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Remedy confirms Alan Wake and Control are linked, third game is in the works

Remedy Entertainment confirmed that 2010’s Alan Wake and 2019’s Control are linked, and that it is working on the next game in that universe.

In the latest State of Play, Remedy released a trailer for the upcoming AWE DLC of Control, which is set to roll out as the game’s second expansion on August 27.

Control Expansion 2 AWE - Announcement Trailer | PS4

At the end of the trailer was a bearded Alan Wake, confirming that the novelist exists in the same universe as the Federal Bureau of Control and its director, Jesse Faden.

“I’m absolutely thrilled to tell you that now, the time has come to take the first concrete step on this road, establishing Remedy Connected Universe,” Remedy’s creative director Sam Lake wrote in a blog post.

Lake added that the events in Alan Wake are one of the cases under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Control, making AWE the first official crossover event in the Remedy Connected Universe.

“And this is still just a humble beginning. We’re already hard at work on a future Remedy game that also takes place in this same universe,” according to Lake.

It remains to be seen if the next Remedy Connected Universe game will be a sequel to Control or Alan Wake, or an entirely new title. Digital Trends has also reached out to Remedy to confirm whether Quantum Break and May Payne are also a part of it as other cases under the Federal Bureau of Control.

Meanwhile, for Control players looking ahead to the AWE DLC, the expansion’s world premiere will be on August 13 on the Remedy Games channel on Twitch. The first 15 minutes of the DLC will be revealed, possibly revealing more Alan Wake lore.

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Aaron Mamiit
Aaron received a NES and a copy of Super Mario Bros. for Christmas when he was 4 years old, and he has been fascinated with…
The best weapon upgrades in Alan Wake 2
Saga fights off a Taken in Alan Wake 2.

The Dark Place and Cultists in Alan Wake 2 may be dark and twisted manifestations of an evil force, but once you shed away the darkness, everything will fall into your arsenal of firearms. Neither Alan nor FBI agent Saga are exactly equipped with the firepower you'd want when wandering through the haunted woods and mind-bending Dark Place, but they can make do with what they have in clever ways. Saga specifically is skilled enough to upgrade all the weapons in her inventory to better protect herself against the supernatural threats that stalk her. Upgrades don't come cheap, and if you find all the weapons in the game, you will need to make some tough calls on how you improve them. Here are the upgrades you need to see the final chapter of Alan Wake 2's story.
How weapon upgrades work

You can upgrade your weapons whenever you like in Alan Wake 2 by visiting Saga's Mind Place. Any weapon you have is available to upgrade there, provided you have the required amount of manuscript fragments that you collect from the hidden Luncboxes around the map. These are distinct from the Cult Stashes, so be on the lookout for them since you will need to find quite a few before you can afford even the first upgrade.
Best weapon upgrades
More Bullets
Your starting pistol may not be the most flashy gun in Alan Wake 2, but it is always reliable and it never stops being effective. The first upgrade you should get has to be More Bullets. This will increase the pistol's default magazine size from 12 to 18. This will obviously make it easier and safer to deal with encounters since you won't be caught reloading as often but also helps keep your inventory clean since less space will be taken up for ammo.
Another Headshot
For another pistol upgrade, Another Headshot is very powerful if you're a sharpshooter. If you can score two headshots in a row, the unlucky Cultist will be stunned for a comically long time. That gives you plenty of time to either deal free damage, heal, or just run away if you're low on resources and not prepared for a fight.
Ready for More
The best shotgun upgrade is easily Ready for More. Healing is not only a limited resource, which again takes up inventory space but also a somewhat long animation. If you're in a tight situation and on the verge of death, there usually isn't much you can do. Ready for More can bail you out since it will turn any kill you get with the shotgun into a bit of healing. It isn't a huge amount, but every bit makes a difference.
Two Shots
The Crossbow may be a late-game addition to your toolset, but is absolutely worth saving some manuscript fragments to upgrade ASAP. Two Shots is borderline essential, making it so you can fire twice rather than just once before needing to reload.
Magnetic Pull
Magnetic Pull could be the best upgrade in the game. With it, after you skewer an enemy with a bolt, switching to another gun will make those bullets track to the bolt for guaranteed hits. If you're comfortable swapping weapons on the fly, this is satisfying and efficient.

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Saga doing a deduction in the mind place.

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