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pee hive fertlizer

Want to drink beer and make sustainable fertilizer? Urine luck!

Human waste collected from an outhouse behind Sudwerk Brewery Co. in Davis, California may help spur the next generation of fertilizers.
modern meadow leather leatherjacket

A Brooklyn-based startup wants to grow your next leather jacket in a lab

In an animal-free process, Modern Meadow designs, grows, and binds collagen to form a network of fibers that can be assembled into leather.
ion adventure hotel in iceland

Sleep beside a volcano and bathe in ash at this Icelandic power plant turned hotel

Located near the active Mount Hengill volcano, Iceland's ION Adventure Hotel is a sustainable resort that perfectly celebrates the small Nordic island.
3d printed bones landmines bone

Will future buildings be built from artificial bone and eggshell?

We need to find a less energy-intensive way to process concrete and steel, or we need to develop new buildings materials that are more energy efficient.
china wind energy boost mit study turbines

To boost wind energy production, China needs to build turbines where the wind isn’t strong

Solar Power

Last month, for the first time ever, the UK generated more energy from solar than coal

The UK just passed a huge milestone in its renewable energy program – in May, for the first-ever calendar month, they generated more solar than coal power.
heart attack photosynthesis leaf closeup

Second-gen bionic leaf creates fuel from sunlight, makes Mother Nature seem inefficient

Harvard researchers may have just found a solution to the planet's most pressing issues with a device dubbed “bionic leaf 2.0."
hangar 1 fog vodka sanfranfog

Some crazy California distillery is making vodka with San Francisco’s fog

In an effort to overcome California's biggest draught in history, Hangar 1 turned to San Fransisco's plentiful fog to help produce their vodka.
Plastic six-pack rings kill hundreds of thousands of sea turtles every year

Saltwater Brewery’s new six-pack rings are compostible, biodegradable, and totally edible

Saltwater Brewery has created edible six-pack rings that are completely biodegradable to help keep plastics out of the oceans.
3D-printed sensors disguised as vulture eggs helping conservationists save species

These sensor-packed fake eggs are helping revive endangered vulture populations

3D-printed, sensor-packed eggs are helping save the vulture population by creating a perfect cover for conservationists to collect incubation data.
transparent wood buildings windows solar cells wooden  newly developed material could be used in and more

Newly-developed transparent wood could be used in buildings, solar cells, and more

A new transparent wood material could be used in buildings, solar cells, and more. The wood veneer is chemically engineered to let light through.
edible cutlery protect environment india bakeys ec

To reduce plastic waste, this Indian startup thinks we should start using edible spoons

Edible Cutlery is a completely biodegradable product so that if you eat the spoon or toss it outside, no plastics are introduced to the environment.
Save endangered species using LED fishing nets

Research suggests that LED-studded fishing nets can reduce sea turtle bycatch by 64 percent

These fishing nets light up with LEDs to keep turtles from getting caught and killed unnecessarily. The nets are highly affordable and very efficient.
ikea considers Ecovative Mushroom Packaging for eco-friendly solution

Ikea is considering shipping furniture with eco-friendly ‘Mushroom Packaging’ instead of Styrofoam

Ikea might start shipping its famous flat-pack furniture with eco-friendly, fungus-grown packaging instead of polystyrene, which harms the environment.
copenhagen smart traffic lights prioritize buses bikes bike man

Denmark’s smart traffic signals prioritize buses and bicycles to promote sustainability

Copenhagen's smart traffic signals prioritize buses and bicycles to promote sustainability by making environmentally-friendly commuting easier than ever.
rural studio and serenbe collaborate on 20k homes art farm cottages 0058

Students try to figure out how to make $20K homes by building in a luxury community

Rural Studio is trying to figure out how to make houses that cost $20,000 but are still somewhere people want to live.
modernized wood stove lowers carbon footprint mulciber

The Mulciber modernizes traditional wood-burning stoves to burn wood better

The Mulciber is a modernized wood stove that could lower your carbon footprint and protect the environment by burning wood resources more efficiently.
bikes, brilliant bicycle co, single speed

Germany is building a 100-kilometer ‘Bicycle Autobahn’ exclusively for cyclists

The Bicycle Autobahn is currently under construction, and when it is completed it will stretch for 100 kilometers of exclusive cyclist access.
Veja sustainable sneakers - color print

Veja sneakers are completely eco-friendly and they actually look stylish

Veja sneakers are completely eco-friendly and sustainable, but they are actually stylish and have become hugely popular in Paris thanks to their chic look.
balloon based solar power

Engineers are building solar balloons that float above the clouds for constant sun

Moving solar parks into the open skies allows for undiluted access to sunlight, and eliminates the problem of cloud coverage when it comes to solar power.
GiraDora foot pedal washer

This pedal-powered washing machine requires zero electricity, works like a salad spinner

GiraDora is a pedal-powered washing machine specifically designed to bring an effective clean clothes solution to developing nations around the world.
agua water bottles were designed to become roof tiles crdc costa rica feat

This guy invented a water bottle that becomes a perfectly folded roof tile

'A'Gua water bottles were designed to have the perfect shape to fold up and become roof tiles for affordable housing in Costa Rica.
solar decathlon competition buffalo

15 solar-powered homes designed for the Solar Decathlon

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon is coming up in a couple weeks. These 15 homes are the solar-powered houses that will be competing.
what do plastics recycling numbers mean codes

What do those numbered recycle symbols on plastic mean anyway?

It can be hard to know exactly what's OK to throw in those blue recycling bins. So what do those recycling symbols mean you always see on plastic bottles?
wind energy

Facebook’s upcoming Texas data center will be powered almost entirely by wind

cool technemos garden growing vegetables under the sea nemos 9

There’s a vegetable garden off the coast of Italy, and it’s growing under the sea

green building material hempcrete could catch on in u s house

People in grass houses: Hempcrete is the ultimate green building material

experts say dishwashers use less water than hand washing dirty dishes in a sink

Hands off: Why you should be using your dishwasher

Experts now agree that using the dishwasher is far more efficient and environmentally friendly than hand washing dishes.

EcoDrain recycles the wasted heat from your shower water

Ever wondered how much energy is literally going down the drain every time you shower? Hint: It's a lot. But don't worry, EcoDrain can ease the pain