,r but it looks like that’s exactly what happened in the case of Windows 8.1 Update 1, which was apparently leaked to the public by Microsoft itself.
A thread on MyDigitalLife, a Windows and Mac-focused form, included a how-to on where to download Windows 8.1 Update 1, via links as well as a Registry edit that, when executed, resulted in the patch showing up as a download in Windows Update. But don’t bother trying to grab the new patch from the thread: both the Windows 8.1 Update 1 download links and registry tweak no longer work.
The leak comes after Microsoft allegedly released Windows 8.1 Update 1 to PC manufacturers, giving them the green light to install it on new machines set to hit the market. The full update weighs in at 761.2 MB.
Some changes expected to come via the update include the ability to pin Windows 8 apps to the desktop’s taskbar, and it’s possible that booting straight to the classic desktop UI will also be offered as an option, though that has yet to be confirmed. Windows 8.1 Update 1 will also lower minimum system requirements to 1GB of RAM and 16GB of hard drive space, making room for lower-end systems to use the OS, which could inject some life into its anemic adoption numbers.
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