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How to cancel a Wyze subscription

Many Wyze products, including the new Wyze Cam Floodlight v2, provide you with local storage via a microSD card slot. This allows you to record footage without the need for a monthly subscription. However, signing up for a Wyze subscription gets you a bunch of useful bonuses — such as professional monitoring and smart alerts. But if you've decided you no longer need the extra features, you can cancel your plan at any time.

Here's a look at how to cancel your Wyze subscription through both the smartphone app and desktop website.




15 minutes

What You Need

  • Wyze smartphone app

  • Computer with internet access

A Wyze camera placed outside in the snow.

How to cancel your Wyze subscription on the Wyze website

If you purchased your Wyze subscription through the official Wyze website, you'll need to head back to the site to cancel your subscription. Doing so is simple.

Step 1: Navigate to the Wyze website.

Step 2: Log in to your account, using the button at the top right of the screen.

Step 3: Select Manage Subscription, then click Edit in the My Subscriptions tab.

Step 4: Select Cancel Subscription, then follow the on-screen prompts to confirm your selection.

Step 5: Note that your subscription will stay active until the end of your current pay period, but it won't renew after that time.

A person adjusting the Wyze Cam Floodlight v2.

How to cancel your Wyze subscription on the Wyze app

If you purchased your Wyze subscription using the Wyze smartphone app, you'll need to use the app to cancel your subscription. Keep in mind that these steps may vary slightly depending on whether you're using iOS or Android (and whether you're running the latest software), but the broad strokes remain the same. Here's what you need to know.

Step 1: Open the Wyze app.

Step 2: Select the Account button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Select the Services menu, then find the subscription you want to cancel.

Step 4: Select Edit Plan, then modify the quantity from 1 to 0.

Step 5: Confirm your selection by pressing Cancel Subscription, then finalize the process by following the on-screen prompts.

A person placing a Wyze sensor on a door.

What Wyze subscriptions are available?

Wyze offers three different subscriptions — Cam Plus, Cam Protect, and Home Monitoring. Cam Plus is the entry-level option, costing $1.67 per month per camera or $10 per month for unlimited cameras. It provides you with 14 days of cloud storage, Wyze Web View, and an unlimited event video length (compared to still images for users without a plan).

Stepping up to the Cam Protect subscription gets you a few additional features, including Friendly Faces Facial recognition and 24/7 professional monitoring. This service costs $3.99 per month per camera; unlike Cam Plus, there is no option to pay for unlimited cameras.

The final service offered by Wyze is Home Monitoring, which costs $10 per month. This service is designed for use with multiple Wyze products and is an alternative to other home security systems like ADT. Along with professional monitoring, it allows you to detect water leaks with water sensors, whether windows are open or closed, and even changes in temperature and humidity. There's also a battery backup feature to help keep you covered during power outages.

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Jon Bitner
Jon Bitner is a writer covering consumer electronics, technology, and gaming. His work has been published on various websites…
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