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How to unlock the Pilgrim’s room in Starfield

For the most part, the main questline in Starfield won’t challenge you too much in terms of puzzle-solving. Missions tend to boil down to getting an objective, fast traveling to a location, and following your marker until you collect an Artifact. Since you can only unlock all the powers by going through the main quests, you will at least want to complete most of them before going off and doing all the faction missions, outpost building, or general space exploration. There’s one mission, though, that can be a roadblock if you’re not extra observant and invested in reading all the lore. If you don’t know the answers to opening the Pilgrim’s Computer in Starfield, here is all the information you need.

Pilgrim Computer’s answers

A Pilgrim's Computer question and answer.
Bethesda Softworks

After you arrive at Pilgrim’s Rest and explore, you will be led to the small base that’s full of notes, among dozens of other items. Your objective is behind a locked door that asks you a few questions that you’re supposed to learn the answers to by hunting down and reading all the notes. This isn’t a door you can lockpick no matter how high your skill level is, so selecting the right answers is the only way forward. Here are all the questions you will be asked, and the correct responses:

Question: If you came seeking the right answers, you will know what question to ask.

Answer: What is the Unity?

Question: I return the question with a question. If you have read my writings, what is the burden of the people?

Answer: People are necessary. But people are madness.

Question: Who is your most formidable opponent?

Answer: Myself.

Question: Where does enduring contentment come from?

Answer: In stopping, in embracing compassion.

You are able to pick the right answers whether or not you’ve found the notes with the answers in them, so feel free to go straight to the door and save yourself the effort of scouring the entire base for the notes before interacting with the computer.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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