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How to highlight objects in Baldur’s Gate 3

baldurs gate 3 twitch drops baldur s
Larian Entertainment

One of the first things you will become familiar with in Baldur's Gate 3 is just how much stuff there is. Yes, there are plenty of races, skills, and choices, but there are also items and things to interact with all over the world. Nearly everything you see can be picked up, read, moved, or otherwise interacted with, but that can make identifying the things worth paying attention to hard. Thankfully there's a handy way to easily know what items in the environment are what so you can streamline your looting across this massive RPG.. Here's how you can highlight objects in Baldur's Gate 3.



What You Need

  • A keyboard or Controller

A glowing tree with sussur blooms below it.
Larian Studios

How to highlight objects

Normally, you will only see the names of things you can interact with when you mouse over them. This is obviously quite laborious in dense areas. Instead, use this shortcut to point out everything you should pay attention to.

Step 1: Anytime out of combat, press and hold left alt on your keyboard or the right thumbstick on your controller by default.

Step 2: This will highlight most, but not all, objects in your current field of view. Objects with an asterisk by their name indicates you haven't looted that body, chest, or container yet. Most interactable elements will also be tagged, but there are some instances where you still need to search yourself to find hidden secrets.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox loves writing, games, and complaining about not having time to write and play games. He knows the names of more…
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