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The best weapons in Scarlet Nexus

If you want to stand a chance against the biggest, toughest, and most dangerous Others in Scarlet Nexus, you’ll need a weapon that can dish out some major damage. Your base weapons can get you through the early stages of weak mobs, but sooner rather than later, you’ll want to upgrade those starter weapons for ones with a bit more punch to them, especially when going into the endgame content. As with most RPGs, you’ll be picking up and buying new weapons all the time to keep your character on pace with the ever-increasing challenges.

Because this is a single-player experience and not a game intended to be grinded out for weeks or months with new content constantly added, there are weapons that stand above all the others that you can get as the most powerful in the game. The tricky part is that you will want to get them for every character, not just your primary one — and the process of actually getting your hands on them isn’t easy, either. If you need some hints about the best weapons in Scarlet Nexus and how to get them, check out this guide.

Further reading

How to get the best weapons

Yuito using his psychokinesis to attack an Other.

There are two main steps you need to take in order to get the best weapons for any character in Scarlet Nexus. The first is to actually get the weapon in question. You can get weapons either through random drops, quest rewards or by purchasing them from the shop. The absolute best weapons, which is what you came here for, only become available after you pass certain thresholds in the game’s story. Once you’ve reached the specific phase, you have a chance of finding that weapon out in the world as a random drop, but the most reliable way to get your hands on them will obviously be through the shop.

Next, once you have the weapon, you will, of course, want to upgrade it to the maximum level. Upgrading a weapon requires different materials that drop from enemies. Once you reach the final level of upgrade for either Yuito or Kasane, however, you will need a special material called Phantom Art that you can only get after beating the main campaign. Your party member’s final weapon upgrades will also take rare materials you can only pick up in post-game side quests, but they’re not limited to one per playthrough, like Phantom Arts are.

The best weapons for each main character


Your katana-wielding male lead, Yuito, has one of the best weapons in Scarlet Nexus, called the Otori. The base weapon you start with is called the Douji Setsu Ami, which will set you back a hefty 5,000 Kin at the shop. The first upgrade you need to get for it — by going to the shop and navigating to the Exchange section to upgrade — requires the base weapon, two Rat Species Subjugations, and three Battle Record S. The Rat Species Subjugations are dropped from the rat species enemies located in the abandoned underground railroad level, or the Sumeragi land 1 level. Battle record S are less specific drops and simply have a chance of appearing after you beat stronger types of regular Others.

The final upgrade to make this weapon into the Otori requires the upgraded Douji Setsu Ami, obviously, plus one Phantom Art and one Buddy Rummy Analysis. Again, we covered how to get Phantom Arts above, but the Buddy Rummy Analysis comes from the Buddy Rummy Others you encounter on the Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh. Get all this to the shopkeeper, and you’ll have the awesome phoenix-inspired katana.


Your mid-range fighter’s best weapon is the Hitori. These throwing knives pack a major punch but take a bit of work to get. First, as always, you need to get the base weapon to upgrade. In this case, you’re looking for the Mao Kai, again costing 5,000 Kin from the shop. To upgrade it, you’ll need to track down two Pendu Species Subjugations and three Battle Record S. The Pendu Species Subjugations are dropped from the Pendu Others on the Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh, and we already covered where to get the Battle Record S with Yuito.

Once upgraded, to make the final form of the Hitori, you will need your one Phantom Art plus one Rainy Rummy Analysis, which are rare drops from the Rainy Rummy Others.

The best weapons for party members

A battle in Scarlet Nexus.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The only note to make off the top here for getting the materials required for your party member’s ultimate weapons is that they all require a special Phantom Art material that comes from a specific side quest. We’ll note what side quest that is, but bear in mind that these will only open up once you’ve beaten the main story.


