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Forspoken necklaces: all necklace locations and abilities

RPGS, whether action or turn-based, typically have some sort of gear or equipment system that lets you add some nice buffs or special perks to your character. In Forspoken, one of the main forms of gear is simple necklaces, but instead of just being fancy jewelry, these pieces of bling have powerful effects. Picking which one to wear out will come down to more than what matches your outfit, so here are all the necklaces in Forspoken, what they do, and how to get them.

What necklaces do

The necklace menu in Forspoken.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Necklaces are similar to cloaks, but typically enhance your offense more than defense. They give different stat boosts, can be upgraded, and have a nice visual flair too. You will get them through a variety of tasks, such as defeating bosses and completing quests. They can also just simply be founs in the world. There are two that are missable, so pay special attention to those.

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All necklaces, what they do, and how to get them

Name What it does How to get it
Nadezhda None Complete the Vivus Village in the Middle Praenost area of Praenost
Sarka Support magic deals extra damage Complete the Ruins of Pagus in the Citadel area of Praenost
Aslani Enemies are downed for longer Complete the Shoal Pond in the Water Garden area of Avoalet
Yavuz Gagnant Precision counters freeze enemies in place

Casting Frequency Boosts surge Magic recharge rate

Complete the Colline Village in The Fountainfields area of Avoalet
Oithur Cuff Counters expend less stamina

Precision Counters expend less stamina

Complete the Ruins of Austur in The Windy Hills area of Visoria
Tesouro de Athia Precision Counters electrocute enemies

Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily by Precision Counters

Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily

Complete the Fruegel Village in the Academy Hills area of Visoria
Phool Sa None Complete the Thane Village in The Blessed Plains area of Cipal
Balle Balle Casting Frequency Boosts Critical Hit rate

Improved Surge Magic recharge rate when HP is high

Recovering from defenselessness triggers Auto-Heal Effect

Complete the Place of Prayer in the Sacred Peaks area of Cipal
Home Sweet Hell Attack Magic triggered during Parkour restores stamina

Killer blows deal more damage

Recover from defenselessness more quickly

Craftable after purchasing the Sewing Kit item from the Curiosity Shop in Inner Visoria for 64 Old Coins. It requires 3 Fluteblossoms, 3 Bumbershoots, and 3 Lucid Garlands
Orison Auto-Heal Effect triggered when enemy defeated Complete Locked Labyrinth: East in the Barren Plains area of Cipal
Shrift Damage boosted when surge magic not fully charged Complete Locked Labyrinth: Mountain in the Pioneers’ Plain area of Praenost
Troth Killer Blows boost Surge Magic recharge rate

Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily when Surge Magic Is fully charged

Complete Locked Labyrinth: Depths in the Untrodden Forest area of Avoalet
Sooth Attack Magic damage boosted when stamina fully charged

Support Magic boosted when stamina is full

Surge Magic boosted when stamina is full

Complete Locked Labyrinth: South in the Homestead Hills area of Visoria
Nemeni Prisaha None Complete the Sila’s Pact Detour for Johedy during Chapter 7 of Forspoken *missable*
Naee Aasha None Speak to Johedy before leaving Cipal during Chapter 10 of Forspoken *missable*
Symbol Combo Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily by Attack Magic triggered during parkour PlayStation 5 preorder bonus
Combo Enemies can be knocked to the ground more easily by Attack Magic triggered during parkour PC preorder bonus

Best necklaces to wear

  • Home Sweet Hell: This necklace has the highest stats in the game, plus it restores your stamina while attacking so you never need to slow down.
  • Tesouro De Athia: If you’re good at performing precision counters, this necklace will make you basically unstoppable by shocking and downing foes with ease.
  • Balle Belle: Just by shooting more spells, which you will be doing naturally, you will start ramping up more and more crits, and the auto healing when recovering keeps you trucking.
  • Sooth: For a simple choice, just take this necklace that improves basically all your offensive magic options.
  • Orison: This necklace is best early on when you’re taking the most damage since you can recover by staying on the offensive and heal from killing enemies.

How to change necklaces

Changing out your necklace is a simple as going into the Gear tab on your menu, selecting your necklace below the cloak option, and then cycling through all the ones you’ve unlocked and equipping whichever you choose.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
All stamp locations in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Key art for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Every main Zelda game typically has one "big" sidequest. In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, these were finding the Koroks, for example. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom isn't nearly as large as those 3D open-world games, but it still has a sidequest that will take you to every corner of Hyrule if you want to complete it. This is, of course, Stamp Guy's stamp rally. This stamp enthusiast will give you various stamp cards that you need to fill by finding all the necessary stamps and returning them to him for rewards. Scavenger hunts are plenty fun on their own, but not if you get stumped anywhere along the way. Make sure you pack your best smoothie while we help you find every stamp in Echoes of Wisdom.
Where to find every stamp in Echoes of Wisdom
There are a total of 25 stamps to find, but they are divided into five groups of five for each card. Finishing each card will get you a reward, with the last one being the most special. Stamps are collected at Stamp Stands, which can be anywhere on the overworld, but will not be underwater or in caves or buildings. Technically, you can collect all the stamps in any order, but we will go in the rough order you would naturally come across them.
Stamp 1

The first stamp we found is in the Gerudo Desert, northwest of the Oasis between two stone towers.
Stamp 2

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All heart piece locations in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Zelda getting a piece of heart.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom changes a lot about the traditional formula the series is known for. For one, we're playing as Zelda instead of Link, which means using magic over melee most of the time, as well as mixing up delicious smoothies. Of course, one thing that may never change is the hidden pieces of heart. These collectibles are perhaps the most valuable in any Zelda game. Collecting four of these will give you an additional heart container to increase your maximum HP permanently. Since you only start with three hearts and can get seven more by beating the main dungeons, the remaining half of your possible HP is locked behind finding these heart pieces. There are a ton to find, so let's mount up and track them down as fast as possible so you can get back to the adventure.
Every heart piece location in Echoes of Wisdom
Zelda's maximum HP in Echoes of Wisdom is 20 hearts, which means there are a daunting 40 heart pieces to find. They can be rewards for sidequests or solving puzzles, or could just hidden around the world.
Heart Piece 1

The first piece of heart is right at the start of the game in the water of Suthron Beach. Place an object in the water to jump on to reach it.
Heart Piece 2

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All Nix Treasure locations in Star Wars Outlaws
Kay Vass joined by her small alien companion called Nix in a futuristic city.

The only one Kay can really count on in Star Wars Outlaws is her adorable alien partner, Nix. This little guy can help you solve puzzles, distract enemies, and even fetch loot so you don't have to go over and pick it up yourself. For everything he does for you, the least you could do is reward him with some cool cosmetics. Nix Treasures are among many collectibles found all over the various planets in Star Wars Outlaws, but these little trinkets can be traded to special vendors for new accessories for Nix. Of course, there's also a shiny Trophy in it for you if you find them all. Unlike other Ubisoft games where you can scan the city and ping every map marker at once, you need to do a bit more hunting to find collectibles. Here are all the Nix Treasure locations.
How Nix Treasures work

Nix Treasures are different from other treasures that you can just loot or lockpick. When you get close to one, Nix will scurry off and lead you to where he senses the loot. Being a nimble little alien, he will take a direct route that Kay can't, which will force you to look around for the right path. All are collectible from the start of the game without requiring any later game tools or abilities.

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