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studios sue 16 owners who torrented film survivor popcorn time

Popular movie-streaming site is no more. Thanks, courts!

Courts in New Zealand and Canada have shuttered popular Popcorn Time website as part of an MPAA-led anti-piracy effort.
simpsons and family guy

Fox will take us through animation past and present in special, TV’s Funniest Animated Stars

A Fox special will rank and profile the top 40 animated TV characters, plus interview some of the voice actors behind shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy
Screen Time for Kids

Are screens scrambling our kids’ brains? We asked an expert

Are your kids constantly glued to a tablet, smartphone, or TV? Do you know what they’re watching? We asked an expert how much screen time is too much.
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Empire’s historic ratings rise ends for season two premiere

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Stargaze in glorious UHD with NASA’s upcoming 4K network

Soon, even couch potatoes will be able to explore the cosmos as NASA is developing and ultra high definition network

LG announces a big, free webOS 2.0 upgrade for last year’s smart TVs

LG has that key features from its newest smart TV operating system, webOS 2.0, will make their way to older TV sets.
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YouTube subscriptions are coming

A new report suggests a revamped version of YouTube's Music Key and a separate subscription service for premium content are launching soon.
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TouchJet WAVE turns your TV into a giant Android touchscreen device

Imagine using your old plasma screen TV to play Hearthstone. That's exactly what TouchJet aims to do with the WAVE.
Xbox One

Confirmed: The Xbox One will gain TV DVR functionality starting in 2016

According to a report, the Xbox One may gain DVR features for live television later this year.
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Disney chief says ESPN could be offered a la carte … eventually

Disney chief Bob Iger told CNBC that Disney could offer ESPN a la carte, but not within the next few years.

Red-hot Netflix boasts network-topping viewing numbers, soaring stock

Netflix emerged victorious from a new study comparing the streaming service to traditional TV networks. Across most demos, spent more hours on it.
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Rabbids Appisodes brings screaming “BWAAH” to iOS

The Rabbids are back, this time on iOS. The hit show Rabbids Invasion has come to mobile as Rabbids Appisodes.
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There goes the neighborhood: Netflix is testing ads before and after its shows

Netflix wants you to watch more of its original programming. It's begun testing ads before and after movies and TV shows.
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This Breaking Bad remake shows the power of the GTA V movie editor

Whether you're a fan of Breaking Bad, GTA or the latest technology, this two-minute clip is a reminder of how powerful our computers and video games are.
david lynch returns to twin peaks and brings more episodes with him

Twin Peaks season 3 is back on, with David Lynch and more episodes

Director David Lynch is back on board for the upcoming Twin Peaks revival, and Showtime has already extended the series' run.
hbo sends official warnings to game of thrones torrenters 2

HBO sends official warnings to Game of Thrones torrenters

Together with ISPs, HBO has started to take action against those who helped share the Game of Thrones leak last week.
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The first 4 episodes of ‘Game of Thrones’ season 5 leak online

Nearly half of "Game of Thrones" fifth season has made its way onto torrent sites ahead of the show's big premiere event this evening.
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Amazon, Hulu and Yahoo battle it out for Seinfeld streaming rights

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Amazon isn’t the future, it’s the right now, says Bosch creator Michael Connelly

Amazon will release its first hour-long drama "Bosch," based on books by Michael Connelly, Feb. 13.
3D mobile screen

Toshiba’s new 3D display technology may let mobile users switch between 2D and 3D

Toshiba has a 4K ultra high-definition 3D display that will knock your socks off -- without the need for glasses. This could make its way to mobile screens.
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A Festivus for the rest of us! How to decorate for fictional holidays

Is Netflix sleeping with the enemy? Big Red may strike big deals with cable providers

Netflix is rumoured to be in talks with TV providers to have its app made available through their set-top boxes.
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Pick me! Pick me! Google wants Austinites to fight for fiber, recruit neighbors

Google lays out its plans to expand Google Fiber into Austin, TX, offering blazing-fast Internet and TV services, but there's a big catch involved.
Netflix HQ

Netflix is going to adapt ‘Series of Unfortunate Events’ into a TV show

Netflix is adapting the movie and book series Lemony Snickets' A Series of Unfortunate Events into a TV show
TiVo Mega DVR

Forget single episodes, TiVo Mega can record entire channels with its 24TB drive

Today TiVo is introducing the TiVo Mega, quite literally its biggest product yet. The 24-terabyte appliance can record more than 26,000 hours of TV shows.
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Google offers an Emmy-themed Street View tour of famous TV locations


The first one’s free: Comcast offers free cable to students of select schools via Wi-Fi

Comcast announced that it has launched Xfinity On Campus, a service that lets college students watch live TV and on-demand video via IP-enabled devices.
yorevision brings old school nostalgia to streaming ongszr5lx8zhphhlunm8

YoreVision aims to bring old-school TV nostalgia to your digital video library

YoreVision is Aaron Todd's attempt to bring the fuzzy, unpredictable TV-watching joy of the past to the sterile experience of today's streamers and bingers.
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Aereo CEO asks supporters to let slip the dogs of social media war

Aereo CEO Chet Kanojia is calling supporters to action by beseeching representatives via social media in the wake of the service's Supreme Court defeat.
binge tv watching seriously bad health says new study

Binge TV watching is seriously bad for your health, says new study

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Watch Lifetime TV shows and movies for free with this free app for Windows 8.1

You can watch Lifetime TV programming on the house with an official Windows 8.1 app.
sony ceo says tv division sale yet kazuro hirai

Sony CEO says TV division is not for sale … yet

Today, Sony CEO Kazuro Hirai stated definitively that a sale of Sony's TV division is not on the table.
tv predicted to surpass pc as top online video platform old

Move over PC: TV predicted to become the leading online video platform

New research from the NPD Group finds that the number of U.S. households with an Internet-connected TV grew almost by 17 percent to 42 million in Q1 2014.
sony 4k oled tv

Sony tables OLED (again) to concentrate on 4K televisions

Sony is apparently officially stepping away from OLED TV development to better focus on 4K TV, according to a recent report.