Fortnite season 4 week 3 challenge guide: Where to find Panther’s Prowl

Fortnite‘s Marvel-themed season 4 is still going on, and this week’s challenges offer a healthy blend of combat, exploration, and finding collectibles. One of the more mysterious week 3 challenges of season 4 is one that sends you to a location called Panther’s Prowl. This is an unmarked location on the map, so you might be struggling to find it. Fortunately, there isn’t anything fancy you need to do to complete this challenge. Simply set foot in this location and you’ll get credit for completing it.

In this guide, we’ll pinpoint the location of Panther’s Prowl for you, and walk you through finding it so you don’t have to search for it yourself. Here’s how to find Panther’s Prowl in Fortnite during season 4 week 3.

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Where to find Panther’s Prowl

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Panther’s Prowl is less of a location and more of a monument than anything else. It’s a huge statue of — you guessed it — a panther, and it’s in reference to the Black Panther character from the Marvel comics. Panther’s Prowl is located to the west of Misty Meadows in a large circular area that has just appeared for week 3. Although this area is home to a new challenge, you’ll likely have the place to yourself, as most players are off trying to take out Iron Man at Stark Industries for a different week 3 challenge that we covered here.

As soon as you’re able to, jump out of the bus and set your marker on this grayed-out location to the west of Misty Meadows. Make your way over to Panther’s Prowl, and if possible, try to land on top of the statue so you can get a great view of everything around you. There’s also a chest in the panther’s mouth you can grab if you’ve got enough wood to make a ramp to get up there. You’ll also hear Wakanda-themed music when you arrive, so keep your ears open when you land there.

Simply touch down on this area and you’ll get credit for completing the challenge and will be rewarded with 25,000 XP (which is oddly more than you get for completing other combat-related challenges, but who are we to question Epic Games?). In the video above, you can see how quickly and easily you’ll be able to complete this challenge, since Panther’s Prowl is located in a less busy area. Even if there are enemies nearby, you can still quickly complete the challenge, as long as you land in this location.

The panther statue at Panther’s Prowl was placed here in honor of the recent passing of Chadwick Boseman, who played the Black Panther in the MCU films.

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Joseph Yaden is a freelance journalist who covers Nintendo, shooters, and horror games. He mostly covers game guides for…
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