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machine learning

correct robot mistakes with mind 1the feedback system enables human operators to the s choice in real time  jason dorfman mit

Scientists figure out a way to correct a robot's mistakes via brain waves

Scientists at MIT and Boston have developed a system that uses EEG human brain-activity data to correct a robot’s mistakes in real time.
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Pinterest Labs aims to tackle the most challenging problems in AI

Pinterest wants to join the rank of industry giants Facebook and Google by accelerating the growth of AI through its new research group.
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Perspective is a new tool from Google that helps weed out ugly comments online

Perspective is a new technology from Google and Jigsaw that employs machine learning to identify toxic comments.
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Artificial intelligence is expected to get smarter much faster thanks to Gamalon

Gamalon came out of stealth mode on Tuesday to reveal that it created new technology to boost the machine learning process 100 times faster.
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Microsoft’s digital assistant Cortana will now remind you to keep your promises

Microsoft has added a new feature to Cortana, suggested reminders, which will help you keep the promises you make.
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Facebook photos just got smarter with new ‘autotags’ for easier searches

The photos shared on Facebook are now easily searchable, thanks to an enhancement to the same AI system that flags inappropriate content.
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Apple wants to improve its AI offerings by collecting more of your data

Apple is getting more serious about artificial intelligence. But how is it going to improve? Well, by collecting more of your data.
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Personal Privacy Assistant uses AI to learn users’ app preferences

Personal Privacy Assistant uses machine learning to determine users' smartphone privacy preferences and adjusts apps accordingly.

Let Smart Reply answer that email for you — it's already doing it quite a bit

Google has revealed that its Smart Reply feature is responsible for an impressive 10 percent of mobile responses sent in the app.
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Kickstarter machine-vision camera gives your robot project eyes and a brain

JeVois in a diminutive, open-source, quad-core smart machine vision camera designed for users to incorporate into their “maker” projects.
landlines map project landllines draw

Land Lines is a fun project that will match any line you draw to a real map

This web app which lets you to draw any shaped line you want and have it matched up to an identical river, highway or coastline somewhere in the world.

Researchers design new test to detect discrimination in AI programs

The Equality of Opportunity in Supervised Learning approach analyzes the decisions that machine-learning programs make to detect discrimination.
xevo connected car data sharing

Is this how cars will share data with drivers (and car makers)?

Tier 1 automotive user interface supplier UIEvolution changes name to Xevo for anticipated acquisition of machine-learning big data pioneers
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AMD unveils Radeon Instinct, a powerful GPU designed for machine learning

The Radeon Instinct is designed for high-performance machine learning, using a brand new open-source library for GPU accelerators called MIOpen.
ai research google teams up with leading experts at oxford university deepmind artificial intelligence 2 970x0

Efforts from Google DeepMind and OpenAI Universe seek to make AI better

Alphabet's Google and OpenAI both announced they are open-sourcing their machine-learning solutions to give them more real-world exposure.
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Will AI built by a ‘sea of dudes’ understand women? AI’s inclusivity problem

Plex DVR

Plex Pass now has automated photo tagging and faster syncing speeds

Plex has updated its photo features with faster uploads, integrated video, and an all new automated tagging system that uses machine learning.
machine learning 101 sin wave

Machine learning is more advanced than ever before, but it’s not Judgement Day just yet

Machine learning allows computers to spot patterns, identify problems, and more. Here's what you need to know.
lipreading artificial intelligence lips

Lip reading AI smashes humans at interpreting silent sentences

A lip-reading artificial intelligence program smashes human accuracy when it comes to interpreting words based on the way people move their mouths.
photolemur ai image editing screenshot 3

Photolemur is an automatic image editor that gets better over time

The MacOS app is a one-click, no-nonsense solution for people who want to spice up their images without putting in hours of work.
Trusted Contacts

Google unveils a slew of new and improved machine learning APIs

Google is drastically revamping its cloud-powered machine learning services, in part by introducing a slew of new APIs.
google arts and culture experiments

Google mixes art and machine learning to create new interactive experiments

Google has been injecting machine learning into some of its products lately, and now it's mixing that technology with art.
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Google Play Music offers personalized playlists based on location, weather

The revamped version of Google Play Music taps machine learning to recommend appropriate songs, playlists, and albums at any given time of day.
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Gryphon is the smart router that will protect your home from cyberattacks

Gryphon is a Wi-Fi router with built-in real-time parental control and smart machine learning security that you can easily manage with a smartphone app.
ai surfs the web learning tv screens

Machine-learning system aggregates knowledge by surfing web for information

MIT researchers built a machine learning system that can learn and answer questions about subjects by scanning multiple sources and compiling the results.
endangered sea cow drones ml manatee at world orlando mar 10

Drones and machine learning combine to indentify, protect endangered sea cows

Researchers in Australia are using drones and machine learning technology to spot sea cows in their natural habit.
many old books in a book shop or library

Newly developed AI system can accurately judge a book by its cover

Researchers at Japan’s Kyushu University have trained a neural network to be able to predict which genre a book falls into simply by studying its cover.
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Can tech reduce our regrets? AI platform promises to help groups make better decisions

RobotVote draws on the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to guide groups of participants toward the best possible decisions.
sunflower home awareness system labs

Halt! A new home security system deploys a drone to patrol your property

Sunflower Home Awareness System combines outdoor smart light sensors with an aerial drone-based camera to let you know what's happening around your home.
printed glasses study

Stolen identity: A pair of printed glasses tricks facial-recognition software

Researchers recently conducted a study that concluded the right pair of glasses could trick facial-recognition software into thinking you are someone else.
neural networks explain themselves avaexmachina

MIT researchers are working to create neural networks that are no longer black boxes

Researchers at MIT are working to show that it is possible to train a neural network in such a way that it rationalizes its decisions.
MIT 'Nightmare Machine'

MIT’s Nightmare Machine uses AI to make ordinary photos skin crawling

MIT researchers' “Nightmare Machine” uses cutting-edge deep learning technology to conjure up images designed to scare the bejesus out of us.
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AI trained on court texts predicts outcome of trials with remarkable accuracy

The system is the first of its kind trained solely from on case text from a major international court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
man typing computer

Hackers could reconstruct your typing by listening to your keystrokes over Skype

Researchers have created a system capable of working out what a person is typing by listening to their keyboard strokes over Skype.