Never underestimate what a blade is capable of, no matter how small. Kagero’s Sekiei may be a tiny dagger but will dice up Others before they know what hit them. Purchase the Invisible Dancer V6 first, then go out and collect two Pound Species Subjugation and three Battle Record S to get the first upgrade. Pound enemies can be found in Sumeragi Land 5. From there, add in the Phantom Art: Lizard and Judy Chinary Analysis to create the ultimate form in the Sekiei. The quest you’re looking for to get the Phantom Art is called Help with a Report, and Judy Chinary Others can be fought at Mt. Hino or Sumeragi Land 7.


The talented crossbow wielder Kyoka’s best weapon is the Houga, somewhat resembling a bee in design. The base weapon you’re working with is the Buronguhorn 286. The first set of materials you need are two Pendu Species Subjugation and three Battle Record S. The Pendu Others show up on Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh, and by now you know where to get Battle Record S. From there, to create the Houga, you’ll need the Phantom Art: Honey Bee and one Dispen Fisher Analysis. This Phantom Art comes from the Want to Learn More quest and the analysis as a reward for beating the Dispen Fisher boss.


What’s not to like about a chainsaw-wielding lady? Arashi’s weapons normally have some more creative names, but her best weapon is the more elegant Ayame. That doesn’t mean it isn’t deadly, though. To start off, make sure you get Arashi the Innocent Rabbit Hug 6. Combine this with two Pound Species Subjugations and three Mysterious Ecology S to get the first upgrade. Pound Species are in Sumeragi Land 5 during the Memory of Rebellion, while Mysterious Ecology can be found from powerful Others in the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9. Your final upgrade will need the Phantom Art: Horse and a Brawn Yawn Analysis. This Phantom Art is a reward for doing the Enchanted by Weapons side quest, and Brawn Yawn enemies spawn in the Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh area.


Shiden is a dual wielder who utilizes his Electrokinesis to deal a shocking amount of damage lighting fast. His ultimate weapons are the Kan’nen, which start out as the Special Guard Stick Rikugo Kai. Once purchased, you will need to farm two Yawn Species Subjugations and three more Battle Record S. The Brawn Yawn Others you need to farm spawn at the Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh. To turn the Rikugo into the Kan’nen requires one Phantom Art: Catfish and one Rotunda Pagoda Analysis. This Phantom Art comes from completing the For the Exhibition side quest, and just take down Rotunda Pagodas until you get the Analysis.


Completely contrasting Luka’s somewhat smaller stature, his massive hammers are always a sight to behold, especially the Shojin. Adorned with golden elephants, this thing is just as tough as its animal inspiration. The base weapon here is the Weight Hammer V6. Upgrade this with two Yawn Species Subjugation and three more Battle Record S. The Yawn enemies show up on the Kunad Highway: Entrance to Suoh. From there, get yourself the Phantom Art: Elephant from the For the Exhibition side quest and one Coat Mote Analysis by beating the enemy of the same name to unlock the Shojin.


Who needs a weapon when you can just pull on some gloves and let your fists do the work? Gemma is all about that close-range, knuckle-bleeding combat, and the Kiseki gloves let him hit with all his might. To get his best weapon, using that term loosely, you start out by getting the Gou Musou Land Type and upgrading it with two Bound Species Subjugation and, you guessed it, three Battle Record S. Bound Others spawn in Sumeragi Land 5. From there, combine that weapon with the Phantom Art: Turtle and one Coil Moil Analysis, the former of which you get for completing the No Interference! side quest and the latter for beating the Coil Moil boss.


Tsugumi is perhaps the smartest member of your team, just for the fact that they are using a gun, and Tsugumi’s firearms still follow the RPG systems of having different stats. To get her best pistol in the game, the bird-like Enmu, you first need to get the Lily Bell M20-6. Take that and two Pool Species Subjugations and yet another three Battle Record S to hit the first upgrade. The Pool Species Subjugations come from Scummy Pool Others located in either the Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line or Hirasaka Station entrance and exit. The final upgrade into the Enmu requires the Phantom Art: Swallow and one Naomi Randall Analysis. This Phantom Art is your reward for the Verifying the Secret quest, and you will need to beat the Naomi Randall boss for their analysis.


