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weekend workshop steampunk goggles 052816

Weekend Workshop: Make Max Rockatansky jealous with these DIY steampunk goggles

Whether you're already thinking about this year's Burning Man or simply crave some 19th century clothing apparel, these DIY steampunk goggles are for you.
corsair bulldog lapdog

Corsair’s Bulldog, Lapdog take a bite out of the gaming console competition

Corsair revealed two new products: the Bulldog kit for system builders and Lapdog, a lapboard for PC gaming on the couch. Full Bulldog systems arrive soon.
weekend workshop raspberry pi rc car

Weekend Workshop: Tear up your driveway with this Raspberry Pi-powered RC car

Drones are great, sure, but who wouldn't enjoy ripping a DIY RC car around their neighborhood? Here's how to easily construct one in a matter of hours.
Raspberry Pi Camera

Make your own DIY Polaroid camera with a Rasberry Pi and a receipt printer

This clever instant camera made from a Raspberry Pi computer and a thermal printer, stuffed inside a cardboard box.
motorcycle chainsaw blender

Never mind stirring, fire up a chainsaw blender!

For an outrageous do-it-yourself weekend project, combine a motorcycle handle bar, a chainsaw, and a blender. Then just stand back and blend away.
weekend workshop cold brew drip tower 051416

Weekend Workshop: Caffeinate in style with this DIY cold-brew coffee drip tower

Who doesn't love cold-brew coffee? Build your own Arduino-powered cold-brew drip tower in a matter of hours with this simple, comprehensive walk-through.
raspberry pi projects version 1425556701 raspberrypifeatured

Think the Raspberry Pi is underpowered? Here’s 10 projects that prove you wrong

The Raspberry Pi is an amazing device. Check out some of our favorite Pi projects out there, whether you want to create a game console or virtual rhino.
Captain America Civil War

Captain America superfan created an electromagnet shield that bounces back

A Captain America fan and Hacksmith tinkerer created an electromagnetic shield that bounces back to his arm, just like Steve Rogers' shield in the movies.
how to build an elliptical pool table weekend workshop 050716 feat

Weekend Workshop: Play the ultimate skill game with this one-hole elliptical pool table

Traditional six-hole billiards tables are excellent tests of talent, no doubt, but this one-hole elliptical pool table is truly a game of incredible skill.
weekend workshop led joystick lights 043016 feat

Weekend Workshop: How to install LED joystick lights on a PlayStation controller

Jazz up your boring Sony-issued DualShock controller with this easy walkthrough on how to install LED lights on each of the controller's joysticks.
Colin Furze hoverbike

Mad scientist Colin Furze built a hoverbike and (somehow) didn’t lose his limbs

Backyard inventor and Yotuber Colin Furze made a hoverbike in his garage, flew it around the British countryside, and somehow didn't die.
tinker crates diy kids luria petrucci feature

Tinker Crate will have your kids bolting to the mailbox for monthly tech projects

weekend workshop diy zelda coffee table 042316

Weekend Workshop: Piece together the Triforce with this Zelda coffee table

Honor Shigeru Miyamoto's iconic Legend of Zelda franchise the right way by building this DIY mosaic-tiled and Zelda-inspired coffee table this weekend.
Weekend Workshop

Weekend Workshop: How to auto tweet your ISP when your Internet slows down

weekend workshop tetris lamp 040916 feat

Weekend Workshop: How to build a delightfully retro Tetris lamp

Since its debut in 1984, Tetris has been everywhere. Now, thanks to an easy walkthrough on Instructables, anyone can have a Tetris-style lamp in their home.
modular customizable mosquito drone 3d printed bonadrone 009

Upgrades and replacement parts are just a few clicks away with this customizable 3D printed drone

Modular, customizable 'Mosquito' drone is made almost entirely from 3D printed parts and comes in two versions: one for DIY assembly, and one ready to fly.
weekend workshop diy turntable clock 040216

