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All phone riddle solutions in Lies of P

If you were born in the last two decades or so, the concept of a phone booth is probably as mystical and mysterious as the living puppets in Lies of P. Unlike the latter, the former actually did exist in the real world and does so here in Krat as well. Picking up the phone when you hear it will connect you to the mysterious King of Riddles who, you guessed it, has a series of brainteasers to test your problem-solving skills. During the course of the game, you can find five opportunities to interact with these booths and attempt to solve the riddles, and they are more than worth your time since a correct answer will reward you with a valuable Trinity Key. These are required to pass through Trinity Doors, which can contain valuable loot and costumes. If you’re stumped on any of these riddles, here are all the answers in Lies of P.

All King of Riddle solutions

A riddle with two answers to pick from in Lies of P.

Riddle 1

The first phone appears in Chapter 2 by the bridge that takes you to the Workshop Union from the Krat City Hall Courtyard. Here’s the riddle:

“By morning, it walks on feet numbering four. At midday just two, no less and no more. It walks on three feet when evening arrives. And if you solve this, then I’ll know you’re alive.”

This is a very common riddle, but if you’ve never heard it, the answer is Human, not Monster.

Riddle 2

The next riddle is in Chapter 5 in the Malum District where the large bonfire burns in the courtyard. Here’s the question posed to you:

“I stand tall and proud when I’m young and bold. But I’m short and humble once I’ve gotten old. What am I?”

Between the answers of Candle and Boa Constrictor who finished digesting, the correct answer is Candle.

Riddle 3

In Chapter 7, the next phone booth is on your critical path going through the Grand Exhibition. Here’s the question.

“Think about this, whatever it takes: what cannot be used before it breaks?”

The answer this time is Egg, not Glass.

Riddle 4

Moving ahead to Chapter 9, simply head forward from the Krat Central Station Street stargazer until you hit a fork. The booth is on the left.

“This blue flower has many ways to take root. But only on man does it ever bear fruit.”

This is the oddest riddle, but the answer is Ergo, not a bruise.

Riddle 5

The final riddle is found soon after in Chapter 10, on the cliffs before you get to the boss fight in the Relic of Trismegistus. Here’s the final puzzle.

“This one is black and white, a no or a yes; is Geppetto’s creation a killer? Confess!”

Unlike the other riddles, either Yes or No will get you the key. You will either get the key outright or the King of Riddles’ Surprise Box, which has the key inside regardless.

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Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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Where to find all sheet music

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On Our Way
Our first piece of music can be picked up once you hit Chapter 4. During this section, go to the Crow's Nest town in the Junon region, which you can only enter by doing the "When Words Won't Do" side quest. Once you complete this quest and can freely enter the town, hit up the bar and grab this tune.
Tifa's Theme
After a rather exciting cruise to Costa del Sol in Chapter 6, you can add this piece to your collection by making a quick stop at the fancy Royal Crown Hotel.
Barret's Theme
Not much further into the game in Chapter 7 you will visit Barret's old hometown of Corel. The Rock Bottom Bar is waiting with his song.
Cinco de Chocobo
Chapter 9 takes you through the town of Gongaga. Even a town way out in the forest has a piano, which means yet another song to snag.
Two Legs? Nothin' to it
One chapter later, in Chapter 10, you need to do a little exploring in Cosmo Canyon to find your way to the piano, but the icon on your map won't lead you astray.
Aerith's Theme
Perhaps the most iconic song in the entire game, if not the franchise, is hidden behind a completely optional side quest. Once you reach Chapter 11, return to Nibelheim and do the "White-Haired Angel" side quest. It may seem totally irrelevant, but the quest ends with you playing and collecting this song.
Let the Battles Begin!
Once you prove your skills and get an A rank or better on all prior songs, you will get this new one as a reward from the NPC Dorian next to all pianos.
One-Winged Angel
We're not sure if fighting Sephiroth or getting this song is harder. If you want to play this terrifying arrangement, you need to donate all 88 Treasure Trove items to Johnny. This more or less requires you to 100% the entire game
All song rewards
For every song you A rank, Dorian will give you a prize when you talk to him. Here's everything you can get:

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How to enter cheats

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