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Instagram is finally letting you see your DMs on desktop

Now you can slide into your DMs while away your phone.

Instagram now lets you read and send direct messages from your desktop, according to an announcement on Friday, April 10.

Users cheered the much-requested new feature, which had been in the works and available in limited testing since January.

“Our hope is that this will give people, creators, and businesses easier access to your messages so that they can stay in touch with the friends and followers that matter to them,” an Instagram representative told Digital Trends at the time.

Instagram DMs

Desktop users now see a DM icon on the top right navigation bar when accessing Instagram from a browser. Users can send photos off their computers, text or hearts while on desktop.

The rollout began at 7 a.m. PT, according to The Verge.

Instagram has been adding more features for its desktop users recently, including making Stories available to view online.

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Paul Squire
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Paul is the News Editor at Digital Trends. Before joining DT, Paul spent 3 years as an editor on the New York Post's digital…
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