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soulcalibur lost swords shuttering in november scls thumb

The soul still burns: SoulCalibur: Lost Swords closes in November

SoulCalibur: Lost Swords, Bandai Namco's free-to-play fighting game for the PlayStation 3, will close down by the end of this year.
hearthstone americas championship 2015 screenshot 2 updated

Blizzard’s Hearthstone rakes in more than $20 million a month

Blizzard's digital card game Hearthstone earns more than $20 million monthly in microtransaction revenue, research firm SuperData confirmed this week.
world of tanks released for xbox one worldoftanks xbo thumb

World of Tanks deploys for free on Xbox One

Wargaming's free-to-play, online multiplayer action game World of Tanks is now available for the Xbox One, following up on a successful Xbox 360 launch.
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WildStar learns it’s 2015, transitions to free-to-play model

Starting this fall, the sci-fi MMO WildStar will be moving to a free-to-play model, but longtime subscribers won't be left out in the cold.

Struggling MMO WildStar could drop its subscription model, head to Steam in August

A new entry in the Steam database points to WildStar, which launched less than a year ago, dropping its monthly subscription fee and moving to Steam

Teenager spends more than $46,000 in free-to-play game

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‘Star Wars: Assault Squadrons’: the space combat sim you have no reason not to try

All the pretty tanks: ‘World of Tanks’ 360 edition preview

The original Plants vs. Zombies made millions. So why is the sequel free-to-play?

xbox 360s free to play library just grew by one with cryteks warface

Xbox 360’s free-to-play library just grew by one with Crytek’s ‘Warface’

killer instinct returns and brings a new pricing model for console gaming with it xboxwire thunder 4

‘Killer Instinct’ returns, and brings a new pricing model for console gaming with it

Microsoft has announced that it will give gamers three different ways to buy the upcoming title, "Killer Instinct."

Hands-on with ‘World of Tanks’ as it assaults the Xbox 360

Wargaming’s CEO explains free-to-play, and discusses the death of the retail model

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Like it or hate it, Free-To-Play gaming is here to stay

The free-to-play model is is changing the face of the gaming industry, and it is very much here to stay.

Why Free-to-Play is a fad

The free-to-play model is just another model, and one that will fade away sooner or later.

From ‘Diablo’ to ‘Marvel Heroes,’ David Brevik is back to change gaming once again

David Brevik made a huge mark on the gaming industry when he helped to create Diablo. Now he's back with Marvel Heroes, and hopes to do it again.
Tera: Rising

Gratis grinding: Tera becomes a free to play MMO

Next month, En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Tera will join the ranks of MMOs that require no subscription fees.

Xbox Live getting its first free-to-play game: Happy Wars

Empire: Total War designer says free-to-play games lose 70 pct. of players

Games today are a service rather than a product, and one dev says game makers need to know audience habits when making free-to-play games.

Digital Blend: Wii U includes support for free-to-play games, Babel Rising allows you to punish heathens

Your one-stop-shop for coverage and recommendations of all things relating to mobile gaming, digital marketplaces, and indie titles.
star trek online

Free-to-Play Star Trek Online launching January 17

DC Universe Online to do away with subscription fees

To stay hip, Ubisoft buys Owlient, a free-to-play games developer

Zynga turns its privacy policy into a game; can you guess what it’s called?

The MMOFPS returns! PlanetSide 2 gets a trailer

World of Warcraft is now free to play until level 20

Zynga may file for IPO as early as tomorrow

Free-to-Play games coming to Xbox Live, says insider

Team Fortress 2 going free-to-play, existing owners upgraded to premium accounts

Valve is working on a free-to-play game of its own

Xbox Live may be getting free-to-play games next year, unnamed source says

Runes of Magic publisher refuses to negotiate with blackmailer

Magic: The Gathering- Tactics debuts new PS3 trailer