Hanabi’s best torch weapon is very appropriately modeled in the aesthetic of a monkey and is just as beautiful as it is deadly. Named the Kaen, this torch is the perfect fit for Hanabi’s fire-based abilities. The base weapon you will be working with is the Torch Type 6. Add in two Paw Species Subjugations and three more Battle Record S to pump it up one upgrade level. Paw species Others can be found in a few places, such as the Kikuchiba: Middle-level Shopping District and Arahabiki Control Layer: Purification Bridge. To turn this torch into the Kaen, add in the Phantom Art: Monkey and one Gankin Fisher Analysis. This primate-themed Phantom Art is the reward for completing the Important Mission side quest, and you can find the analysis simply comes from killing any Gankin Fisher-type Others.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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A soldier standing in an armory.

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The best weapon upgrades in Alan Wake 2
Saga fights off a Taken in Alan Wake 2.

The Dark Place and Cultists in Alan Wake 2 may be dark and twisted manifestations of an evil force, but once you shed away the darkness, everything will fall into your arsenal of firearms. Neither Alan nor FBI agent Saga are exactly equipped with the firepower you'd want when wandering through the haunted woods and mind-bending Dark Place, but they can make do with what they have in clever ways. Saga specifically is skilled enough to upgrade all the weapons in her inventory to better protect herself against the supernatural threats that stalk her. Upgrades don't come cheap, and if you find all the weapons in the game, you will need to make some tough calls on how you improve them. Here are the upgrades you need to see the final chapter of Alan Wake 2's story.
How weapon upgrades work

You can upgrade your weapons whenever you like in Alan Wake 2 by visiting Saga's Mind Place. Any weapon you have is available to upgrade there, provided you have the required amount of manuscript fragments that you collect from the hidden Luncboxes around the map. These are distinct from the Cult Stashes, so be on the lookout for them since you will need to find quite a few before you can afford even the first upgrade.
Best weapon upgrades
More Bullets
Your starting pistol may not be the most flashy gun in Alan Wake 2, but it is always reliable and it never stops being effective. The first upgrade you should get has to be More Bullets. This will increase the pistol's default magazine size from 12 to 18. This will obviously make it easier and safer to deal with encounters since you won't be caught reloading as often but also helps keep your inventory clean since less space will be taken up for ammo.
Another Headshot
For another pistol upgrade, Another Headshot is very powerful if you're a sharpshooter. If you can score two headshots in a row, the unlucky Cultist will be stunned for a comically long time. That gives you plenty of time to either deal free damage, heal, or just run away if you're low on resources and not prepared for a fight.
Ready for More
The best shotgun upgrade is easily Ready for More. Healing is not only a limited resource, which again takes up inventory space but also a somewhat long animation. If you're in a tight situation and on the verge of death, there usually isn't much you can do. Ready for More can bail you out since it will turn any kill you get with the shotgun into a bit of healing. It isn't a huge amount, but every bit makes a difference.
Two Shots
The Crossbow may be a late-game addition to your toolset, but is absolutely worth saving some manuscript fragments to upgrade ASAP. Two Shots is borderline essential, making it so you can fire twice rather than just once before needing to reload.
Magnetic Pull
Magnetic Pull could be the best upgrade in the game. With it, after you skewer an enemy with a bolt, switching to another gun will make those bullets track to the bolt for guaranteed hits. If you're comfortable swapping weapons on the fly, this is satisfying and efficient.

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The best weapons in Lords of the Fallen
A knight with a large sword prepares to stab a dragon in Lords of the Fallen.

