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Digital Trends Live: COVID-19 mobility reports, iPhone SE, HBO streams for free


On this episode of Digital Trends Live, host Greg Nibler discusses the top tech stories of the day, including Google’s COVID-19 mobility reports, the new iPhone SE, the SpaceX SN3 Starship, HBO’s free streaming offer, and more.

Rebecca Black

It’s Friday, so who better to talk to than singer Rebecca Black, who became famous in 2011 for her song and video “Friday.” She talks to Nibler about her journey from being bullied for years to emerging stronger on the other side by becoming an activist and singer/songwriter.

DT Senior Editor Caleb Denison joins the show to discuss some of the TVs we saw at CES this year, including TCL’s Mini-LED, LG’s CX OLED, and more.

Ken Yeung, editor at Flipboard, joins us for his weekly Tech Briefs segment, where he details the top tech stories from this past week, including the bombing of Zoom (and the resulting privacy concerns), Amazon’s foray into cloud gaming, and sports leagues’ move to esports.

Todd Werkhoven
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Todd Werkhoven's work can be read at numerous publications and he co-authored a personal finance book called "Zombie…
Digital Trends Live: Tim Cook speaks out on racism, Fortnite delayed, and more
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On this episode of Digital Trends Live, host Greg Nibler breaks down the top-trending stories in tech, including Apple CEO Tim Cook’s response to the worldwide demonstrations over the death of George Floyd, Amazon Air's addition of 12 more cargo jets, the delay of Fortnite season 3, another successful SpaceX launch, and more.
Seyi Fabode, CEO & Founder of Varuna

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Digital Trends Live: Tech diversity, SpaceX success, Android 11 postponed
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On Monday's episode of Digital Trends Live, host Greg Nibler talks the top tech news, including Facebook employees’ criticism of the platform, Google postpones Android 11, SpaceX’s successful launch, the Atari retro VCS console, and more.

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Digital Trends Live: SpaceX delayed, Trump vs. social media, and more
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On this episode of Digital Trends Live, host Greg Nibler dives into the top stories in tech, including Trump’s feud with social media, autonomous medicine delivery, the world’s largest all-electric plane, the delay of the SpaceX launch, and more.

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