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Battlefield Portal brings past games, powerful creative tools to 2042

We already knew that Battlefield 2042 was going to be an ambitious shooter. The multiplayer-only game ups the ante with 128 player matches, dynamic weather, and more. But EA has taken the game to another level with a surprising new game mode.

Battlefield Portal is 2042’s equivalent of Fortnite’s creative mode, essentially. It’s a robust, web-based editor tool that allows players to create custom matches. What’s more surprising is that Portal allows players to mix and match assets from older Battlefield titles, like Bad Company 2, giving the game a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate “everyone is here!” vibe.

During an hour-long preview, EA gave an in-depth demo that shows exactly how the tool works. Battlefield Portal is a powerful program that could set a new bar for customization in multiplayer games.

Full control

To explain a complex tool as simply as possible, Battlefield Portal allows players to build custom matches. Want to create a 64-player match where players only have rocket launchers and friendly fire is on? Anyone will be able to hop in and mash up rules to their liking.

And I do mean everyone. Battlefield Portal isn’t actually housed within Battlefield 2042. It’s fully controlled through a browser. That means that you don’t even need a copy of the game to start creating and sharing game modes; you just need an EA login.

A helicopter flies over tanks in Battlefield 2042.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

While the version of the site shown during the press event was unfinished, it gave an idea of how deep the customization goes. For starters, players select a game mode: Conquest, Conquest Small, Rush, or Custom. From there, they can start drilling down into every little option. Players can select how many players are on each side and even create asymmetrical teams. Individual weapons, attachments, gadgets, and vehicles can be toggled on and off to create hyper-specific loadouts. Players can even control something as minute as headshot modifiers, boosting them all the way up to four times the damage.

Players can even set up rules for artificial intelligence (A.I.) enemies in order to test their creations with computer players or create PvE experiences.

The team at Ripple Effect walked through the process of creating a match, setting up a snipers-versus-shotguns mode. In the example, Ripple Effect set different rules for each team: One would only spawn with sniper rifles and have their sprint disabled, while the other team got to run with shotguns.

The web browser that Battlefield 2042 players can use to make custom matches.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

It’s all astonishingly in-depth, but it gets even more complex thanks to a rule editor tool. It’s essentially a streamlined coding program that allows players to build more specific rules that don’t have a preset toggle. Ripple Effect gave an example in which it made it so that getting a kill would immediately refill a player’s health.

Ripple Effect will do some curation on its end, highlighting player-made modes. It’ll also create “official experiences” of its own that it’ll share with the community. Otherwise, players can share their creations with their friends via codes. Ripple Effect notes that players could also send a full URL to a friend, giving them the option to copy and edit their creation.

Everyone is here

The tool would be impressive enough as is, but Ripple Effect has gone the extra mile to please longtime fans. Battlefield Portal will allow players to use assets from previous Battlefield titles, including Battlefield 1942, Bad Company 2, and Battlefield 3. That means that players can mash up different eras of the battlefield, pitting World War 2 soldiers against 2042’s ex-pats (though two eras can’t be on the same team).

As part of that, Ripple Effect is bringing in tons of assets (weapons, vehicles, gadgets, etc.) from old games, including fan-favorite maps. Battlefield Portal will support 13 maps in total: Seven from 2042 and six from previous games. The list of oldies includes 1942’s Battle of the Bulge and Bad Company 2’s Valparaiso, to name a few.

World War 2 soldiers look at a war scene in Battlefield 2042.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Old maps have been “reimagined to take advantage of modern tech.” That means that maps like Battle of the Bulge will be destructible, which wasn’t the case in Battlefield 1942. Incredibly, the old maps will also support 128 players on next-generation systems, as well as 4K visuals at 60 frames per second on the Frostbite engine.

Ripple Effect mentions that each map has a smaller “arena” variant as well, which allows players to create more intimate matches.

Naturally, the era mash-up idea creates some questions. How could a World War 2 fighter go toe-to-toe with a high-tech soldier from the future? When asked how Ripple Effect would balance the experience, the developers gave a blunt answer: “We’re not.” Instead, that’s entirely in the hands of an individual builder. Ripple Effect isn’t trying to restrict anyone’s creativity; it wants players to take on the role of game-maker.

A World War 2 plane flies over 2042 robots in Battlefield 2042.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Based on this first look, Battlefield Portal looks like an incredibly impressive tool. The level of customization available goes far beyond normal game settings and makes Battlefield 2042 feel like a definitive home for the franchise. It’s a dream come true for content creators and event organizers who want to build hyper-specific Battlefield experiences for their communities.

Battlefield 2042 launches on October 22 for PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. An open beta will begin this September.

Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
Battlefield 2042 Season 1 is an improvement, but a late one
A specialist holds Battlefield 2042's new crossbow weapon.

Battlefield 2042's launch didn't go quite as planned for EA. While it was poised to be the publisher's next live service hit, it floundered at launch due to an overwhelming number of bugs, a controversial ability-driven specialist system, maps that felt way too big, and more. While Digital Trends' reviewer loved the base game, many players didn't, so EA spent months fixing it. As a result, Season 1: Zero Hour was pushed back all the way to June 9, over six months after the game's launch. Ahead of its release, I got the opportunity to try out some of Season 1's new content a see if Battlefield 2042 has really changed for the better. 
This primarily consisted of going hands-on with the new Specialist Ewelina Lis on the new map Exposure. Is Battlefield 2042 in a better state now than it was at launch? Yes. Will it make enough compelling additions and changes to bring you back if you're not a hardcore Battlefield fan? Not really. 
Battlefield 2042 | Season 1: Zero Hour Gameplay Trailer Premiere
What's new?
The main additions coming to Battlefield 2042 at the start of Season 1 are a new rocket launcher-wielding specialist named Ewelina Lis, a new map set in the Canadian Rockies called Exposure, new weapons including a crossbow and marksman rifle, and a battle pass containing lots of free and paid unlockables. It's definitely the meatiest batch of content Battlefield 2042 has received since launch, but it doesn't revamp or fix every core problem with the game. 

Starting with the battle pass, don't expect any wild crossover or crazy outfits, just a lot of new realistic looks for your specialists, vehicles, and weapons. It is challenge-based, which Halo has shown the downsides of, but thankfully 30 tiers of it are free and the only things unlocked by paying up are cosmetic. That means everyone will be able to try the new specialist Ewelina Lis. She is a helpful Engineer Specialist as she always has a rocket launcher at her disposal to help destroy vehicles.
While I found the new Ghostmaker R10 Crossbow and BSV-M Marksman Rifle to be too slow and not powerful enough to be very useful in a game with such a quick time to kill, Lis may be a useful specialist that will stick around on most squads. She's particularly useful on the brand-new map Exposure.
When previewing the new season, I got to try out both Conquest and Breakthrough on Exposure, a map that supports both 128-player and 64-player matches. As it takes place in and around a base built into the side of a mountain, it has one of the most distinctive and vertical layouts of any new Battlefield 2042 map. The tensest firefights took place in a spot nestled on the side of the mountain, as players could flank from within the mountain on foot or from the skies in new stealth helicopters. While I enjoyed those moments and attacking the base in the helicopter, it still felt a bit too big to traverse on foot outside of that base, a common problem with all of Battlefield 2042's maps. 

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