While you technically could get through a game like Lords of the Fallen bare-handed and wearing no armor, most people will have a far better experience using real weapons and armor. Weapons in particular are key to soulslikes since the weapon you want, or at least the type, is key to how you will want to build your character and distribute your stats. Just like a FromSoftware game, every weapon has different stat requirements and scaling grades that make some objectively better than others. While it isn't terribly difficult to compare the weapons you find, Lords of the Fallen gets crazy with just how many different weapons there are across all the different types. Rather than build using the wrong stats for a weapon that will be outclassed, here are some of the best weapons in Lords of the Fallen for any build.
The best weapons in Lords of the Fallen

With hundreds of weapons across all the different types, we've narrowed our list down to some of the best that cover all the major builds you would consider running.
Pieta's Sword
Swords are going to be one of the most popular weapon types in this game. Not only are they kind of the default weapon for soulslikes, but Lords of the Fallen has an almost overwhelming number of them to pick from. This shortsword can be purchased fairly easily from Molhu at the Remembrance of Pieta for 40 Umbral Scourings. This is a boss weapon that comes from none other than Pieta herself and is one of the best zoning swords in the game. It is made for Radiance builds, and comes with the Smite status effect of 100. You need your Radiance stat to be 25 or higher to wield it, and it scales starting at a C and ends at an A- rank with that same stat after upgrades.
Hallowed Praise
To throw a second short sword into the mix for consideration, we turn to another early-game option. Unlike the last pick, this sword is more traditional and works best for agility-focused builds, but with the added effect of 80 Bleed on each hit for some spice. You only need 12 Agility to equip it, again making it great early on, and it scales starting at C, but can go up to A with Agility.
Despite the name, Bloodlust actually isn't as focused on Bleed as Hallowed Praise. That said, it has both 60 Bleed and Burn damage on hit. What pushes this to a top-tier sword, though, is the special effect of restoring a small amount of HP for each kill. You'll need to build to at least level 3 in both Agility and Inferno to use it, but it's more than worth it. Bloodlust scales with both Agility and Inferno, starting at a C in both and ending at an A-.
Hushed Saint's Halberd
Polearms are a more niche choice, but those who know how to handle them are almost untouchable. The Hushed Saint's Halberd is another weapon you should save up to buy from Molhu for 20 Umbral Scourings if you are going for a Strength and Agility build. It admittedly doesn't scale as high as other weapons on this list, but it does come with an insane 150 Poison effect that can easily make up for the lack of raw damage. You'll need a decent 19 Strength and 16 Agility to make use of it, and its dual scaling for those stats starts at C and D, but works up to B+ and C+, respectively.
Iron Wayfarer's Hammer
Another boss weapon that you can claim, this time by beating the Iron Wayfarer, is that character's hammer. If you are anything like us, seeing how deftly this boss utilized it against you will inspire you to try it out for yourself, and boy is it worth it. If you're using a Strength build, this could be the last weapon you ever need. It will take a huge 31 Strength to even hold, but this is a powerhouse. Despite scaling with Strength, Agility, Radiance, and Inferno, you really only need to pay attention to Strength. It starts at a B- but turns into an S by the time you hit +9 with it, while all other characteristics only go from E to D at best.
Charm of Fortune's Sight
We haven't forgotten you mage builds out there! Sure, catalysts aren't technically "weapons" in the strict definition, but they serve essentially the same purpose for spellcasters. Again, pay a visit to everyone's favorite vendor Molhu in Skyrest to buy it off him. What's so special about this catalyst in particular is that it lets you use four different spell types at once, in addition to boosting their power. You will need to be a bit of a mixed build as it requires 12 Radiance and Inferno, which are the two stats it scales with as well. To start, you get C- scaling in both, but end up with B when at +9.
Bow of the Convert
Spellcasters might be a small percentage of players, but archers are even less popular. However, they're a completely viable build in Lords of the Fallen, especially with the Bow of the Convert. Just looking at the stats, it might not seem all that special, but it has an 80 in Bleed, Burn, Poison, and Frostbite. If you add on elemental arrows, you're likely to hit an unsuspecting enemy with four or five status effects in a single shot. You only need 16 Agility to equip this bow, and the scaling isn't even that bad once you upgrade it. It starts at a C and ends at a B+.

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