Stream On is a new game show open to the 25,000 Twitch streamers who have partnered with the website but “still need a boost to make streaming a comfortable full-time career.” The competition will use contestants own equipment rather than a setup made specifically for the show, and the viewers commenting in the Twitch chat will have some say over who gets to go on to the new stage. We can only assume former employee Josh DeSeno will end up winning it all — the results of each week will be revealed on a special “elimination show.”
“Ultimately, the contestant who best shows off the ability to entertain, lead a community, and be a pacesetter in the streaming space will emerge victorious, and be awarded a grand prize of $5,000 per month for a year — a grand total of $60,000 — in order to help take their streaming career to the next level,” Twitch said in a press release.
That $60,000 is a far cry from the hundreds of thousands of dollars earned by the top streamers on Twitch, but it’s plenty of money to make full-time streaming a viable career option. Once you become world-famous thanks to Stream On, we can only assume the sponsors and promotions will follow.
Twitch now has competition from another streaming service, Microsoft’s Mixer. Though comparatively small, Mixer’s Xbox One integration and the console exclusivity of the super-streamable multiplayer game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds could make it a target destination for Xbox players. Still, it has a long way to go if it hopes to topple the giant that is Twitch.
If you’re a Twitch partner and interested in competing, Twitch is taking video auditions for Stream On through its submission page through January 15, 2018. The competition is only open to Twitch partners in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, with “a command” of English. Stream On will kick off in March, 2018.
Updated by Mike Epstein on 12/19/2017: Added video audition deadline.