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All Starcraft 2 cheats and console commands

After so many years, we’ve all just about given up hope for a sequel to Starcraft 2, so we might as well have as much fun with this entry as possible. While there is significant depth on the multiplayer and even some great expansions, dedicated players have no doubt hit a wall in terms of how much fun they can have through normal means. That’s when triggering some handy cheats can breathe some new life into this master class of an RTS. We’ve gathered all the necessary resources to build you the definitive list of cheats and console commands for Starcraft 2.

How to enter cheats

Two starcraft 2 armies in battle.

Unlike console games that require long codes or hidden button combinations to trigger cheats, PC gamers have a much easier time. You can start cheating in Starcraft 2 by simply opening the chat window and pressing the Enter key. This will open a window where you simply enter one of the cheats below, hit Enter once more, and see the effect take place.

Note that while all the cheats we will cover are included in the game from the developer, and thus won’t get you banned for using them, they will prevent you from earning any achievements.

All Starcraft 2 cheats

  • WhatIsBestInLife – Instant Victory
  • LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven – Instant Defeat
  • TookTheRedPill – Disables Fog of War
  • Bunker55AliveInside – Disables the need for Supplies (Food)
  • TerribleTerribleDamage – Enables God Mode
  • SpectralTiger – Adds 5,000 Minerals to the Available Resources
  • RealMenDrillDeep – Adds 5,000 Gas to the Available Resources
  • WhoRunBartertown – Adds 5,000 of each Resource to the Available Resources
  • SoSayWeAll – Allows the use of all Tech
  • IAmIronMan – Instantly allows all Upgrades
  • CatFoodForPrawnGuns – Enables Fast Builds and Fast Upgrades
  • HanShotFirst – Disables cooldowns on Spells
  • TyuHasLeftTheGame – Disables Victory Conditions to allow Continued Play
  • NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender – Enables Continued Play after a defeat
  • ImADoctorNotARoachJim – Enables Fast Unit Healing
  • MoreDotsMoreDots – All Units and Buildings are Free to Build (No Cost)
  • WhySoSerious – Adds 5 million Credits
  • LeaveYourSleep – Opens all Missions (Ability to Jump to Missions)
  • EyeOfSauron – Allows access to all Cinematics
  • StayClassyMarSara – Allows access to all UNN TV News Broadcasts
  • HoradricCube – Opens all Research Options
  • Jaynestown – Adds 5,000 Terrazine to the Available Resources
Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
All Incantations and how to unlock them in Hades 2
Melinoe fighting under a full moon in Hades 2.

You can't have a game where you play as a witch without a massive cauldron. Hades 2 places one front and center in the Crossroads, but it isn't just there for decorative purposes. Melinoë can use this big boiling pot of green liquid to bring new features into the game, whether it be between runs or during them, in exchange for various materials like Silver. You will only start out with a few Incantations, but doing more runs and getting further toward your goal of killing Chronos will gradually unlock more to create. There are far more than you might expect for an early access game. Here are all the Incantations and their recipes.
Every Incantation, effect, and recipe
The order in which you unlock Incantations in the menu can vary based on what you do and how you progress in Hades 2, so this list is in no particular order. Also, it is possible there are more we haven't been able to unlock yet, so we will update this list if we discover any more or if additional ones are added during early access.

Incantation name

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The best Arcana Cards in Hades 2
The arcana cards menu in Hades 2.

Fitting right in line with the new more magical and "witchy" tone of Hades 2, Arcana Cards have been introduced as a new upgrade system to further customize your runs.

These unique cards grant you new abilities and buffs on whatever run you take them on, but the system isn't as simple as activating them and reaping the rewards. Like all things in this game, you will need to slowly unlock them and make choices about which ones you want to equip and which to leave off. The system isn't as complex as reading real tarot cards, but there are enough of them that it wouldn't hurt to have a little help deciding which ones are the most effective.
How to unlock and equip Arcana Cards

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How to unlock all weapons in Hades 2
Hades 2 key art from its first trailer.

Hades 2's Melinoë is a very different main character from the first game's Zagreus in terms of personality and in how she fights. Being a witch, magic is core to her moveset, but she still wields all sorts of new weapons. You won't find the standard sword or spear here, as she starts off with just a witch's staff . You'll need to unlock the rest in traditional roguelike fashion. Each item requires you to gather up different materials, but most have some overlap so you will need to be selective about which one you craft first. We're still in the early access period, but for now, here are all the Nocturnal Arms in the game and how you can unlock them.
How to unlock every Nocturnal Arm
Ignoring the Witch's Staff, which you start with, there are four additional weapons to unlock.
Sister Blades
These fast, close-range melee daggers are the easiest to unlock and cost one Silver.
Umbral Flames
This is a medium-range weapon that prioritizes magic and fire attacks for three Silver and three Cinder.
Moonstone Axe
The heavy Moonstone Axe is your big, but slow damage dealer. It will cost you 15 Silver to pick up, so you will need to save up a bit.
Argent Skull
This si an explosive casting weapon that won't be available to unlock until you reach a certain point in the game that we won't spoil here. It will cost you two Glassrock and one Bronze to make.

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