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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 director Marc Webb talks costumes and casting

With The Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb returning for another swing around the city with Marvel’s famous webslinger, the promotional push for this week’s release of the film on DVD and Blu-ray had everyone asking about his plans for the sequel.

In an open Twitter chat sponsored by Target, Webb addressed a few big topics on the minds of Spider-fans when it comes to The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which is scheduled to hit theaters May 2, 2014.

Asked about any plans to change Spider-Man’s costume for the sequel, Webb said he plans to give Peter Parker’s costumed alter ego “bigger eyes” and “gnarly web shooters.” These two changes are likely to find approval among comics fans, as the comic-book version of Spider-Man experienced a similar costume change over the years, with the eyes on his suit growing larger and his webs becoming a bit more messy and spider-like.

Webb also addressed the news of actress Shailene Woodley being cast in the role of Mary Jane Watson, who may not be a major figure in the sequel, but will certainly evolve as the franchise moves along.

“She’s the jam – love her, look forward to working with her in ASM2,” wrote Webb after confirming the casting.

While Webb wouldn’t confirm any of the other casting rumors that have been floating around the Internet, he did comment on his collaboration with Star Trek writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, who are penning the sequel’s script.

“Work with writers daily until they start throwing food at me. Fave part of work espec. when its pasta,” he joked.

You can read up on the rest of Webb’s responses over at his Twitter feed.

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Rick Marshall
A veteran journalist with more than two decades of experience covering local and national news, arts and entertainment, and…
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Where to find Big Apple Ballers Stadium
Big Apple Ballers Stadium is located in Downtown Brooklyn, which can be found at the very bottom of the southeast portion of the map. While it's a little difficult to make out the stadium on the map, you'll definitely be able to recognize it in-game as you swing closer, as it's quite a large stadium located not too far from the amusement park you visit as part of the story.

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How to change suits

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How to get the Just Let Go trophy

The science trophy we're looking for is in the southern part of the Financial District on a church. The exact location can be seen above, but the church itself is impossible to miss once you're in the area. When you reach the church, climb up onto the roof behind the main steeple and look up at the small balcony running around it. If you're close enough, you will see the small white circle indicating that there's something you can interact with there.

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