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YouTube’s dislike button is barely functional, says Mozilla

YouTube's dislike button does nothing for the algorithm, a new Mozilla study has found. We continue to see content we don't want.
mit spiderweb music vr lasers spider on web

Mind-bending MIT project uses lasers to generate music from spiderwebs

RoboFab in action

Evolving, self-replicating robots are here — but don’t worry about an uprising

disabled activists organize online social media

Filter bubbles are ruining the internet. This algorithm pops them

predictive policing bias in the works

A literal minority report: Examining the algorithmic bias of predictive policing

bots that make wikipedia work wikipediabotsfeature

Meet the 9 Wikipedia bots that make the world’s largest encyclopedia possible

bionic leg sensory feedback confidence bicycle prosthetic limb

Artificial leg with realistic sensory feedback helps wearers walk confidently

netflix starts testing collections feature

Netflix starts testing Collections section: Curation by humans, not algorithms

teaching machines optical illusions illusion cube

Teaching machines to see illusions may help computer vision get smarter

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Current tech for detecting hate speech is woefully inadequate, researchers find

A.I. bests experts at predicting deaths from heart disease

bipedal robot walks over stepping stones cinderblocksexp

Watch this robot tiptoe over stepping stones with human-like grace and agility

Breast cancer test

Chinese search giant Baidu creates an open-source A.I. for detecting cancer

Chinese search giant Baidu has developed an A.I. algorithm which can help doctors to more accurately diagnose breast cancer. In tests, it can outperform both human pathologists and the previous best algorithms for carrying this out. And did we mention they're open-sourcing it, too?
flying spheres random international zoological press00001

Here’s what art looks like in 2018: Spheres that react to your presence

Zoological is an art project created by the group Random International. It involves a fleet of autonomous flying spheres, which flock together like a group of birds, while keeping an eye on nearby humans. Depending on their mood, they can stay away or choose to follow you.
mit mapping roadways tech boston with roadtracer

MIT’s new A.I. could help map the roads Google hasn’t gotten to yet

Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have come up with a neural network A.I. system that can make the manual mapping of the 20 million miles of roadways around the world significantly easier. Here is how the technology works.
carnegie mellon knitted machine scs knitting 2018 mwh 027

Amazing software turns 3D scans into knitted objects, no grannies required

Researchers in Carnegie Mellon University's Textiles Lab have created a new computer system that can turn 3D scans into instructions ready to be knitted by a machine.
Intel Announces The Xeon 5100 Microprocessor For Servers

Computers can’t keep shrinking, but they’ll keep getting better. Here’s how

Does the predicted end of Moore's Law mean the end of better computers? Not necessarily, as these 7 reasons argue.
algorithms of oppression racist opp featimg

Can an algorithm be racist? Spotting systemic oppression in the age of Google

A new book argues that the algorithms which dominate our lives can be racist and harmful to minorities. Here's how the author suggests we change that.
drones lift soldiers off battlefield 171204ar007

These drones could team up to lift injured soldiers off the battlefield

Georgia Tech engineers have developed a new drone-based system that involves teams of drones working together to lift wounded soldiers from the battlefield.
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Facial recognition has a race problem — here’s how Gyfcat is fixing that

The makers of smart GIF search engine Gfycat were shocked to find their cutting edge facial recognition tech couldn't distinguish between Asian actors. Here's what they did.
pipe cyberpunk synth instrument soma voice synthesizer 5

The Pipe is a futuristic new instrument that looks like a cyberpunk saxophone

Vlad Kreimer's innovative cyberpunk instrument, The Pipe, is capable of transforming a person’s voice into a drumbeat or synth.
3d holostream tech purdue bell

Bored by Skype and FaceTime? 3D video chat is on its way to a phone near you

Purdue University's new tech enables high quality 3D video communication on mobile devices using only existing standard wireless networks.
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Social media algorithm pops filter bubbles by presenting ideas you disagree with

The "filter bubble" means that people are often not exposed to online points of view they disagree with. This algorithm could help.
image recognition turtle rifle 1

That turtle is a gun! MIT scientists highlight major flaw in image recognition

Researchers from MIT have 3D printed a turtle that can fool image recognition algorithms into thinking it's a rifle. Here's why that's scary.
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Facebook used a screenshot of a death threat to promote Instagram

Facebook algorithms choose the most engaging Instagram posts to promote the network -- which accidentally promoted this death threat.

Algorithms guide robot design toward telescope-like structures

The robot design algorithms take suggested shapes and convert them into complex shapes that can twist, turn, and pack into itself.
Can cell phones cause brain cancer? We asked the experts

Frighteningly accurate ‘mind reading’ AI reads brain scans to guess what you’re thinking

Researchers have developed a deep learning neural network that's able to read complex thoughts based on brain scans.
electron algorithms less accurate atom model

Computational models are getting better, and worse, at predicting electron behavior

An international group of researchers has discovered that certain computational models might not be as accurate as they should be.
hurricane balloons from space

Swarms of robots may soon be deployed to the center of hurricanes

The balloons will report from inside active hurricanes, where they coordinate movements and beam back data about the environmental conditions within.
drones tight spaces detection

Watch this daredevil autonomous drone fly through narrow gaps at high speed

Researchers have transformed regular drones into aerial daredevils capable of maneuvering themselves through tight gaps without having to slow down.
smart buildings sense damage mit buildinghealth 1 press

MIT researchers make buildings smart enough to ‘sense’ internal damage over time

MIT researchers have developed a model that analyzes ambient vibrations and uses these insights to monitor buildings for damage or mechanical stress.
smart cast algorithms pink

Algorithms helped design this smart update on the orthopedic cast

A team of engineers have reinvented the orthopedic cast for the 21st century, using some algorithms and smart materials.

‘After you!’ — Algorithm enables swarms of robots to work together without colliding

Swarm roboticists at Georgia Tech have created new algorithms that allow robots to work together without colliding with one another in the process.
color theory film psychology video american beauty passion

How a beauty contest judged by robots could one day improve your life

Artificial Intelligence is being used to judge the world's first AI beauty contest by utilizing smart algorithms to analyze 6,000 contestants.