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All the Minecraft console commands and cheats for console and PC

Minecraft on Chromebooks.

Playing Minecraft can be a huge blast, and a basic set of tips and tricks is all you need to get started, but what if we told you that playing the game with cheats is even more fun? Sure, you can add quite a bit of entertainment to your Minecraft experience with the best mods and add-ons, but using not-so-secret console commands to enhance or alter the world of Minecraft can be just as thrilling. These let you do things like change how long a day lasts or instantly make items like a blast furnace. And whether you’re playing the game on a desktop PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, you’ll have access to these cool codes thanks to the game being fully cross-platform.

So how do you go about altering your next Minecraft session with a couple of clever cheats? We’ve got the step-by-step instructions you’ll need for both console, Java, and Bedrock versions of the popular title. 

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How to enter console commands in Java Edition

The Open to LAN screen in Minecraft Java Edition.

If you’re running the Java Edition of Minecraft, enabling cheats is very simple. Start by creating a new world and make sure that the Allow Cheats option is set to On. Create your world and open the chat menu by hitting /. In this box, you can now begin entering any console commands to activate the cheat of your choice.

If you want to use cheats in an existing world, you can do so by going into the menu and selecting Open to LAN. From there you can toggle the Allow Cheats option.

How to enter console commands in Bedrock Edition

Minecraft on Chromebooks.

On the Bedrock Edition, the process is slightly different. Create or load into a world and open the menu. Go to the Cheats tab and toggle them On. Now, just like in Java, you can open the chat menu and input / to start entering commands. If you’re playing with a controller, you will need to hit right on the D-pad and then select your cheat from a list of options or type using the digital keyboard.

All console commands

There are a ton of console commands, so here’s a comprehensive list of each one you can use and a description of what they do.

Game mode cheats

/gamemode 0 Switch to Survival mode
/gamemode 1 Switch to Creation mode
/gamemode 2 Switch to Adventure mode
/gamemode 3 Switch to Spectator mode
/tp [player] [x, y, z] Teleports the player to the command’s specific coordinates
/gamerule dofiretick false Fire does not spread
/ gamerule dodaylightcycle false Stop the day and night cycle in the game
/ gamerule keepinventory true When you die, you don’t lose anything from your inventory
/ gamerule domobloot false Creatures do not will drop items
/ gamerule domobspawning false Creatures will not appear again
/ gamerule dotiledrops false Stage blocks won’t drop items
/ gamerule mobgriefing false Creatures will not be able to interact with blocks
/ gamerule naturalregeneration false Prevents health regeneration

Player cheats

/ kill @r You will eliminate a random player
/ kill @e You will remove all entities
/ kill @a You will eliminate all players
/ kill @p You will eliminate the closest player
/ give [item] [quantity] Add the specified item and quantity to a player’s inventory
/ ride You will transform the creature you are looking at into a mount
/ instantmine It will take just one hit to destroy blocks and extract materials
/ freeze You will paralyze all creatures
/ falldamage Enable or disable fall damage
/ firedamage Turn fire damage on or off
/ waterdamage Enable or disable water damage
/ superheat You will transform all the items into their fused versions
/ instantplant Planted seeds will grow instantly
/ dropstore You will store all the items in your inventory in a trunk that appears next to you
/ itemdamage Prevents items and weapons from taking damage or wearing out
/ duplicate You will copy the equipped item and place it before you
/effect give [Player Name] 1 [seconds] [Effect Level] Provides the Speed effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/effect give [Player Name] 2 [seconds] [Effect Level] Provides the Slow effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/effect give [Player Name] 3 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activate the Mining Haste effect on the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/effect give [Player Name] 4 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Extraction Fatigue effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 5 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Force effect on the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 6 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Instant Heal effect on the specified player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 7 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Instant Damage effect to the specified player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player name] 8 [seconds] [Effect level] Activates the Super Jump effect on the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 9 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Nausea effect on the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 10 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Regeneration effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 11 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Resistance effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 12 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Firefighting effect to the indicated player, according to the duration and level chosen
/ effect give [Player Name] 13 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Water Breath effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 14 [seconds] [Effect Level] Activates the Invisibility effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 15 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Blind effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 16 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Night Vision effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 17 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Hunger effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 18 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Weakness effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 19 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Poison effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 20 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Decomposition effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 21 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Extra Hearts effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 22 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Absorption effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level
/ effect give [Player Name] 23 [seconds] [Effect Level] Will provide the Saturation effect to the indicated player, according to the chosen duration and level

