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The Last of Us Part II: All journal entry locations

The Last of Us Part II has a lot of collectibles (286, in fact). With more than 100 artifacts, nearly 50 trading cards, and over 30 coins, the easiest collectibles to tackle first, by far, are the journal entries. There are only 20 journal entries in The Last of Us Part II, 18 of which come in the first half of the game. Journal entries contribute to the gold trophy Archivist, where you’ll need to collect every journal entry and artifact in the game. There are far more artifacts, but if you miss a single journal entry, the trophy won’t pop. We’ve done the hard work for you, though, finding all of the journal entry locations in The Last of Us Part II. 

Although we won’t talk about any plot details in, well, detail, we will point out landmarks and set pieces for reference throughout this guide. Let this serve as a spoiler warning.

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Chapter 4: Patrol

Journal #1

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Shortly after the chapter begins, Ellie and Dina will dismount their horses inside of an abandoned building. After some dialogue, you’ll go up a set of stairs and out to a balcony. There’s a mini-cutscene here that’s part of the main story path. After it’s over, facing that same balcony, press triangle to jot down the journal entry.

Journal #2

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Much later in the chapter, Ellie will pick up a Firefly pendant hanging on the wall next to a door. This artifact is unmissable, and Dina and Ellie will share some dialogue over it. After that, head into the next room and immediately turn right. There, on a shelf, you’ll see a giraffe toy. Inspect it for this journal entry.

Chapter 7: Packing Up

Journal #3

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Once you’re inside Joel’s house, head to the kitchen on the bottom floor. Interact with the mug next to the sink for this journal entry.

Journal #4

Sony Interactive Entertainment

This entry is part of the story, so it’s unmissable. Still in Joel’s house, go upstairs and into his bedroom. On the bed, inspect the red box for this entry.

Chapter 8: The Gate

Journal #5

Sony Interactive Entertainment

From the start of the chapter, continue on the main story path through the woods and down an overgrown highway (there’s a Seattle exit sign at the end of the highway). Once you reach the end, you’ll come to an open area with a security tower and, to your right, a gate with “WLF trespassers killed on sight” spray-painted on the front. Interact with the graffiti for this journal entry.

Chapter 9: Downtown

Journal #6

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Chapter 9 is a big open world section where you can explore downtown Seattle. For the first journal entry, head to the corner of 5th Avenue and Madison Street. There, you’ll find a security checkpoint. Head up the ladder to the top of the checkpoint and run across to the second watchtower. In the drawer, you’ll find an artifact, and after picking it up, a journal entry prompt when looking out the front window of the tower.

Journal #7

Sony Interactive Entertainment

As part of the main story path, you’ll need to head to the synagogue positioned between Mario Street and Colombia Street (the “dome,” as Ellie and Dina first refer to it). There are a few puzzles for you to solve inside, but eventually, you’ll use a rope to swing to a balcony. On the destination balcony, head to the right into the rabbi’s office. There’s an artifact on his desk, and once you pick it up, Ellie will automatically jot down this journal entry.

 Chapter 13: The Tunnels

Journal #8

Sony Interactive Entertainment

About halfway through the chapter, you’ll have to take down your first two Shamblers (the Infected with a hunched back). Be careful taking them down, as once they’re defeated, the Shamblers will fall to the ground and explode into a cloud of poisonous gas. Once the gas is clear, interact with a Shambler for this journal entry.

Chapter 15: The Birthday Gift

Journal #9

Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the start of the chapter, you’ll see a large T-Rex statue outside of the museum. Interact with the nameplate for this journal entry.

Journal #10

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Inside the museum, continue through the exhibit until you reach the space exhibit on the upper floor. Continue straight into the exhibit until you reach two semicircle benches facing each other. Interact with the right bench for this journal entry.

Chapter 16: Hillcrest

Journal #11

Sony Interactive Entertainment

From the beginning of the chapter, continue straight into Hillcrest until you have to climb a crashed truck (part of the main story path). On the other side, you’ll see a Ruston Coffee right in front of you. To left, there’s a “rules must be followed” banner with “fuck the WLF” sprayed on the front. Interact with it for this journal entry.

Chapter 17: Finding Strings

Journal #12

Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the start of the chapter, you’ll be playing as Ellie in a flashback scene with Tommy. Immediately when you have control, turn right and head to the ledge where you can see a mountain in the distance. As you approach, a prompt will come up. Use it, and Ellie will jot down this journal entry.

Chapter 18: The Seraphites

Journal #13

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Near the start of the chapter, you’ll come across the Conference Center. Go inside, and to the left, you’ll see blood smears spelling out “feel her love.” Interact with this display for the journal entry.

Journal #14

Sony Interactive Entertainment

This entry is unmissable, but just so you can check it off the list, here’s how you’ll know it happened. Later in the chapter, there’s a mini-cutscene where Ellie will point out the hospital in the distance. After she does, she’ll automatically mark down a new entry.

Journal #15

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Later in the chapter, once you emerge from the sewers, you’ll come to a grassy area where Scars will attack you. Once you’ve dealt with them, continue out of the grassy area until you reach a road. Head left to a bus stop and interact with the body there for this journal entry.

