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How to set a course in Starfield

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Bethesda Softworks

Rather than build one massive world like in an Elder Scrolls title, Bethesda opted to create hundreds of planets to travel between in the aptly named Starfield. While not every planet is necessary to visit, you will be jumping between them extremely frequently to complete missions, do sidequests, build outposts, and generally explore. When you are first shoved into the pilot's seat, it can feel overwhelming coming to grips with how the system works. If you just want to get from point A to B, setting a course is the easiest way to dos o. Here's how to get where you need to be without searching the massive star map in Starfield.




5 minutes

What You Need

  • Get access to your ship

How to set a course

Setting a course is basically the large version of fast travel, compared to the kind you can do once you're actually on a planet. If your next objective is in a different solar system, this is the way to get exactly where you need to be.

Step 1: Open your quest log and select the active quest you want to travel to.

A tutorial on how to set a course in Starfield.
Bethesda Softworks

Step 2: Press the Set Course button

A ship plotting a course to a planet named Kreet.
Bethesda Softworks

Step 3: This will instantly pull you onto the map showing the planet your objective is on.

Step 4: Simply confirm the option to travel, and you will jump to your desired location!

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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