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How to get an empty cough drop tin in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

The more high-level the gear you can make gets, the weirder the materials required to make it become in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Some of the top-level items will require things like shark fins and other oddities that make sense as to why they’d be so rare, but the empty cough drop tin sounds like something you would just grab out of a trash can on the street. But no matter how many dumpsters you dive in, you will never find one. You can waste a lot of time looking for this item before you even have the chance to get it, so save yourself the frustration and needless grinding by checking out how to actually get the empty cough drop tin.

How to get empty cough drop tin

The empty cough drop tin item in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

If you see a weapon that requires an empty cough drop tin to be able to make it, you will need to wait until you get to at least Chapter 10 before you can reliably get it. During this chapter, you will be introduced to the Yokohama Underground Exchange. This is another randomized dungeon you can run through while collecting Geomijul’s Survey Disks that you can exchange for various items with Utamaru. The empty cough drop tin is one item for sale, and will cost you 2,000 of these disks. That is a decent amount, so depending on your level, it could take two runs through the dungeon to grind it out.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
How to get pets in Sea of Thieves
A monkey on a post in Sea of Thieves

A pirate is only as strong as their crew, but you can't always count on your usual mates to be around in Sea of Thieves. Pirates aren't so different from us in that they love having an animal companion around to keep them company on long voyages. Pets can come in the form of your typical pirate animals like monkeys and parrots, but you can also get yourself a cuddly cat, dog, or fox as well. You can't go out and find one in the wild to tame like some other games. Pets in Sea of Thieves can only be obtained in one way, and we have the treasure map to lead you right to the answer.

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How to get Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves
A pirate running with a chest in Sea of Thieves.

Like any live service game, Sea of Thieves has its own form of premium currency. Ancient Coins are the most valuable treasure in the game and are used to buy various things from the Pirate Emporium, such as pets, costumes, and other cosmetics. Thankfully, there are no items you can get with these coins that give you any advantage over any other pirate on the seas except for making you look a little cooler. Still, some of those shop items are enticing enough to make at least you consider buying them. You don't have to spend real cash on anything in Sea of Thieves if you're willing to do the work. Here are all the ways you can earn Ancient Coins.
How to get Ancient Coins
There are three main methods for obtaining Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves. The first is the most obvious and fastest: buy them with real money. In the main menu, you can access the shop and purchase various-sized bundles of ancient coins ranging from 150 to 4,250 for real money. While this is an option, we suggest not buying Ancient Coins unless you really want something right away or just feel compelled to give a little money to Rare as thanks.

The next way to get Ancient Coins is to find rare Ancient Skeletons. These gold and blue skeletons have a chance to appear on any Island, Fort, or Sea Fort and have a big sack of coins on their back. If you spot and defeat one, it can drop anywhere between 100 and 800 Ancient Coins. Make sure you're quick about it because after 20 seconds, it will dig back underground and escape.

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What is dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and how is it cured?
A dragon roars in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 likes to keep many of its mechanics and systems a secret until you discover them. You will learn quickly that you can't fast travel around the map freely, but there's one mechanic that is far more detrimental to your game. This is called dragonsplague and it is a disease that can't be cured with a simple tonic. In fact, you may not even realize if you have it in your game because it isn't something that affects your character at all; instead, it affects your Pawns. Failing to recognize you have dragonsplague and deal with it in a timely manner can ruin your entire playthrough if you're not careful. To avoid such a catastrophe, here are all the details about this cruel disease.
What is dragonsplague?

Dragonsplague is a special kind of disease that Pawns can contract seemingly by interacting with either Drakes or Dragons. That part isn't fully clear yet, however, we do know that Pawns with dragonsplague can spread the disease to other Pawns. Since Pawns are able to pass between worlds to join other players, you are never fully safe from being infected if you're playing online. Unlike a real sickness, though, dragonsplague actually transfers between Pawns rather than spreads, meaning it won't fully run rampant through the game.

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