Chapter 20: Road to the Aquarium

Journal #16

Sony Interactive Entertainment

A little ways into the chapter, Jesse and Ellie will enter an overgrown bookstore. Go to the ground floor, partially submerged in water, and head to the children’s book section. In front of an Alice in Wonderland mural, there are two mushroom trees. Interact with the left one for this journal entry.

Chapter 21: The Flooded City

Journal #17

Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the beginning of the chapter, you’ll need to leave your boat to open a chain door. Get out into the water, but before opening the door, head to the left. Go up the stairs there and into the room at the top. Head to the window, and you’ll see the journal entry prompt pop up.

Chapter 22: Infiltration

Journal #18

Sony Interactive Entertainment

You’ll reach a point in the chapter when Ellie falls out of an air duct and is attacked by a dog. Once the encounter is over, continue straight through the door in front of you, then turn left and head through the next door. Immediately turn left and go into the next room to find a makeshift kitchen. On the far side of the room, interact with the blue duffel bag for this journal entry.

Chapter 43: Pushing Inland

Journal #19

Sony Interactive Entertainment

Late in the chapter, you’ll crawl under a stone wall and reach a road overlooking a town (there’s a police car on the side of the road). Head toward the overlook and an L3 button prompt will come up. Press it, and Ellie will make a new journal entry.

Chapter 44: The Resort

Journal #20

Sony Interactive Entertainment

At the start of the chapter, you’ll need to deal with a group of Rattlers. Once you’ve dealt with them, continue straight, parallel to a set of train tracks. Eventually, you’ll spot a green van parked on the train tracks with the Rattlers symbol. Interact with it for the final journal entry in The Last of Us Part II. You won’t unlock the Archivist trophy yet, though; there are still two more artifacts in the game.

Jacob Roach
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jacob Roach is the lead reporter for PC hardware at Digital Trends. In addition to covering the latest PC components, from…
The Last of Us Part 1: All Training Manual locations
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Joel has managed to survive for over 25 years in the Clicker invested world, but even he can learn a few new tricks. He's already adept with any gun you can get your hands on and can slap together basic materials to make some useful tools, but just about everything you have access to can be made better with the right training. Unfortunately, it's a little late for Joel and Ellie to enroll in a survival course, so reading up is the next best option.

The Last of Us Part 1 has 12 hidden Training Manuals you can collect that all improve one of your tools in a meaningful way. Some of these are so powerful that you'll wonder how you managed without them, and yet some are so well hidden that you can go through the game multiple times without finding them all. If you want to become an expert Boy Scout, turn on your Listen Mode and pay close attention to our guide on finding all the Training Manuals in The Last of Us Part 1.
Training Manual 1 -- Shiv: Sharpening
Your first Training Manual to grab is in Bill's Town. You will have a hard time missing it, but after you escape from Bill's leg snare trap and follow him into the bar, one of the many objects to pick up is the training manual right on the bar itself.

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The Last of Us Part 1: All toolbox locations
Joel places a rifle on a table in The Last of Us Part I.

Survival in The Last of Us Part 1 will come down to equal parts stealth, skill, and resource management. As Joel and Ellie go farther and farther west, the challenges they face will only become more daunting, asking more from the player in terms of all of these attributes. Aside from upgrading Joel himself with a few skills, the main way you will keep up with the harsher conditions of the game is through upgrading your weapons. However, you will realize very early on that many upgrades are locked.

The only way to fully upgrade your arsenal is by finding five toolboxes. These simple tools all unlock a new level of upgrades for your weapons, but just like anything else in The Last of Us Part 1, they're very easy to overlook as you're sneaking through an area or just admiring the amazing environments. Since there's no backtracking in this game, missing one means you won't be able to max out any upgrades on your first playthrough, so make a note of all the toolbox locations in The Last of Us Part 1 listed here.
First tool location
The first toolbox won't come until you make it to Chapter 4 of the game, called Bill's Town. After navigating his traps (or at least most of them), you will meet up with Bill and eventually make your way to his home base of sorts in an abandoned church. Here, he will show you how to make the very useful Nail Bomb item, but don't leave the area to test it out just yet. Before you leave the basement, check the back corner for a shelf with the red toolbox sitting on it.
Second tool location
Very early in Chapter 5, Pittsburgh, you will be attacked by a group of survivors. After taking them out, you will need to lift up a garage door to progress. Once inside, look to the shelves immediately to your left for the toolbox.
Third tool location
Moving on to Chapter 6 now, follow the main path through the sewers until you get to the point where Ellie repairs a generator and Henry pulls you out of the water. Follow the tunnel forward, but watch for a side path on your left side. Take the path to a small room with the toolbox lying on the ground.
Fourth tool location
Back in school during Chapter 8, The University, go all the way into the science building but don't go up to the second floor quite yet. At the end of the hall, just past a vending machine, is a locked door you will need a shiv to pry open. Use one, get inside, and the toolbox will be sitting front and center on one of the lab tables.
Fifth tool location
Our final toolbox is waiting in Chapter 10. After an awkward start, eventually, you will come to the infamous giraffe scene and then trigger a cutscene. After it ends, you will be in the abandoned FEMA camp. Look for the open tent nearest the bus station and go inside. Directly to the right of the entrance is a table with the final toolbox sitting on top.

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The Last of Us Part I beginner’s guide: 9 tips and tricks to get started
Ellie looking concerned.

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