Weekend Workshop: How to build an uber hip DIY turntable wall clock

Have an old turntable gathering dust in the attic? Why not put it to good use by fashioning it into a beautifully functioning wall clock.
3d printed power hacksaw

This 3D printed ‘power hacksaw’ can cut through solid steel — it just takes a few minutes

colin furze thermite cannon thermite1

British mad scientist Colin Furze just built a fully operational thermite cannon

Real-life mad scientist Colin Furze is back yet again, this time with an innovative DIY cannon built specially for launching combustible thermite canisters.
weekend workshop diy energy detector 032616

Weekend Workshop: Detect radio waves (and nuclear detonations) with this DIY coherer

By using tech made popular in the early 1900s, anyone with a 3V battery, metal shavings, and electrical wiring can easily build a coherer energy detector.
The Raspberry Pi board.

Learn how to build your own Amazon Echo

Thanks to the genius of collaborative thinking at GitHub, there's now a full set of instructions on how to get Alexa to work on a Raspberry Pi.
weekend workshop diy bluetooth boombox

Weekend Workshop: Wrap modern tech in retro style with a DIY Bluetooth Boombox

Bose makes a great Bluetooth speaker, no doubt, but why not try building one yourself? Here's how to build a Bluetooth boombox in a matter of hours.
weekend workshop raspberry pi 2 retro console 031216

Weekend Workshop: How to build a Retro gaming console from a Raspberry Pi 2

Even owners of a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One enjoy playing a retro game every once in a while, and here's how to fashion one out of a Raspberry Pi 2.
aerocool dream box dreambox 4

The Aerocool Dream Box is only limited by your imagination

Aerocool's new Dream Box isn't the only PC case you have to build yourself, but it might be the only one that lets you build it however you like.
3d printed robotic lawn mower ardumower1

Meet the Ardumower: a 3D-printed robotic lawn mower you can build for under $300

The Ardumower is a DIY robotic lawn mower that you can print and assemble yourself for about $250-$300.
syringe airsoft rifle gun

DIY syringe-powered airsoft rifle is powerful enough to shatter glass

DIYer Patrick Priebe of Selfmade has a new creation that uses a standard syringe as the backbone for a homemade pump-action airsoft gun.
cheap 3d printer homemade 50 dollars bucks custom

Build your own 3D printer for $50 and change

Instead of waiting for prices on 3D printers to drop, you can build your own for less than $100.
toy labs volta flyer airplane main

ToyLabs makes STEM fun with its DIY, solar-powered airplane

Let your kids build, launch and fly with the new Volta Flyer, a solar toy airplane designed by educational toy maker ToyLabs.
homemade rail gun phased plasma bullets screen shot 2015 11 at 5 09 13 pm

This guy’s ridiculous homemade rail gun shoots ‘ionized plasma’ bullets

Of all the crazy garage-built weapons I've ever come across, this one from YouTuber/tinkerer Alex Smyth is definitely one of the craziest.
leaf blower hoverboard crowdfunding hoverboard1

You can finally preorder this ridiculous leaf-blower-powered hoverboard

Instead of using fancy supercooled magnets and elaborate metal-covered skate ramps to levitate, Mr. Hoverboard employs four downward-facing leaf blowers.
tempescope weather forecast temposcope rainy night

Tempescope is a little box of rain you can leave on your coffee table

Weather apps are one thing, but this gizmo that pulls forecast data from the Internet and recreates it on your desk is entirely another
everblock makes life sized legos for furniture building lego coffee table

Lego land: These life-size plastic blocks can be made into furniture

brothers win startfest gigabit hackathon with lawn mower remote controlled

Three brothers create a lawn mower you can control via Google

uk man builds 54 propeller rideable drone personal helicopter

This crazy hobbyist built a flyable 54-rotor personal helicopter from drone parts

Someone in the United Kingdom just unveiled a brilliant, 54-propeller drone that possesses the ability to not only fly, but to fly with the man on board.