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Latest by Chloe Olewitz

Dobot robotic arm maker tool

This programmable robotic arm is basically your own personal JARVIS

The Dobot robotic arm is designed to be completely programmable, so anyone from makers and designers to moms and dads can have a robotic personal assistant.

Turn any bike into a rental with AirDonkey, the Airbnb for bicycles

AirDonkey brings all the benefits of the sharing economy to bicycles, and lets any bicycle owner turn their wheels into a daily peer-to-peer rental.
GlassPoint oil field in Oman

One of the world’s largest solar parks set to power an Omani oil field

A solar-thermal power plant will make an oil field in Oman more effective and more sustainable for the environment thanks to GlassPoint Solar technology.
dna and viriginity double helix

Artists are putting an end to forgery by signing their work with synthetic DNA

Synthetic DNA tags will allow artists and owners to validate their works of art, authenticating the original artist's unique DNA marker sequence.
bird wearable makes every space surface interactive muv 2

Bird lets you control the electronics around you just by pointing

The future will be more connected than ever, and the Bird wearable makes managing our high-tech lifestyles easy and fun with an interactive experience.
3d printed violin acoustic quality hovalin fully

This 3D printed acoustic violin sounds just as good as the real thing

The Hovalin is a 3D printed violin that injects professional musical acoustic quality into a homegrown maker instrument with rockstar beginnings.
Kidney waiting list transplants

Using stem cells, scientists just successfully grew a kidney organoid for the first time

An organoid tissue sample grown from stem cells resembles a kidney in early development, as it would appear during a fetus' first trimester in utero.
wove wearable completely flexible e ink screen display polyera 002

Wove brings back the ’90s slap bracelet with a flexible E-Ink twist

Wove is a wearable with an always-on, low-power, completely flexible e-ink screen. Apps are customizable with Wove wrapped around the user's wrist.
leeds self repairing city robot civil servants drone

Leeds could become the first ‘self-repairing city’ with a fleet of robotic civil servants

Leeds University won £4.2 million in funding to develop robotics that will build a self-repairing city, monitoring and repairing local infrastructure.
Slap It Butt Lamp Multicolor

Fifty Shades of Lamp: This butt-shaped light turns on when you slap it

Slap It is a lamp shaped like a rear end that turns on when slapped, pinched, fondled, or otherwise caressed.
upright posture trainer vibrates reminder sit up straight

Upright posture trainer is a wearable vibrating reminder to sit up straight

Upright posture trainer is a small wearable device that vibrates to remind you to sit up straight whenever you slouch.
digital library of babel contains every possible book ever librarybabel dublin

Digital Library of Babel contains every book that has ever been (and ever could be) written

Digital Library of Babel contains every book that ever has been or ever could be written by compiling the possible permutations of 3,200 characters.

Brain4Cars analyzes driving behavior with AI to predict and prevent road accidents

This neural network monitors the internal and external environments of your car to predict driving choices up to 3.5 seconds before they happen
first fully transparent solar power cell

Fully transparent solar cell could make every window in your house a power source

The first fully transparent solar cell harnesses wavelengths of light that are invisible to the human eye in order to generate power.
10000 stationary bikes renewable energy india billions in change free electric project

5-Hour Energy creator to distribute 10,000 stationary bikes to power homes in India

5-hour energy founder will distribute 10,000 stationary bikes throughout Indian villages in 2016. One hour of pedaling can power a house for a whole day.
allergies diet ipiit scans food barcodes fruit on shelf

Got allergies? On a diet? Ipiit scans food barcodes to tell you what products to avoid

The ipiit app learns your dietary needs to become a food ambassador. Anytime you scan a barcode, it makes suggestions based on your food preferences.
makerarm digital fab system make anything makerarm1

Makerarm is a digital fabrication system that lets virtually anyone make virtually anything

An all-in-one robotic creativity assistant, Makerarm is much more than just a 3D printer. The possibilities are limited only by the maker imagination.