Located near the active Mount Hengill volcano, Iceland's ION Adventure Hotel is a sustainable resort that perfectly celebrates the small Nordic island.
We need to find a less energy-intensive way to process concrete and steel, or we need to develop new buildings materials that are more energy efficient.
The UK just passed a huge milestone in its renewable energy program – in May, for the first-ever calendar month, they generated more solar than coal power.
Ikea might start shipping its famous flat-pack furniture with eco-friendly, fungus-grown packaging instead of polystyrene, which harms the environment.
Copenhagen's smart traffic signals prioritize buses and bicycles to promote sustainability by making environmentally-friendly commuting easier than ever.
Veja sneakers are completely eco-friendly and sustainable, but they are actually stylish and have become hugely popular in Paris thanks to their chic look.
Moving solar parks into the open skies allows for undiluted access to sunlight, and eliminates the problem of cloud coverage when it comes to solar power.
It can be hard to know exactly what's OK to throw in those blue recycling bins. So what do those recycling symbols mean you always see on plastic bottles?