Enchantment cheats

/enchant [Player name] [aqua_affinity] [Enchantment level] Aquatic Affinity
/enchant [Player name] [bane_of_arthropods] [Enchantment level] Bane of the Arthropods / Nightmare of the Arthropods
/enchant [Player name] [binding_curse] [Enchantment level] Curse of Linkage
/enchant [Player name] [blast_protection] [Enchantment level] Explosion protection
/ enchant [Name of player] [channeling] [Enchantment level] Conductivity
/ enchant [Player name] [depth_strider] [Enchantment level] Aquatic agility
/ enchant [Player name] [efficiency] [Enchantment level] Efficiency
/ enchant [Player name] [feather_falling] [Enchantment level] Feather drop
/ enchant [Player name] [fire_aspect] [Enchantment level] Aspect of Fire / Aspect of Fire / Aspect of Burning
/ enchant [Player name] [fire_protection] [Enchantment level] Fire protection
/ enchant [Player name] [flame] [Enchantment level] Flame / Fire / Incendiary Arrow
/ enchant [Player name] [fortune] [Enchantment level] Fortune
/ enchant [Player name] [frost_walker] [Enchantment level] Ice Cream Step
/ enchant [Player name] [impaling] [Enchantment level] Impalement
/ enchant [Player name] [infinity] [Enchantment level] Infinity
/ enchant [Player name] [knockback] [Enchantment level] Backspace
/ enchant [Player name] [looting] [Enchantment level] Loot / Plunder
/ enchant [Player name] [loyalty] [Enchantment level] Loyalty
/ enchant [Player name] [luck_of_the_sea] [Enchantment level] Luck marine / Luck of the seas
/ enchant [Player name] [lure] [Enchantment level] Lure / Attraction
/ enchant [Player name] [mending] [Enchantment level] Repair
/ enchant [Player name] [multishot] [Enchantment level] Multi-shot
/ enchant [Player name] [piercing] [Enchantment level] Drilling
/ enchant [Player name] [power] [Enchantment level] Power
/ enchant [Player name] [projectile_protection] [Enchantment level] Projectile Protection
/ enchant [Player name] [protection] [Enchantment level] Protection
/ enchant [Player name] [punch] [Enchantment level] Punch
/ enchant [Player name] [quick_charge] [Enchantment level] Quick charge
/ enchant [Player name] [respiration] [Enchantment level] Breathing
/ enchant [Player name] [riptide] [Enchantment level] Water propulsion / Marine current
/ enchant [Player name] [sharpness] [Enchantment level] Edge / Sharpness
/ enchant [Player name] [silk_touch] [Enchantment level] Silk Touch
/ enchant [Player name] [smite] [Enchantment level] Hit / Punishment / Pounding
/ enchant [Player name] [sweeping] [Enchantment level] Raging Edge / Sweep
/ enchant [Player name] [thorns] [Enchantment level] Thorns
/ enchant [Player name] [unbreaking] [Enchantment level] Unbreakable / Durability
/ enchant [Player name] [vanishing_curse] [Enchantment level] Curse of Disappearance

World cheats

/ time set 18000 You will change the time to midnight
/ time set 6000 You will change the time at noon
/ difficulty [peaceful/easy/normal/hard] You will change the level of difficulty to that indicated in the command
/ summon You will invoke the corresponding entity (a full list can be found here)
/ atlantis You will raise the sea level in the world
/ weather [clear/rain/thunder] You will change the world’s climate to the one indicated in the command
/seed Shows your world seed code
Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
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As much love as this entry received when it came out for its story and characters -- it's still often considered one of the best games released on that entire generation of consoles -- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City pushed open-world games in a whole new direction. In keeping with series tradition, which continues to be the case, this title was jam-packed with cheats that can completely change how the game is played. This game has far more than any other in the recently released trilogy, making it ripe for revisiting to see what crazy antics you can cause. There are even a few new ones not included in the original, so even die-hard fans will want to see our full list of all the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City -- Definitive Edition cheat codes.

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All console commands and cheats for Fallout: New Vegas
The courier holding a gun with a welcome sign in the background in Fallout: New Vegas key art.

From the moment you begin your adventure in Fallout: New Vegas, you've already cheated death. Your first playthrough of the game should be done as the developers intended, though maybe with a couple of mods to make the experience a little smoother, but nothing that breaks the game. That said, it's been over a decade since the game came out, so odds are you've already played through the intended way at least once. This is when you can have some fun tinkering with the game and play using console commands and cheats if you're on the PC version of the game. There are a ton of commands you can input to manipulate your character, the world, objects, and more. Here's a full rundown of all the cheats there are and how to activate them.
How to enter console commands
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the ~ key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats.
All Fallout: New Vegas console commands and cheats

Because there are so many console commands, we're going to break them down into general categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for based on what you want to do.
Faction and reputation cheats
addreputation <form id> <variable> <amount> -- Increases your reputation with a faction.

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Stardew Valley cheats: all glitches, codes, and secrets
Stardew Valley farmer fishing.

You might not think a cozy game likeStardew Valley would even need cheats once you learn all the essential tips and tricks. After all, the entire point of the game is to relax, build up your farm, and make friends with the other townsfolk, right? Sure, but there are also a lot of challenging and time-consuming objectives that have been added over the many years of support. Plus, sometimes people just want to play a game on their own terms alone or in co-op. In either case, cheats can help you farm up some fun times, so let's harvest every one there is to enjoy.
All Stardew Valley cheats
We're going to use the term "cheat" a bit loosely here since Stardew Valley doesn't have cheats in the traditional sense, but more exploits and glitches you can use to cause some cheat-like things to happen.
Infinite energy glitch

Every action you take in Stardew Valley costs some energy, so wouldn't it be nice not to have to worry about running out? There's a simple way to do it by exploiting that small step forward your character takes whenever they swing a weapon or tool. If you go into the Spa and swing your weapon against the wall until you clip through it, you can then go out of bounds over to the pool. Once there, put any post down in the water and touch it. After that, you can return back to the bounds of the game. However, the game will be tricked into thinking your character is swimming, and thus, you won't spend energy using weapons!
The Galaxy Sword glitch

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