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Dave the Diver: how to use Auto Supply

dave the diver auto supply guide

When you're in charge of both managing and supplying a sushi restaurant, as you are in Dave the Diver, you'll have a lot of spinning plates to balance. Half the time you'll be diving into the waters to collect ingredients and materials for your business and the other half will be spent making sure your customers are happy and satisfied. The last thing you want is to run out of a specific dish you know customers love, but if you overstock how much you take in for the night, you'll end up wasting valuable ingredients. This is where the Auto Supply feature comes in, although the game is reluctant to explain it to you. Instead, we will serve up a perfect explanation of what Auto Supply is and how to use it in Dave the Diver.




5 minutes

What You Need

  • Access your resturaunt's menu

  • Have the required ingredients in your inventory

Selecting a dish to use auto supply on in Dave the Diver.

How to use Auto Supply

By taking advantage of Auto Supply, you can have any dish you select automatically restock its ingredients when needed directly from your inventory instead of just relying on how many of that dish you've prepped for that night. Here's how to turn it on.

Step 1: Once in the restaurant phase, open your menu.

Step 2: Select which dish you want to turn Auto Supply on for.

Step 3: From the list of options, choose Auto Supply just below Swap.

Step 4: You will need to confirm your choice twice before it becomes active.

Step 5: Repeat the process for each individual dish you want Auto Supply active on.

There's no downside or penalty to using Auto Supply and is simply a more efficient way to keep the meals coming without trying to predict how many you will need before the customers arrive. Using Auto Supply is the most efficient way to maximize how much gold you earn, while also minimizing how many ingredients you waste, so turn it on and feed those happy customers!

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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