Although most people have taken to referring to it as “Batman vs. Superman,” DC has yet to officially give a title to the Man of Steel sequel. A handful of recent domain registries caught by Fusible, however, seem to suggest a few options.
So far Warner Bros. has registered at least 35 domain names, some reflecting the Man of Steel heritage, like manofsteelknightfalls.com, while others reflect a possible subtitle, like blackofknight.com. Based on the domain names, some of the possible titles or subtitles for the Man of Steel sequel could be: The Blackest Hour, The Darkness Within, Darkness Falls, Knight Falls, Shadow of the Night, and Black of Knight.
These titles may also be used for things other than the movie itself, including game tie-ins, novelizations, and countless other products.
From games to books to films, companies that produce entertainment properties frequently register numerous domains, allowing them the freedom to choose a title without worrying about someone registering the website first and then trying to sell the domain back to them, or just creating their own website in the hopes of cashing in on the property’s popularity. Registering a domain is a far cry from actually using it.
In 2010, for example, Activision registered several domains related to Call of Duty, ranging from Future Warfare, Space Warfare, and Advanced Warfare, as well as domains reflecting possible sequels of those properties like callofdutyspacewarfare2.com. It’s still possible Activision will use one of those names in the future, but it is just as likely that it didn’t want people trying to cash in on its licensed material.
As for the Man of Steel possibilities, none of these titles are bad but “Batman vs. Superman” has a nice ring to it, as does “World’s Finest.” What title would you like to see for Man of Steel 2? Sound off in the comments below.