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All vehicle mods in Fortnite and how to use them

A fortnite car with a turret on the roof.
Epic Games

Vehicles have gotten a major upgrade in Fortnite with Chapter 5, Season 3. Instead of simply being a great way to get around the map faster, and occasionally run over an unlucky opponent, you can now add mods to your cars to turn them into deadly weapons. Since this season’s entire theme is centered around vehicular combat, you will be left in the dust if you don’t learn how to fully take advantage of all the new ways to kit out your ride. Thankfully, modifying your vehicle is much easier in Fortnite than in real life, so let us give you the rundown on all the vehicle mods and how they work.

All vehicle mods and how they work

Modding a vehicle in Fortnite is so simple you may even do it by accident the first time around. While you’re driving around the map, keep your eyes peeled for the vehicle mod crates lying around. These will have some text above them telling you which mod they are. Once you spot one, simply run it over to install that mod on your current car. You can also pick them up on foot and throw them at a vehicle to equip them that way.

Each vehicle can only have one mod per slot, and not all vehicles have the same number of slots. The SUV, for example, can equip any mod, but a dirt bike obviously can’t use one that uses the roof slot. Here are all the mods currently in Fortnite.

Roof mods

  • Machine Gun Turret
  • Grenade Launcher Turret

Front Bumper mods

  • Spiked Bumper
  • Cow Catcher

Tire mods

  • Bulletproof Tires
  • Chonkers Off-Road Tires

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Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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