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Wearables Features

lexus hoverboard photos details specs slide hoverpark 9

10 tech stories you missed this week: Lexus hoverboard unveiled, Jon Stewart signs off

Gauss Glasses

You wear sunglasses, so why not screenglasses? We tried a pair for a week

Is your daily routine damaging your eyes? We take a close look at the self-tinting Gauss glasses, designed to safeguard against the sun, indoor light, and the screens that most of us stare at all day.

This wearable guides kids through epic quests and teaches them along the way

We went hands-on with the Herokins wearable and interactive app for kids to find out how it can bring families together and impart important life lessons.
Apple Watch Presentation

Dear smartwatch makers, what the hell is wrong with you?

Smartwatch makers like Apple and Samsung need to start asking hard questions. Namely: Why would anyone want a smartwatch?
Blocks Smartwatch Press

Lock and load: Blocks is the Project Ara of smartwatches

The Blocks smartwatch team has come up with two ingenious methods of solving the challenge of battery life and securing modular strap parts to the device.
Bellabeat Leaf

This charming piece of smart jewelry will make you feel like superwoman

Bellabeat made a piece of smart jewelry called the Leaf specifically for women that tracks activity, sleep, stress, breathing, and reproductive cycles.
Apple Store Watch

Where’s our wearable revolution? The state of tech’s biggest unfulfilled promise

We look at the state of wearables and wearable tech for the final installment of the Wear Next column.
max pogliani vertu apple watch interview cveo

$17K Apple Watch is ‘missing integrity and substance,’ asserts maker of $13K phones

apple watch

What becomes of the Misfits and FitBits of the world after the Apple Watch? Apps.

why im not sold on smartwatches asus zenwatch

Convinced you need a smartwatch? Neither am I, and I’m really trying here

microsoft cities unlocked wearable for the blind 6558

Microsoft blinded me for an hour, turned my ears into eyes, and blew my mind

Microsoft's working on a clever piece of wearable tech that's designed to help blind people navigate around cities, and open up the world around them.
noodoe watch interview news 3

Forget Apple, the Noodoe Watch really wants to be the next Swatch

We interview Noodoe Watch founder and ex-HTC CMO, John Wang, about his new wearable device and why it's the right choice for self-expression in a market obsessed with features.
motorola moto 360 review mem 3v2

10 Moto 360 tips to help you make the most of your smartwatch

Wearables are the next big thing. Find out how to get the most out of your Motorola smartwatch with some of the best Moto 360 tips and tricks around.
HealBe GoBe

Exclusive: We tested the world’s first automatic calorie counter, and it works!

Google Glass

The importance of privacy, style, and other lessons learned from Google Glass

Google is clearly taking all of the lessons learned from one of the most public betas in recent memory back to the drawing board.
can controversial calorie counter healbe gobe work were about to find out top

Doubts and delays fail to drown interest in controversial GoBe calorie counter